View Full Version : Looking for a job

3rd Jun 2023, 16:40
Good day dear guys
My name is Oleksandr Puriha, I am a professional aviator
I am living with family in Czech Republic because russian bombing amd destroying Ukraine
Due that me and family need to relocate to Europe.

So now I am looking for a job in aviation: from flight dispatcher to commercial pilot
I wish to relocate to USA (Canada) or maybe find a job in Europe.
An airline companies do not offer, there often need type rating or something else, I do not twist my nose just want to be realist.
I want to find a small (or just a soulful) company where I can develop.

My contact:
- [email protected]
- +420723591024

Thank you all for help!

5th Jun 2023, 05:59
Take a number and join the queue.

Not everyone who is reading this forum has been hired and not everyone had a great time reaching the same level as you. Many people had to relocate too far away from their families to find a job. Life is tough and unfair for many people. We are all paying for the wrong choices of our politicians. But this is not a political debate.

Unless you seek priority over all the members just because you are from Ukraine.

Anyway, Wizz Air launched a program for former Ukraine citizens but I don't know if it is still running. You can apply to every company that has open positions like everyone does. You can find jobs on LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media. If you are selected for an assessment, good luck!