View Full Version : Airline Pilot Club (APC) - what is it?

13th Jan 2023, 15:33
It's set up by former Ryanair Chief Pilot Andy O'Shea, and its stated goal is to help people from all backgrounds become professional pilots (not just at Ryanair, apparently).

First, I'm not sure what the "all backgrounds" bit means, as to my knowledge, it doesn't provide any scholarships. It seems to be a website built to funnel potential student pilots into particular "APC approved" flight schools, where they enter "mentored" programmes.

I'm currently completing my PPL, and I'm trying to figure out whether I should continue going the modular route, or whether going to an "APC approved flight school" and being and APC member will confer any benefits when applying to airlines.

Do any insiders here have some thoughts they could share on what the business model of APC could be, and whether it would provide any benefit to a student pilot aspiring to be hired by an airline?

16th Jan 2023, 08:43
It's set up by former Ryanair Chief Pilot Andy O'Shea, and its stated goal is to help people from all backgrounds become professional pilots (not just at Ryanair, apparently).

First, I'm not sure what the "all backgrounds" bit means, as to my knowledge, it doesn't provide any scholarships. It seems to be a website built to funnel potential student pilots into particular "APC approved" flight schools, where they enter "mentored" programmes.

I'm currently completing my PPL, and I'm trying to figure out whether I should continue going the modular route, or whether going to an "APC approved flight school" and being and APC member will confer any benefits when applying to airlines.

Do any insiders here have some thoughts they could share on what the business model of APC could be, and whether it would provide any benefit to a student pilot aspiring to be hired by an airline?

It seems that the only mentored program they have is with a school in Switzerland. APC will not probably not benefit you when applying to airlines - choose a program tagged by an airline directly without going through APC