View Full Version : Sky TV - Satellite v glass v stream

19th Feb 2023, 08:59
Sky are offering new ways to watch their platform. Personally on a demo I found the glass tv very bulky, stream was ok but both couldn't record your favourite programmes. I was told to use iplayer itvx etc, but much of it is in standard definition. No thanks, I'll stick to my satalitte Q box.
What do you think?

19th Feb 2023, 09:04
I've not looked beyond satellite, as I don't want to put all my eggs in one broadband basket. Not being able to record programmes would be a non-starter for me. They may be available in other places, but who needs the hassle?

terrain safe
19th Feb 2023, 20:04
I've got stream, with 4 boxes in the Lounge, Kitchen, Bedroom and Office. All very good and I like that I can use it everywhere. As for recording just use catchup.

Ancient Observer
20th Feb 2023, 16:48
Quite clear for me - the Sky Q box is fine for me, and if I want it mobile, or in a different room, the Sky apps on both Apple and Android work fine.

Herr Bus
21st Feb 2023, 05:06
Sky engineer told me that unless you have super fast fibre broadband that it will cause everything else to slow to a crawl. I have not so it's a no for me

21st Feb 2023, 08:34
Sky engineer told me that unless you have super fast fibre broadband that it will cause everything else to slow to a crawl. I have not so it's a no for me

yup - you really want the optical cable right to the house and even then it noticeable if someone decides to log in to their Netflix account