View Full Version : Taiwan Class 1 Medical

16th Feb 2023, 17:02
Has anyone had recent experience with the Class 1 aeromedical in Taiwan? The last post I could find on here was from 2012. What is there additional to the EASA medicals? TIA

BAe 146-100
16th Feb 2023, 23:55
If you go on the Taiwan CAA website there is a pdf on there which tells you what is involved with the medical.

More blood work is involved then with EASA and more stricter parameters to do with vision and in general. Think more close to the China medical standards rather then EASA and that is about right. Not impossible but not a walk in the park either, if something is wrong they will know about it.

17th Feb 2023, 08:03
Google translated a page for me that gives details on the standards but not the tests. I've never had a medical refusal for any reason so I'm not worried I won't pass - more concerned as to how much I'm going to be prodded and poked beyond what's done for EASA. A colleague told me he was asked to do a "naked crab walk" physical test for a Chinese Medical, which seems unnecessarily degrading.