View Full Version : Problem with Avast anti-virus on MacBook Air?

18th Dec 2022, 10:39
We have an iMac 7.1 running OSX 10.11.6 El Capitan and a MacBook Air 6.1 running macOS Big Sur 11.7.1. From May 2021 both have been using Avast Free Mac anti-virus. This has worked fine on both until late last month.

Avast still works fine on the iMac. Nothing changes except for regular updates of the virus definitions. On Startup Avast opens as usual and advises “This Mac is protected”. Under Core Shields it advises “All shields are running”.

Something changed last month on the MBA. We have not changed any settings. For the past two to three weeks on Startup the different Avast Security window that opens advises “We need access to your entire disk to scan it for hidden threats”. It wants us to open system preferences and make changes to our Security and Privacy preferences with Full Disk Access highlighted. If we click on “Skip for now” Avast advises “This Mac is not fully protected” and under Core Shields “Some of your core shields are turned off”.

Where did this requirement come from? Has the MBA been hacked? Why are we asked to make this change on only the MBA? Presumably Avast has had Full Disk Access from May 2021 to last month on both Macs. What changed then on only the MBA, why and who changed it?

Note that checking About Avast Security confirms that both Macs are running Version 15.5.

Until there is an answer we will refrain from using the MBA for more than general browsing and will not access bank, government or business websites that require any personal or financial data.

We will appreciate your advice on what has happened to Avast on the MBA and how to get it working again as it was before something changed last month.

18th Dec 2022, 19:54
Have a look here an scroll down to 'allow full disk access': https://support.avast.com/en-us/article/allow-mac-security-permissions/#mac

A couple of MacOS versions ago, Apple tightended up the system in that you had to specifically allow full disk access for specific applications that needed this (as well as other permissions), somehow your MacBook Air ran an update that either reset this or it updated to a newer version that no longer allows Avast to run without this permission. You have not been hacked. I think your iMac is actually the less secure one as an older MacOS version may have some security issues that have been resolved in newer versions. The difference between the two Macs is simply in the MacOS versions that you're running.

25th Dec 2022, 13:14
Many thanks for the reply and information. I read the advice and made the changes on our MBA. All is working fine.