View Full Version : Moving to UK or Ireland as a pilot

15th Feb 2023, 16:19
Any American pilots ever move to the UK or Ireland and if so how’s the QOL? How did you get sponsored? How hard was the move? What’s the money like? Who do you fly for? What are your working day? Are you able to support your family? Is the economy in Europe really gonna collapse and everyone is gonna homeless? I know license transfer can be a pain and that’s on list but I have some general questions first. I know like flexjet has an American side and European side. Figured that might be something to look at.

16th Feb 2023, 15:58
I have only dealt with airlines in the UK/EU (not sure if you are interested in this side of the industry). From my own experience and that of a few others I’ve spoken to, the airlines over here are absolutely and categorically not interested in interviewing non-EU/UK passport holders. They seem to systematically filter out candidates who don’t match their nationality criteria ie European, regardless of each candidate’s unique circumstances (type of visa held etc).

If you do have permanent residency however, it *might* work in your favour in some rare cases. I have heard of a non-EU pilot working for a business jet outfit on permanent residency. Perhaps carriers whose bases aren’t spread everywhere across the EU might consider you (in theory. If they really are equal opportunity employers).

Never heard of a company sponsoring a pilot’s visa.

17th Feb 2023, 11:35
I'm an Australian with British ancestry and I moved to the UK 22 years ago.
First thing, sponsored? As in someone sponsoring a visa? Unless you have exceptional experience/talent, it probably won't happen. You'll need ancestral rights or a spouse with them.
There are ways of immigrating but you'll need to check the respective country's websites.
License conversion costs depends on what you have already experience and license wise. It's not cheap. Ireland is still in the EU, the UK is no longer. Therefore, that will affect what license you go for.

I fly for NetJets Europe and I'm on over €150,000. A compatriot of yours works for NetJets America and she's on well over $220,000 (FO, I'm a captain).
Economy collapse? Who knows? Might do. Might not.
Definitely can feed myself on that income. Not a problem at all.