View Full Version : Easyjet U.K First Officer Salaries

31st Dec 2022, 18:28

I am an FO on the A320 and been offered employment with EasyJet U.K on a 100% contract with flexible roster.

Starting salary is 55,579K and paying 90% of this salary for the first 6 months with a 5K training bond. Sector pay 21.00 pounds per sector.

Senior First Officer is 68K but no upgrade possible until 2 years service complete.

I am currently working for a ACMI company and the basic is 60K, therefore EasyJet are offering less.

With all the sector pay and allowances, can anyone give me an idea of the take home pay?

I did think Easyjet were going to offer a higher basic and I am unsure whether to take the position.

31st Dec 2022, 19:06

I am an FO on the A320 and been offered employment with EasyJet U.K on a 100% contract with flexible roster.

Starting salary is 55,579K and paying 90% of this salary for the first 6 months with a 5K training bond. Sector pay 21.00 pounds per sector.

Senior First Officer is 68K but no upgrade possible until 2 years service complete.

I am currently working for a ACMI company and the basic is 60K, therefore EasyJet are offering less.

With all the sector pay and allowances, can anyone give me an idea of the take home pay?

I did think Easyjet were going to offer a higher basic and I am unsure whether to take the position.

Not an Ezy pilot, am uk based however so semi aware ish of the tax implications. This link (https://www.thesalarycalculator.co.uk/salary.php) is the best uk tax calculator I think there is. Breaks it all down for you and allows pension contributions etc. if you just assume all the income is taxable it’ll work. Throw 300 sectors in, it’ll be sort of about right, ish.

I think they may be pretty similar for a bit but look at the long game. Ezy UK as a captain, that’s very good. No idea who your operator is, unless you spent the early part of this year flying boxes to Brussels for Virgin perhaps, but I’d suggest the terms Ezy are offering are likely to be better. Not guaranteed to be, but likely.

31st Dec 2022, 22:08
You can’t compare an ACMI to EZY. Take EZY without question! I don’t think the ACMI will offer a pension or have as bright a future as EZY

1st Jan 2023, 12:06
With all the sector pay and allowances, can anyone give me an idea of the take home pay?

FO including sector pay is on average £3700 take home and SFO around 4300. After 2 years as an FO you'll upgrade to SFO and you can take a fixed roster pattern of 5/4/5/3. Once you've got 3000 factored hours you can apply for and upgrade and command pay in the UK from April 1st will be £117k + sector (approx 14k) + loyalty pay (5/10/15% dependent on service length).

​​​​​​​I did think Easyjet were going to offer a higher basic and I am unsure whether to take the position.

If you're happy doing ACMI work then stay where you are. For more choices in the long term, job stability, command prospects, fixed roster etc then easyJet is a no brainer. If you simply want to sell out to the highest bidder in the short term then apply to someone like Emirates.

White Van Driver
3rd Jan 2023, 10:18
You can’t compare an ACMI to EZY. Take EZY without question! I don’t think the ACMI will offer a pension or have as bright a future as EZY

What is the pension on offer at Ezy?

Can a new hire start as SFO, or do you have to do your 2 years as FO first regardless?


3rd Jan 2023, 19:55
EZY puts 7% of salary into pension. If you meet the hours for SFO then in theory it should be possible as has happened plenty in the past.

For the thread starter, as others have pointed out not really comparable to ACMI. Contract work "should" attract a higher rate of pay as 9 times out of 10 pay is all you get. At EZY you get basic pay, sector pay, holiday pay, sick pay, Loss of licence at 1.3 times salary, Uniform ( no laughing at the back ), crew food ( I said NO laughing ), death in service benefit, staff travel, share schemes, medical fully funded, 20 days paid leave with wrap around days off in a flexible roster so 5 days leave gives you 9 days off, a preference bidding system for duty types, early/late etc, paid car parking at home base, sector pay for positioning, a GDO bidding scheme where flexible rosters can bid for "guaranteed days off" and a bonus scheme that seems to pay out at max when we make a loss it seems. Fixed pattern roster when appropriate is good, you have a fairly comprehensive scheduling agreement that pays you for accepting changes to your roster within defined parameters or you can refuse - but the most significant factor, and what makes most of the above exist and saved many many skins during Covid is EZY UK is strongly represented by BALPA with a very high % of UK pilots members. They also have your back when things don't go quite as planned and whist not perfect have assisted many in EZY. Regional bases as well if paying for a flat share with 17 others in LGW area is not your thing.

15th Jan 2023, 22:44
FO including sector pay is on average £3700 take home and SFO around 4300. After 2 years as an FO you'll upgrade to SFO and you can take a fixed roster pattern of 5/4/5/3. Once you've got 3000 factored hours you can apply for and upgrade and command pay in the UK from April 1st will be £117k + sector (approx 14k) + loyalty pay (5/10/15% dependent on service length).

If you're happy doing ACMI work then stay where you are. For more choices in the long term, job stability, command prospects, fixed roster etc then easyJet is a no brainer. If you simply want to sell out to the highest bidder in the short term then apply to someone like Emirates.

Its not able selling out to the highest bidder, I have a young family and want to make sure I can cover all bills for the first few years at Easyjet. Especially if waiting for 2 years service to get SFO. I thought their basic starting salary would have been the same or more to my current. employer. Thanks for all the feedback.

2nd Dec 2023, 19:49
Good evening all, are EZY currently recruiting low hour FOs? Are they offering type rating and new recruits bonded for the same?

Stone Cold II
3rd Dec 2023, 01:35
Pay negotiations have started. I would be expecting a bumper pay deal for both seats, especially for FOs. The package has fallen behind a little the past few years and needs to be competitive again. It’s still probably one of the best short haul gigs in the U.K. with plenty of options on what you want your work life balance to be like.

3rd Dec 2023, 12:08

I am an FO on the A320 and been offered employment with EasyJet U.K on a 100% contract with flexible roster.

Starting salary is 55,579K and paying 90% of this salary for the first 6 months with a 5K training bond. Sector pay 21.00 pounds per sector.

Senior First Officer is 68K but no upgrade possible until 2 years service complete.

I am currently working for a ACMI company and the basic is 60K, therefore EasyJet are offering less.

With all the sector pay and allowances, can anyone give me an idea of the take home pay?

I did think Easyjet were going to offer a higher basic and I am unsure whether to take the position.

I'm sorry but this information is totally inaccurate, the FO salary is £57K and SFO is £71K, with about 12K sector on top as a minimum. regards the upgrade - do mean from Fo to SFO or SFO to CPT? In which case neither are true and based on hours and completing the command upgrade program.

6th Dec 2023, 16:48
Is there an overtime / day off payment system at Easyjet.... and how much?

7th Dec 2023, 14:53
Is there an overtime / day off payment system at Easyjet.... and how much?

Yes there is, called "Willing to Fly" (although not without its controversies). Paid at 1% of yearly salary per duty day worked. Availability is obviously higher in the summer season and varies by seat/base/contract.

3rd Feb 2024, 15:32
How does the easyJet salary for FO compare to Jet 2 for the Airbus?

Has EasyJet increased the salaries since the above to compete against the likes of Jet 2

8th Feb 2024, 19:49
Hello Guys How many hours flying on average ?

9th Feb 2024, 07:32
Hello Guys How many hours flying on average ?

650-700 seems to be where I always end up each year

9th Feb 2024, 09:05
How does the easyJet salary for FO compare to Jet 2 for the Airbus?

Has EasyJet increased the salaries since the above to compete against the likes of Jet 2

Jet2 are significantly ahead for RHS salaries, and EZY are falling further behind most other competitors. At Easyjet, the justification that one could do pre COVID was that a fast time to command and a good LHS package once you got there would balance out this difference over your career. However the LHS package has now slipped behind competitors as well. Whilst EZY UK does have some nice 'lifestyle' concessions such as 5/4/5/3 and (BALPA negotiated) roster protections a great deal of RHS I know have left/are leaving or at the very least looking around at other available options. Add in to that a great many LHS are either part time or wanting to do so, most citing workload as the main reason. One thing worth noting that pay negotiation is ongoing with the company for both flight deck and cabin crew unions.

11th Feb 2024, 22:44
Pay negotiations have started. I would be expecting a bumper pay deal for both seats, especially for FOs. The package has fallen behind a little the past few years and needs to be competitive again. It’s still probably one of the best short haul gigs in the U.K. with plenty of options on what you want your work life balance to be like.

Are they still negotiating a deal ?

Stone Cold II
11th Feb 2024, 23:48
Are they still negotiating a deal ?

It’s still ongoing.

12th Feb 2024, 18:47
They’ll drag it out for as long as they can!

12th Feb 2024, 21:52
They’ll drag it out for as long as they can!

If they drag it out, aren’t they going to have more leaving and eventually have issues with BALPA with a vote for industrial action.

Stone Cold II
13th Feb 2024, 01:22
If they drag it out, aren’t they going to have more leaving and eventually have issues with BALPA with a vote for industrial action.

BALPA membership within EZY is extremely high.

13th Feb 2024, 05:16
BALPA membership within in EZY is extremely high.

“They” as in the company I presume…?

Officer Cartman
13th Feb 2024, 11:12
Management always drag it out, hoping for fatigue to set in that they settle.

Officer Cartman
15th Feb 2024, 16:27
One thing to mention in regards to BALPA that some probably won’t know, membership in EZY overtook BA.

It’s pretty solid and everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet.

6th May 2024, 22:20
Does anyone have the latest pay scales for SO and FOs? Thanks

7th May 2024, 13:50
Does anyone have the latest pay scales for SO and FOs? Thanks

Salaries are still the same as found on this thread. Pay deal currently being balloted amongst BALPA members. Rumour has it that it will be a NO, so no info on April 2024 salaries yet.

7th May 2024, 22:38
Salaries are still the same as found on this thread. Pay deal currently being balloted amongst BALPA members. Rumour has it that it will be a NO, so no info on April 2024 salaries yet.
Thanks appreciate the information

Count of Monte Bisto
7th May 2024, 22:46
In case anyone is interested, the current offer being balloted on is a 15% rise backdated to April with a further 1.5% in October and a further RPI+1.5% next April. The signs are that it may well be turned down, but the result will not be known until the weekend when the ballot closes. So factor that into your calculations if you are thinking of coming here.

turbine100 - we are not perfect but if your choice is an ACMI outfit or easyJet, then go for easyJet every time. I have worked there for 20 years and really enjoy it. Anyone leaving there also always go to the top jobs so it sets you up nicely for a great career here to the likes of BA, Emirates, Virgin etc. Worse fates could befall you!

8th May 2024, 13:58
In case anyone is interested, the current offer being balloted on is a 15% rise backdated to April with a further 1.5% in October and a further RPI+1.5% next April. The signs are that it may well be turned down, but the result will not be known until the weekend when the ballot closes. So factor that into your calculations if you are thinking of coming here.

turbine100 - we are not perfect but if your choice is an ACMI outfit or easyJet, then go for easyJet every time. I have worked there for 20 years and really enjoy it. Anyone leaving there also always go to the top jobs so it sets you up nicely for a great career here to the likes of BA, Emirates, Virgin etc. Worse fates could befall you!

Thank you for the information. Do you know if and how Easy factor flight time? Currently flying turbo prop and from what I have read online this may be factored by 0.8 or 0.7?? Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.


8th May 2024, 19:57
Thank you for the information. Do you know if and how Easy factor flight time? Currently flying turbo prop and from what I have read online this may be factored by 0.8 or 0.7?? Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.


Turboprop Multi Crew : 0.7, 0.8 if Command.

10th May 2024, 21:08
In case anyone is interested, the current offer being balloted on is a 15% rise backdated to April with a further 1.5% in October and a further RPI+1.5% next April. The signs are that it may well be turned down, but the result will not be known until the weekend when the ballot closes. So factor that into your calculations if you are thinking of coming here.

turbine100 - we are not perfect but if your choice is an ACMI outfit or easyJet, then go for easyJet every time. I have worked there for 20 years and really enjoy it. Anyone leaving there also always go to the top jobs so it sets you up nicely for a great career here to the likes of BA, Emirates, Virgin etc. Worse fates could befall you!

FYI This pay offer was rejected today by a narrow margin

10th May 2024, 21:27
In case anyone is interested, the current offer being balloted on is a 15% rise backdated to April with a further 1.5% in October and a further RPI+1.5% next April. The signs are that it may well be turned down, but the result will not be known until the weekend when the ballot closes. So factor that into your calculations if you are thinking of coming here.

turbine100 - we are not perfect but if your choice is an ACMI outfit or easyJet, then go for easyJet every time. I have worked there for 20 years and really enjoy it. Anyone leaving there also always go to the top jobs so it sets you up nicely for a great career here to the likes of BA, Emirates, Virgin etc. Worse fates could befall you!

FYI This pay offer was rejected today by a narrow margin

13th May 2024, 10:22
FYI This pay offer was rejected today by a narrow margin

Definitely not by a narrow margin, more like a pretty big margin compared to some of the ballots you've had in the UK which had a much bigger impact than an EasyJet collective labour agreement. :)

14th May 2024, 08:13
What is the current captain scale? How much extra for trainers?

14th May 2024, 11:01
Surprised they would reject a 15% raise given the current lower inflation numbers coming out lately, what’s the reasoning behind it?

Officer Cartman
14th May 2024, 12:09
Surprised they would reject a 15% raise given the current lower inflation numbers coming out lately, what’s the reasoning behind it?

Lower inflation numbers does not mean the price of goods etc has come down, we still had very high inflation over the past year or two, it’s just the price rises of things have slowed down. The buying power like most people has reduced over the past couple of years.

14th May 2024, 16:07
Lower inflation numbers does not mean the price of goods etc has come down, we still had very high inflation over the past year or two, it’s just the price rises of things have slowed down. The buying power like most people has reduced over the past couple of years.

….and it’s about pay restoration due to past years inflation and lost income. This is not a pay increase per se taking these factors in to account, in fact 15% means a pay cut in real terms.

22nd Jun 2024, 20:26
….and it’s about pay restoration due to past years inflation and lost income. This is not a pay increase per se taking these factors in to account, in fact 15% means a pay cut in real terms.
Have Easyjet and the pilots now agreed on a pay deal?

23rd Jun 2024, 06:59
Yes they have.

27th Jun 2024, 12:55
Does anyone know salary figures for MPL SO?

27th Jun 2024, 21:47
Does anyone know salary figures for MPL SO?

On the new pay deal, SO basic is £57,235