View Full Version : German Airlines Collective Agreements

9th May 2023, 20:42
Hallo liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
mich interessieren deutsche Manteltarifverträge (MTV) sowie Vergütungstarifverträge (VTV) für "Cockpitpersonal",
insbesondere aus den Jahren 2014-2018, gerne aber auch aktuelle:
bei DLH (Deutsche Lufthansa AG), Lufthansa Cargo AG, CFG (Condor Flugdienst GmbH), Eurowings GmbH, EW Discover GmbH.
Darüber hinaus interessant wären Vereinbarungen mit den zuständigen Finanzbehörden bzgl. der Steuerfreiheit der in den Tarifverträgen genannten "Schichtzulagen".
Besten Dank im Voraus für die Unterstützung!

Dear Colleagues,

I am interested in the "Collective Agreements" for German Airline Pilots:
- Manteltarifvertrag (MTV) für Cockpitpersonal
- Vergütungstarifvertrag (VTV) für Cockpitpersonal
which were valid in the years from 2014 till 2018
(otherwise current ones could be helpful as well).

for the following German Airlines:

Deutsche Lufthansa AG (DLH)
Lufthansa Cargo AG (GEC)
Condor Flugdienst GmbH (CFG)
Eurowings GmbH (EWG)

Your kind support is appreciated - many thanks in advance :)

10th May 2023, 09:13
Your first post on this forum?
Do you need this info for an article in a paper?
Do you want to flip the public opinion again as you tried during our strike in oktober with the latest brainwash from our CFO? Let me guess, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung?

10th May 2023, 09:38
I am a pilot of bizjets, not a news guy ;)

10th May 2023, 12:08
Might i suggest you join Vereinigung Cockpit e.V. and then ask for those contracts? And even then they might not hand them out, as contractual issues might be covered under a basic NDA. Apart from that of course cultivating friendships in those companies can get direct inside information, but those are quite often just personal snapshots and do not explain everything. That said, CLA are quite often very complex and the important stuff can be quite hidden away in some cases.

BTW, one can just drop into VCs office in the MAC and pay them a visit, usually someone is around and able to talk to you.

10th May 2023, 12:25
„VC“ takes quite some money from the monthly salary but is designed for airline pilots. Doesn’t make sense for me to join them.
Note: in the internet one can find many court decisions which contain citations/extracts from “MTV” and “VTV”, but the part I am most interested in I couldn’t find there.