View Full Version : North Denes re-opening?

21st Mar 2023, 19:22
A new windsock has been seen flying.
In case you think it's a bit small, it has comparable declared distances to Netherthorpe and prior to its closure for fixed wing traffic, it had a thriving fixed wing flying training school and operated fixed wing pleasure flights; I've been trying to ascertain when it became a 'helicopter only' operation but it could have been as early as 1980 or as late as 1990.
North Denes (1980) was 582m for runway 10/28 and 381m for 18/36 whereas Netherthorpe is 552m for 06/24 and 382m for 18/36 .

22nd Mar 2023, 21:00
A new windsock has been seen flying.
In case you think it's a bit small, it has comparable declared distances to Netherthorpe and prior to its closure for fixed wing traffic, it had a thriving fixed wing flying training school and operated fixed wing pleasure flights; I've been trying to ascertain when it became a 'helicopter only' operation but it could have been as early as 1980 or as late as 1990.
North Denes (1980) was 582m for runway 10/28 and 381m for 18/36 whereas Netherthorpe is 552m for 06/24 and 382m for 18/36 .

The place turned into a bog during winter, not an ideal fixed wing site.
This article says 1983
This would tie in with my memory as we operated 365C's out of there on an adhoc basis around then and I don't think there were any fixed wing left..


Romeo Tango
29th Mar 2023, 10:18
On their web site:Yarmouth Heliport is maintaining and transitioning the strong aviation hallmark with the help of CAA to welcome drones, micro-lights and visiting rotary and fixed wing aircraft that can operate on a 600m illuminated grass runway.