View Full Version : META and IRTE on basis of FAA CFI-ME-II

10th Mar 2023, 16:50
I hold an expired Australian Instructor Rating and after decades overseas and returning to Australia.
Would anyone know what CASA's attitude is towards exemptions from training requirements for
Multi Engine Training Approval, Instrument Rating Training Approval, Aerobatics and Spin training?

I hold an FAA Instructor, Multi-Engine Instructor and Instrument Instructor ratings,
In Canada I held a Class 1 Aerobatic instructor rating, Float Rating , and a King Air Type rating.
Also hold a valid ARN, ASIC approval but need a fresh medical that is not worth doing until I arrive back in Aus.
I used to hold a low level aerobatic approval however CASA advised they could not find a record of it
or even a record of spin training. My multi- type endorsements expired ME instrument rating and 2 instructor rating did show up.

The King Air required a week long multi-crew training in a Flight Safety simulator in Wichita KS.
I'm filing in the CASA form 61-4A and the fees add up to $630 just to have CASA tell you what they want you to do.

I expected to have to do the flight tests but am hoping that I would get a break on the training course requirements.

Would anyone know how CASA handle the above?

PM's welcome.
PS just noticed my mail box does not allow messages for reasons unknown
Email Ramjet555 at Gmail.com

engine out
10th Mar 2023, 17:47
Flying schools can apply accelerated competency to the training paths. After an assessment flight they can see what you need to do and tailor it to your needs. Who really knows what CASA will ask for on any given day.

10th Mar 2023, 17:55
Hi Engine out,
Thank you for the reply
Can you pm me at ramjet555 at gmail?

10th Mar 2023, 20:31
Thanks Engine out.
Would anyone have a link to the CASA "accelerated competency form "?

Office Update
10th Mar 2023, 20:40
Whatever CASA tell you; obtain the said info in writing. However any pertinent info from CASA is only valid whilst the ink is wet.
Never trust CASA !

The post above from 'engine out' is the best option.

Depending on your age, and physical situation; I would suggest you obtain your Class One medical first. On the basis of your statement 'away for decades' you will find the onerous medical standards are applied seemingly without mercy. ECG, Stress ECG, depending on weight, BMI etc a sleep apnoea test is possible. This can run into $ thousands.

CASA will require a letter from Canadian and or FAA authorities stating the last known status of your licences and ratings. Any SIM checks from CASA recognised organisations likwise. CASA will not do this for you. This is very time consuming and can take more than a few months. The letters are generally sent direct to CASA.

10th Mar 2023, 20:50
I've just spent hours searching CASA documents and the only place I can find "accelerated competency" mentioned is in a Part 141 course.
I also found it mentioned in a flight school web page on a Mult-engine endorsement but not in regards to a Multi-engine training endorsement or Instrument Training endorsement. One document I found that mentioned "accelerated competency" stated it must be demonstrated on two separate flights in lesson plan and training record documents. I have yet to find a link to "the accelerated competency FORM"