View Full Version : UK Pension - Transfering to EU country

21st Dec 2022, 14:27

Looking for advice on transfering a UK pension to a EU country (EU resident).
What is the best way to do it? Any feedback on financial institutions managing pensions abroad? (listed on unbiased.uk.com if possible...)
Many thanks!

nosmo king
21st Dec 2022, 16:39
If you haven't already....its probably best to check to see if HMRC allow a transfer to the desired country....

Check the recognised overseas pension schemes notification list - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/check-the-recognised-overseas-pension-schemes-notification-list))

28th Jan 2023, 09:41
I would also be interested in that... (UK pension to be cashed in France in 4 years at the age of 55).
Anybody knows or has advice on a company called Alexander Peter Wealth Management? Any other company to recommand?

28th Jan 2023, 14:15
I would happily recommend Richard Holmes of gerrards wealth management. He has been looking after my interests for several years.
Richard is a Brit based in Budapest who specifically caters to ex-pats.

29th Jan 2023, 08:55
I have already done this.
UK pension fund, QROPS from the UK to Malta (Malta is EU and aligns very closely with UK pension regs). Once I get to 55 I will transfer the cash from Malta to France with a single figure tax charge and then the rest is tax free, well worth doing ;)
You are entering a very specific area of expertise and would be wise to take advice particularly as HMRC check this stuff very closely.
I used an independent adviser in France and then I managed the transfer of the funds from the UK to the new arrangement, it isn't technically a pension per se rather a bond within a pension type wrapper.
Depending on your own knowledge of pensions get some free advice.
Google QROPS transfer + your destination country.

The Blu Riband
29th Jan 2023, 17:13
I used:

Ryan E. Donaldson​
Regional Manager ‑ Europe Tel: +41 (0) 2251 80286 (tel:+41%20(0)%202251%2080286) Ext: 2413
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.skyboundwealth.com (http://www.skyboundwealth.com/)


14th Mar 2023, 14:52
As far as I understand there are no QROPS in France and I have to go through a third (EU/EEA) country.
Malta has been mentioned above... Is it in your opinion one of the best option? Any particular recommandations over there?

2nd May 2023, 14:04
Any news/update on this thread? Like some of you here, I am also considering QROPS in Malta. Lots of companies names pop up on google but I am uncertain on which ones are reliable. I have read there are lots of scams/fraud with pensions transfers and some companies are targetting expats in particular....
I realise it is a very sensitive subject when it comes to financial advise but if some of you had genuine experience with particular companies in Malta (good or bad), it would be greatly appreciated.

3rd May 2023, 12:32
My take is the problem is many “Advisers” are being paid commission to flog financial products, so they are acting in their own self-interest rather than their clients best interest. Transparency is key. My Adviser is only paid by me (all clearly documented) he doesn’t get a penny in commissions from the financial services industry. In my QROPS I have a low-cost investment platform and portfolio, no hidden fess. I know he is sitting on the same side of the table as me, working in my best interest, and with no conflicts of interest. We transferred my pensions to a QROPS just when covid was getting going, and I have been very happy with the investment results and everything that he has done. He is an experienced safe pair of hands. Highly recommended by a friend and he has absolutely met my expectations.

26th May 2023, 11:46
Does Skybound Wealth Management manage expats pensions? Can anyone comment on their own experience with them?