View Full Version : Will my dumb lack of action affect my Medical

23rd Jun 2023, 18:18

New here off a recommendation, so here’s the thing I got.

I have a 3rd class now, got my commercial recently and now I’m going for 1st so I can hopefully find some work.

However, one small thing. On the MedXpress form where it asks for dui history, it also asks if you’ve had any administrative actions resulting in the suspension of driving privileges.

I have a license from Moose country, and had a speeding ticket in the states with the court date lining up when I was out of the country. Called the court and they just told me to talk to the DA when I’m back.

Did all that, and got the charge reduced. Was told to pay within 14 days, though what he failed to mention to me was that the 14 day period started from the original court date, so when I went to pay it some week and a half later it already showed up as late along with a nice Failure to Appear fee.

I sent some emails to ticket service companies who just referred me to local offices instead of their services, and through all that I just thought I’d deal with it later since I have a foreign license and forgot all about it.

Come to find out they (shocker) suspended my privileges to drive in said state, so some time after I learned about that I paid it an it’s cleared up now.

My question is, what should I do? I got conflicting advice from AME offices, some saying I should say yes on that option and fill in the details in the text box, some saying click no and bring all relevant documentation to the appt.

What can I expect? What should I do? Just looking for some ears.

24th Jun 2023, 10:38
Question 18v - Legal & Medical Services (PPS) | AOPA (https://pilot-protection-services.aopa.org/news/2022/october/01/question-18v)

You might call AOPA, they have legal staff there to answer questions like this.

5th Jul 2023, 18:28
DO NOT EVER lie on an 8500-8 medical application.

If the feds detect a discrepancy, and determine it to be deliberate misrepresentation, you'll at best be invited to accept revocation of any and all certificates in return for the removal of the threat of federal felony charges and prison time.

A pardon or expungement does not make it a good idea to exclude information either, it will still be worse than frowned upon.

I know someone who this happened to and it was NOT pretty.

5th Jul 2023, 21:13
DO NOT EVER lie on an 8500-8 medical application.

If the feds detect a discrepancy, and determine it to be deliberate misrepresentation, you'll at best be invited to accept revocation of any and all certificates in return for the removal of the threat of federal felony charges and prison time.

A pardon or expungement does not make it a good idea to exclude information either, it will still be worse than frowned upon.

I know someone who this happened to and it was NOT pretty.

I initially followed the latter advice of putting no and then talking to the AME to figure out what to finally do, I went to the appointment with everything relevant to it and they changed the answer and filled in details relevant to it.

I got issued the medical, I think I'm good but we will see if anything comes in the 60 days, hoping not.