View Full Version : Getting first Pilot job as a new CPL

10th Feb 2023, 03:29

I recently got my FAA CPL-MEIR and is looking for ways to get my first job. I am not from the US so I can't find employment in the US at this time.

Can anyone share their expertise? I am willing to fly for anyone as I can use this opportunity to build up my hours.

Thank you.

11th Feb 2023, 10:58
I myself is in a similar situation in Europe, though I have work permit but still limited to the country I reside currently.
Sorry to say this but you are in for a rough ride. Getting license is not even the half of the journey to the first right seat of anything that flies. (Unless you have a good connection or come from a pilot family)
This is especially harder for FAA license holder since they do not have subjects completed, to my understandings.
Well, good luck for all those non-American and non-European pilot wannabes out there.