View Full Version : Logbook madness

Smooth Airperator
21st Jan 2023, 17:50
Just a thought...

When applying for a new job, the key numbers they are looking for is 1) Hours on type and in the case of Captains, 2) PIC hours on type. They don't want to see your sim hours mixed with your Total Flight Time.

Not a single logbook format out there that sensibly conveys this information. Granted you can't create a column for every type of aircraft but 99% of us in commercial aviation only ever fly 2 or 3 types in our careers. So why are we catering for the 1%?

Logbook formats are woefully out of date and need to change with the times.

21st Jan 2023, 17:54
They have, it's called an electronic logbook.

21st Jan 2023, 18:56
+1 for electronic logbooks. I am keeping a paper logbook as a backup that I regularly keep up to date with my electronic logbook, but it is now pointless. I got my job with an electronic logbook and my current and previous authorities never had issues with it.

By the way, at the end of the popular Jeppesen logbook, you have pages dedicated to logging type related hours.

Smooth Airperator
22nd Jan 2023, 02:26
Not so fast guys! I'm electronic for almost 20 years. Even with electronic logbooks, airlines still need the last 3 or 4 pages which we do via using the electronic logbook "print" function. So despite collecting all this beautiful data, we absolutely undo all the hard work because every electronic logbook app out there adopts the same useless CAP or EASA FCL formats.

22nd Jan 2023, 13:37
What software are you using? I use PILOTLOG and it can generate a multitude of reports in various formats, not just FCL formats i.e. by type rating, by model and variant, by condition time, or any other query the user sets up.

By type rating or model and variant, hours are divided in PIC, Co-Pilot and Dual. I believe you can set up customised fields as well, but I haven't played much with queries.

22nd Jan 2023, 15:52
I used electronic logbook for 7 years.

LogTen pro. Yes it’s expensive but once set up correctly it’s easy.

ATPL for CAA no problem. That was the last time I printed the whole lot. Applying for jobs usually last 3 pages. Can print another page showing full break down of hours on different types. Has the ability to show FAA/EASA style. Under Logbook select Reports and knock yourself out. Can get a nice pie chart to print off if you really want.
Takes about 10 seconds.

22nd Jan 2023, 20:33
Only ever used LogTen and they’re brilliant. Anytning you’re struggling with drop them a message and they will sort it out for you. Quite expensive but you get what you pay for.

numerous CAAs have no issue with LogTen and airlines will happily take printed LogTen (last 3-5 pages) aswell as PDFs on applications.

5th Feb 2023, 06:17
Everything is possible with the electronic stuff but the point being made I guess is that a commercial pilot logbook ought to default to clearly showing time on type and PIC time on type. We shouldn't have to play with the format. The philosophy that SEP and MEP breakdown is the best way needs correcting. Those numbers matter for student pilots. They are worthless metrics for an experienced pilot or an airline recruitment department. Personally I'd like to see number of sectors too. Metrics that actually matter and define a pilot as much as flight hours sat in cruise.

5th Feb 2023, 08:32
I've only used the Jeppesen paper logbook format compliant to EASA Part-FCL and I'm not familiar with other formats, but in the latter pages of the logbook there are forms dedicated to logging type related hours. This would meet the OP's request when duly filled.

5th Feb 2023, 17:12
I use a logbook to record my hours for me. I don't do it for the purpose of job hunting, it is a record of my career, of how I have spent a huge part of my life. It does this adequately. I have taken Jeppesen log books to 2 interviews, there was no problem.

6th Feb 2023, 19:03
LogTen pro gets 5* from me.

I didn’t realised people logged sim time once they get a decent amount of hours, I thought it was just used by newbies to bump up their numbers for airline minimums?

7th Feb 2023, 09:17
I have never counted sim hours for job applications.