View Full Version : Vale Ian Paull

28th May 2023, 12:53
Sad news, Ian “Scar” Paull passed early last week. Well known in the Australian industry, ex military and former CFI at Chopperline, amongst many other jobs. RIP.

Ascend Charlie
28th May 2023, 19:14
Had quite a lot to do with Ian when he was in CASA, he was one of our FOIs. Very fair, very sensible, very nice guy.

28th May 2023, 19:31
It happens to all of us eventually, but never a good day when it happens to a friend. I benefited from Ian’s experience during my NFVR flight test years ago, but I’ll never forget in the chopperline days doing low level training…..Ian smoking like a chimney throwing the butts out the door… could have been my first fielighting job! Vale.

Twist & Shout
31st May 2023, 06:18
Another industry legend passes.

1st Jun 2023, 00:25
Ian sent me solo many years ago. He was most definitely an industry legend and without a doubt a pilot with incredible knowledge. Our rotary community is worse off for Ian passing.

10th Jun 2023, 07:34
RIP legend