View Full Version : Aero 45 and 145 Manuals

18th Jan 2023, 03:28
Hello all,
I run Aeroplane Heaven and we build high definition 3D aircraft for flight simulators and have been doing so for 22 years.
In that time I rarely have had a problem acquiring reference and data for subjects but this time I am drawing blanks.
We have been commissioned to produce accurate simulations of the Aero Vodochody Ae-45 and 145 aircraft. I am in desperate need of pilot manuals and handbooks and any technical data in manual form.

Can anyone help me here?


18th Jan 2023, 10:21
Morning Baz.
I remember two Australian brothers flying two Aero 45's from the factory in Czechoslovakia back to Australia in 1960/1. I was on 152 sqn (RAF) based at Bahrain and was on standby one night when I was called out in a Pembroke to find an Aero 45 that was lost over Saudi Arabia northwest of Bahrain . The pilot was being helped by an Aramco DC4 which was getting low on fuel. We found the Aero 45 after about one hour searching (with landing lights) and escorted him to Bahrain, where he burst a main tyre on landing. While we were airborne the other Aero 45 had landed at Bahrain and we eventually all ended up in the RAF Officers mess having a few beers! I remember the brothers owned a garage in Sydney and were venturing into aircraft sales with the two Aero 45s as their first venture. Their manuals must be in Oz somewhere.

18th Jan 2023, 10:52
Morning Baz.
I remember two Australian brothers flying two Aero 45's from the factory in Czechoslovakia back to Australia in 1960/1. I was on 152 sqn (RAF) based at Bahrain and was on standby one night when I was called out in a Pembroke to find an Aero 45 that was lost over Saudi Arabia northwest of Bahrain . The pilot was being helped by an Aramco DC4 which was getting low on fuel. We found the Aero 45 after about one hour searching (with landing lights) and escorted him to Bahrain, where he burst a main tyre on landing. While we were airborne the other Aero 45 had landed at Bahrain and we eventually all ended up in the RAF Officers mess having a few beers! I remember the brothers owned a garage in Sydney and were venturing into aircraft sales with the two Aero 45s as their first venture. Their manuals must be in Oz somewhere.

Wow! what a great story. I've got to know the Aero 45 quite intimately working on this project and the aeroplane has really grown on me. Very advanced for its time with many unusual and novel features, the history of its birth and development makes an excellent read. I suppose it has a lot to do with the traditional Eastern bloc approach but I do find it extremely frustrating that there is so little official information available. It has to be out there somewhere.

18th Jan 2023, 10:57
Australian Aero 45s (http://www.goodall.com.au/australian-aviation/aero145/aero45.html) on Geoff Goodall's site...

18th Jan 2023, 12:31
Lovely aeroplane a frequent visitor to Port Lincoln where John Doudy gave me my Tiger Moth check out 3rd November 1963. I've sent an email to an operator of a 145 to see if he has a copy available.

18th Jan 2023, 19:44
That's quite a story! Thanks for sharing. Stay safe.

20th Jan 2023, 11:06
BAZ, I have just looked at my old log book and found the SAR flight. July 5th 1960 - Flight time 1.55 night and I even put down the Aero 45 registration number - VH-DUB

22nd Jan 2023, 04:42
BAZ, I have just looked at my old log book and found the SAR flight. July 5th 1960 - Flight time 1.55 night and I even put down the Aero 45 registration number - VH-DUB

VH-DUB finally made it to Australia and flew for the next 15 years in different hands. She was written off in 1975 following a wheels-up forced landing. Parts used to rebuild other viable 45s.

23rd Jan 2023, 01:04
VH-DUH still flying and is available for endorsements, is the organisation I approached for flight manual copy but no reply as yet.

About US (http://www.theoldaeroclub.com/The_Old_Aero_Club/About_Us.html)

23rd Jan 2023, 07:55
VH-DUB finally made it to Australia and flew for the next 15 years in different hands. She was written off in 1975 following a wheels-up forced landing. Parts used to rebuild other viable 45s.

I am pleased to hear that it had a good life in Australia. One after effect of that night's adventure was I was in big trouble for taking the two Australians into the Officers Mess bar while I was still wearing uniform, which was banned after seven o clock. The President of the Officers Mess was the very unpopulat boss of my 152 sqn, who happened to visit from his hiring down town that night. End result, I was banned from the bar for a month for being in it improperly dressed. I managed to escape to RAF Sharjah, in the Trucial States for a month when I took a Twin Pioneer down there. However, my boss had managed to talk the idiot running RAF Sharjah into banning me down there! So I used the very friendly Trucial Oman Scouts Sergeants mess bar instead. A few months after the Aero 45 incident the boss of 152 sqn was sent back to UK in disgrace for lieing about an accident he had in a Pembroke. The squadron returned to its normal happy state after that.

Sue Vêtements
1st Feb 2023, 21:55
Australian Aero 45s (http://www.goodall.com.au/australian-aviation/aero145/aero45.html) on Geoff Goodall's site...

From that site "The general lines have been compared with the wartime German Heinkel He 111"

...but I'd say "maybe, but way more similar to a Dragon Rapide"

2nd Feb 2023, 05:10
G-APRR masqueraded as a Heinkle 111 at airshows for a while during the.1980s.

4th Feb 2023, 08:57
The only one I know still around is suspended from the roof in Prague airport terminal.


4th Feb 2023, 09:41
Yes I see the ersatz Heinkel 'PRR came to a sticky end at Blackbushe a while back. Always associate Elstree with Aeros for sone reason.

4th Feb 2023, 09:51
That Aero 45 looks very nice, hanging up at Prague Airport. I remember trying to get VH-DUB to formate loosely on my Pembroke over the Saudi desert looking very small and very lost in the dark night sky.

5th Feb 2023, 08:13
What a beautiful aircraft, all new to me.

I guess that it was the universal adoption of tricycle undercarriage that made all modern light twins look like Cessna 310s, to pick a random example.

8th Feb 2023, 09:14
Always associate Elstree with Aeros for sone reason.

I was a weekend 'hangar rat' at Elstree in the early 1970s and remember G-APRR, G-ASWS, G-ASYY and G-ATBH.
Stephen Brod, Bill Grimes and Mike Searle were some of the pilots.

I got a ride to Ostend and back in SWS, around 1973?
Unfortunately, Bill and three other occupants were killed when SWS crashed after takeoff-off at Lydd in 1978.

9th Feb 2023, 03:01
Mission accomplished!

A good soul by the name of Rait Kalda who is based in Estonia, has provided me with a PDF of his manual for the 45S he is restoring, produced in English. It has everything I need including NACA profiles and balance configurations for the flight model and a swag of interesting info to help with finishing the geometry models. I couldn't be happier. Thanks to all who put effort into this. Later this year the model will be released for Microsoft Flight Simulator so anybody who flies the sim, keep an eye out for this gorgeous little twin.

13th Feb 2023, 17:47
My dad flew the 45 in Eastern Europe in the 50s and 60s and, not having had the opportunity to fly with him (he had to take early retirement after an accident when I was very young) or even see the aircraft up close, I'm looking for any related documentation that would help me learn more about it and understand a bit more about the life and times of my dad - Bazzarius I wondered if you'd be prepared to share the manual you were able to track down? I promise I do not make models for flight simulators :)

Many thanks

14th Feb 2023, 01:32
Congratulations Bazzarius, being a collector would it be possible to beg a copy? [email protected]

sobester, you'll need to provide your email for Bazzarius to be able to provide the information should he so desire.

14th Feb 2023, 08:51
There is one French pilot that owns an Aero 45, will send him a msg ….don’t know if he flies her with a book …😊

25th Apr 2024, 12:35
Morning Baz.
I remember two Australian brothers flying two Aero 45's from the factory in Czechoslovakia back to Australia in 1960/1. I was on 152 sqn (RAF) based at Bahrain and was on standby one night when I was called out in a Pembroke to find an Aero 45 that was lost over Saudi Arabia northwest of Bahrain . The pilot was being helped by an Aramco DC4 which was getting low on fuel. We found the Aero 45 after about one hour searching (with landing lights) and escorted him to Bahrain, where he burst a main tyre on landing. While we were airborne the other Aero 45 had landed at Bahrain and we eventually all ended up in the RAF Officers mess having a few beers! I remember the brothers owned a garage in Sydney and were venturing into aircraft sales with the two Aero 45s as their first venture. Their manuals must be in Oz somewhere.
Delighted to hear this story. Recently we acquired the last surviving Aero 145 VH-DUH from Australia and flew her back to Czech similar routing like in 1961 when deliverd by Keith and Peter Virtue to Australia. Richard RAF Station Czechoslovakia

25th Apr 2024, 12:40
Hi Bazzarius I would appreciate a contact to Rait Kalda in effort to get together all Aero owners. Thank you Richard RAF Station Czechoslovakia Aero 145 VH-DUH

26th Apr 2024, 06:53
Delighted to hear this story. Recently we acquired the last surviving Aero 145 VH-DUH from Australia and flew her back to Czech similar routing like in 1961 when deliverd by Keith and Peter Virtue to Australia. Richard RAF Station Czechoslovakia

The Aero 45 we escorted to Bahrain was VH-DUB on July 5th 1960.