View Full Version : baulked or balked?????

Double Back
25th Apr 2023, 14:15
We are trying to find (for a checklist) if its balked or a baulked (landing). Both seem to be acceptable?
We have chosen to use the (UK) English as the language of choice, otherwise there are too many differences.

25th Apr 2023, 15:02
Baulked on an Airbus and balked on a Boeing?

25th Apr 2023, 15:03
baulk = snooker. balk = aviation.

26th Apr 2023, 00:29
Boeing 777 Baulked (Balked) Landing – Infinidim (https://www.infinidim.org/boeing-777-baulked-balked-landing)

27th Apr 2023, 09:39
757/767 FCTM says balked.

29th Apr 2023, 17:45
Balked is American English spelling, baulked is British English spelling - no other difference.

Double Back
7th May 2023, 15:22
We keep it at balked, thanks for the comments.

13th May 2023, 15:28
Balked would be pronounced with a hard "a' in English, as in Malcolm. As the word is actually pronounced with a suppressed 'a' as in wall Baulked is the better spelling.

14th May 2023, 00:21
The chicken yard was populated with distraught clucking hens. Their incessant baulking was a result of the rooster being debalked....

Hat, Coat, Limo :p

- Ed