View Full Version : EGLS Old Sarum Airfield under threat again.

3rd Apr 2023, 15:21
Sad to see that despite having beaten back the developers following a judicial inquiry and a high court case, they are back for another bite of the cherry, with an application imminent for 320 houses in two areas, plus business buildings added to an industrial park. Although they don’t like it referred to as such, this appears on the surface to be an enabling development to secure flying for the “foreseeable future” and to raise funds for the restoration of the now derelict and virtually collapsed WW1 hangar. The hangar is currently owned by a third party based overseas, so it is unclear who is ultimately responsible for its maintainance.

Despite promises of “high class homes Arts and Crafts homes in keeping with the era” the application looks like it will be outline, therefore there will be nothing to prevent sale of the whole site with planning permission if the owners are successful.

Operations have been wound down and noise nuisance reduced, according to the owners, following a deal with the old Salisbury council back in the early 2000s in exchange for some development, although this agreement does not appear to have been made public and the officers involved in this may well have now retired or moved on.

3rd Apr 2023, 16:41
Old Sarum, a memory of my youth! When I was on holiday from boarding school, as a CCF cadet, I regularly used to go to RAF Old Sarum with a Naval Lieutenant who was on the staff of the Schoof of Land Air Warfare there. I used to fly in the Royal Naval Firefire they had to play with! Went up to RAF Halton once with a Flt Lt pilot, who picked up a new SD Cap in London. I also used to fly in the Com Flight Chipmunks and one time, while waiting for the delayed Naval Commander pilot, who was on the staff, was talked into a Chipmunk dual trip instead of a planned ride in the RN Hiller helicopter. While we were doing aerobatica over Salisbury Plain, the Naval Hiller took off from Old Sarum, lost a rotor blade and crashed on Old Sarum Castle. What could be called a very lucky escape for me!

4th Apr 2023, 13:36
This is the latest missive as of 23 Mar 2023:
Further comments on the 'other' forum.

NB: Discussion should really be in 'Private Flying' if the MODs approve.