View Full Version : Thanking the mods

29th Mar 2023, 19:51
Not trying to be obsequious, but may I thank the mods who have removed a couple of my posts, for entirely correct and understandable reasons - thread drift etc but also took the time to message me to explain why. It’s actually really appreciated. If a post disappears and you’re not quite sure why, it’s great to have it clarified in order not to inadvertently slip up again.
I administer a Facebook page and know it can be a nightmare trying to keep a steady ship, keeping it fair and not to be be too heavy handed, whilst allowing lively debate from both sides! Blocking and deleting someone is always a last resort and I try to give fair warning if their behaviour is heading that way.

Your advice and recommendation via PM has been taken on board. :ok:

30th Mar 2023, 01:09
Hear hear! In much the same vein, I too have been impressed by the understanding, neutrality, light-handedness and the general quality of the mods here. Lang may their lums reek.