View Full Version : Next Generation Medium Helicopter Program

25th May 2023, 14:18
And hot in the heels of NGRC



25th May 2023, 20:22
How similar is this, I wonder, to the US's recent "future of vertical lift" approach?

26th May 2023, 00:40
Piasecki tried that in the past....


Jack Carson
26th May 2023, 13:54
This smacks of a rebirth of the NSHP 21 years later.

26th May 2023, 17:08
Lonewolf - likely absolutely nothing like it in ambition, technical risk or scope…..

26th May 2023, 21:55
How does the carrying of underslung loads figure. into all of this new tech and high speed cruise flight of the new generation of aircraft?

Moving Infantry rapidly is pretty straight forward....but how does one fetch in the artillery pieces and other support gear?

Can CAS (Close Air Support) accomplish that mission day and nigh?

What about bridging if that is needed.....how do you bring that to the fight?

What roles under consideration require actual helicopters that cannot be done by the new high tech aircraft?

Are helicopters for military use going the way of the Buffalo?

As Evaluator suggests perhaps this new medium helicopter study is not going to be concerned with such questions but if it is all about helicopters then certainly those questions should be considered.