View Full Version : R44 Flight Check after 100Hrs/Annual

16th Jun 2023, 05:05
Im wondering why does R44 required flight check after every 100hrs/annual instead of EGR.

this in a new fleet coming to my office and their manual clearly state that you need to do flight check every 100hrs/annual.

other heli like 206,355 and BO105 only required to do EGR after every 100hrs/annual checks.

Is there any other reason apart from Robinson requirements?..

Im asking this question just to gather information and not against it.

17th Jun 2023, 13:43
Is there any other reason apart from Robinson requirements?...
No. The OEM writes the inspection programs or ICAs so it falls to them what is required. While its not common you'll find other OEMs require similar flight checks before inspections or include routine daily checks in the inspection program. This is dated info but for example, the EC135 has a flight check form requirement for the 800 hour inspection interval. And at one time the AS350/355 included the before and after flight checks as part of their overall maintenance inspection program so while it wasn't a true flight check you did start the inspection with a supposed serviceable aircraft.

18th Jun 2023, 08:43
No. The OEM writes the inspection programs or ICAs so it falls to them what is required. While its not common you'll find other OEMs require similar flight checks before inspections or include routine daily checks in the inspection program. This is dated info but for example, the EC135 has a flight check form requirement for the 800 hour inspection interval. And at one time the AS350/355 included the before and after flight checks as part of their overall maintenance inspection program so while it wasn't a true flight check you did start the inspection with a supposed serviceable aircraft.

One company I worked for always carried out a flight check prior to a maintenance input.
With private aircraft which you only saw once a year they were an unknown quantity.
On one occasion the vibration levels were so high the flight was abandoned.
After maintenance, tracking and balancing the owner came to pick it up and take it home.
He took off and returned to the airfield fairly quickly giving us a worrying few minutes.
Getting out he explained that it was now so smooth it felt like a totally different aircraft.
Apparently his previous maintenance organisation had told him that they all shook like that!!!!!!!!
Hughes 500