View Full Version : First Officer: EZY to BA move?

15th Mar 2023, 12:22
Hey there,
I'm new to the forum and my apologies if I've posted this thread in the wrong section. I am currently an FO with easyJet based in London and recently I've noticed a lot of my colleagues moving to BA (not Euroflyer, mainline at Heathrow through direct entry)

​​​​​I'm 31 years of age and I'm wondering whether a move would be prudent given BA's emphasis on seniority. It'll most likely take me about another 3/4 years to get command at Easy, so I'm trying to weight up potential earnings alongside other important factors, such as work-life balance & company culture. I'm very happy at easyJet at the moment, I love the roster pattern & enjoy being back in my own bed most of the time with the occasional nightstop. My colleagues are great and the money is fine. However, I'm aware that I may not feel the same way in 20 years time and I don't want to let a good opportunity pass by while the BA recruitment window is open. Does anybody have any experience of making this transition? Would be very appreciative to hear your thoughts.

15th Mar 2023, 21:43
Hey there,
I'm new to the forum and my apologies if I've posted this thread in the wrong section. I am currently an FO with easyJet based in London and recently I've noticed a lot of my colleagues moving to BA (not Euroflyer, mainline at Heathrow through direct entry)

​​​​​I'm 31 years of age and I'm wondering whether a move would be prudent given BA's emphasis on seniority. It'll most likely take me about another 3/4 years to get command at Easy, so I'm trying to weight up potential earnings alongside other important factors, such as work-life balance & company culture. I'm very happy at easyJet at the moment, I love the roster pattern & enjoy being back in my own bed most of the time with the occasional nightstop. My colleagues are great and the money is fine. However, I'm aware that I may not feel the same way in 20 years time and I don't want to let a good opportunity pass by while the BA recruitment window is open. Does anybody have any experience of making this transition? Would be very appreciative to hear your thoughts.

Seniority is king at BA. At least going that way you can always just go back to Ezy. Not as simple leaving BA to dabble in Ezy, that’s a one-way move.

Sounds like at BA you can have a command by Tuesday if you’ve got the hours.

At 31 it seems compelling, though I’d agree you’d only really be interested in Heathrow

26th Mar 2023, 07:18
Made an almost identical move at the same age as you from London based orange to BA. Don’t regret the move personally, although some have.
Positives: Slightly better salary, much better pension and fringe benefits, more opportunities, more responsibility.
Negatives: Rubbish being junior, big company culture, inefficient operating systems (rostering, phone numbers that don’t work, list is endless)

Initially your lifestyle will be the same or even worse, but things gradually improve depending on when during the recruitment cycle you join.
Send me a PM for anything else.

26th Mar 2023, 14:17
Do Easy ever take people back? In the past they had a reputation for never doing so, to the point that it seemed a policy.
The only thing that would have prevented my making that move would be the home in own bed bit, for me that's the only downside. The rest is all positive in the long term, esp pension and fringe benefits.

19th Apr 2023, 18:22
Do Easy ever take people back? In the past they had a reputation for never doing so, to the point that it seemed a policy.
The only thing that would have prevented my making that move would be the home in own bed bit, for me that's the only downside. The rest is all positive in the long term, esp pension and fringe benefits.

As a current pilot with EZY, I asked this same question to some colleagues. There is a DEC returning to our base having left the company to BA (just prior to COVID and being made redundant). It is a very rare occurrence, but not impossible I guess.. this is one factor holding me back.

19th Apr 2023, 18:27
Hi everyone,

Currently in the final selection phase for BA DEP LHR, whilst a FO at EZY with another 5/6years to Command.

My family all live in the SW, so awaiting a transfer opportunity to Bristol should I stay at EZY to be closer to home.

Whilst BA looks ‘glamorous’ from the outside, I always know that the grass is greener. Has anyone who has made the move got any regrets at all? The thing attracting me is the possibility of Long Haul in the long term.. the thing putting me off is BA’s attitude (like Virgin) of cutting the leg to save the body, when it’s not needed, if any trouble arises.

Being seniority based, I don’t want to jump ship and suddenly be out a job… Any advice would be amazing!

30th Sep 2023, 19:08
cutting the leg to save the body, when it’s not needed, if any trouble arises.

Being seniority based, I don’t want to jump ship and suddenly be out a job… Any advice would be amazing!
Which company doesn’t cut legs in case of need?