View Full Version : Getjet Airlines

2nd Feb 2023, 15:52
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone here is flying (or has flown) for GetJet Airlines. I haven't found much info there. I am in contact with them, new T&Cs in place as of March, they don't look so bad. New roster pattern as well (23 days included positioning in the base of operations, 8 days OFF home, etc, they pay the positioning each time to/from your home to/from base of operation).

I would appreciate to get any kind of information, I just received some figures but nothing very concrete, I understood that a position there can be very flexible and different from month to month.

Feel free to share any feedbacks, or to contact me in PM. I'd be happy to share information I got from them as well (T&C and expected roster patterns).


10th Oct 2023, 08:23
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone here is flying (or has flown) for GetJet Airlines. I haven't found much info there. I am in contact with them, new T&Cs in place as of March, they don't look so bad. New roster pattern as well (23 days included positioning in the base of operations, 8 days OFF home, etc, they pay the positioning each time to/from your home to/from base of operation).

I would appreciate to get any kind of information, I just received some figures but nothing very concrete, I understood that a position there can be very flexible and different from month to month.

Feel free to share any feedbacks, or to contact me in PM. I'd be happy to share information I got from them as well (T&C and expected roster patterns).


Hi Max

I’m currently in the process of getting an A320 Type Rating. I would like to know a little bit more about GetJet, as I couldn’t find much information. Could you help and share your knowledge and/or T&C?

Thanks a lot

10th Oct 2023, 21:18
Hi Max

I’m currently in the process of getting an A320 Type Rating. I would like to know a little bit more about GetJet, as I couldn’t find much information. Could you help and share your knowledge and/or T&C?

Thanks a lot

Hi Gustav,

I have old figures they sent me months ago on the 737. Provide me with an email address in PM and I can send you the pdf if you're interested

Contract was via a staffhub aero, positioning paid by the airline, 20/10 roster, nearest international airport so home base, salary different in high and low season. Open-ended contract. I have a few more info on this PDF but best thing is to ask them directly.

I had a chat with a guy who flew there, he had a good time, nice colleagues and atmosphere. Pros is the NIA contract so you can be home, cons are the classic ones that come along with such ACMI operations. I can't give my opinion as I didn't join but did have the interview with them and they were very nice


11th Oct 2023, 08:26
Hi Max

Thank you very much for the information you provided. That was very nice of you!

I can’t send you a PM, but my e-mail is [email protected]


31st Oct 2023, 22:04
Has anyone applied there as a cadet and know what the conditions are?

8th Jun 2024, 21:16
Anyone wiling to share some information about the pay for captain with GetJet?

10th Jun 2024, 14:19
Latest I heard is 10000€ summer, 5500€ winter, 25€ block hour summer and winter. All gross figures. Nothing else.
Stand to be corrected, of course, as it is third hand information.