View Full Version : Dennis Kenyon memorial drink up.

6th Mar 2023, 16:55
I hear a gathering has been arranged at Shoreham as a remembrance to Dennis K in mid April.
If anyone on here is interested in going then I can try and find out a bit more.
I gather it’s an evening event at Shoreham Airport.
Reply to the thread if you’re interested. Ta.

6th Mar 2023, 21:39
I hear a gathering has been arranged at Shoreham as a remembrance to Dennis K in mid April.
If anyone on here is interested in going then I can try and find out a bit more.
I gather it’s an evening event at Shoreham Airport.
Reply to the thread if you’re interested. Ta.

First contact with DK was whilst attending a Shoreham display and saw an Enstrom shooting skywards whilst doing 'spirited turns, always remembered that. Met him several times after that but never heard about the 'Suez' incident first hand. PC