View Full Version : Over 65

31st Jan 2023, 14:56
No not can I fly on… just wondering what to do afterwards. Pension doesn’t kick in until 67…probably 68 by next year..don’t fancy gardening and can’t play golf. I’d like to work as fit and able. No sim thanks. Done my TRE time enough! How do I prepare myself?

Any ideas beyond charities? Something to stimulate the brain and provide reasonable pocket money. Preferably non aviation. What have others done?

31st Jan 2023, 15:13
A friend of mine is very involved in running invertebrate surveys on local rivers. He is a very keen angler but this has rather overtaken that; he spends a good chunk of his time surveying his patch and helping others survey theirs. I can ask how he got involved if you want.

31st Jan 2023, 18:38
I’m presently spending much of my time doing DIY around the house. Just fitted a towel radiator to replace a standard one and a new extractor fan in the bathroom.

My main hobby though, seems to be restoring old cars and motorcycles. I have to, as an OAP I can’t afford to buy new ones….

It’s much more fun anyway ;). I’m in the process of making a replacement chassis crossmember, cutting and welding kit out tomorrow if the weather is ok.

The other thing I’ve taken to is bread making. Very simple to do it, very satisfying and we’ve not bought any for some weeks, only flour and yeast. Tomorrow’s loaf has just come out of the oven - it smells delicious!

Oh yes, also fixed up and regulated two old clocks for my wife’s elderly mother today. Polished up a lovely little brass French carriage clock which was given to her father on his 21st birthday in 1917 and to her on her 21st in 1947. It will be inherited by my daughter in due course (although it’s now a few years after her 21st).

Soon be time to get some gardening done, too…..

Its true that you never get a day off once you retire.

1st Feb 2023, 15:23
No not can I fly on… just wondering what to do afterwards. Pension doesn’t kick in until 67…probably 68 by next year..don’t fancy gardening and can’t play golf. I’d like to work as fit and able. No sim thanks. Done my TRE time enough! How do I prepare myself?

Any ideas beyond charities? Something to stimulate the brain and provide reasonable pocket money. Preferably non aviation. What have others done?

Nowadays there are a lot of things you can study and learn online and start making money.

The digital marketing field has plenty of opportunities and allows you to work remotely in most cases. A few examples of things you can learn by watching videos/tutorials online or buying online courses. Within 1 year of studies you can already start making some money:

- Video edition
- Graphic Design
- Copywriting
- Traffic/Ads Manager
- Web Design

Yellow Sun
1st Feb 2023, 20:21
Have a look for some of the lesser known voluntary activities, for example Locate International. (https://locate.international/) Depending where you live, the National Coastwatch Institution (https://www.nci.org.uk/) is another possibility. Look for the possibility of doing something different.


70 Mustang
4th Feb 2023, 19:15
Getting back into TERPS and PANS-OPS!! :8