View Full Version : Time to wrap up the AOA?

Hugo Peroni the IV
16th Dec 2022, 14:41
A chairman takes control of the finances and sends $5m to the lawyers of the BPP case without second authority. That is as dodgy as it gets.

But what do we know about this case except so far, it’s cost $6m and the chairman is asking for more. $8m in total but for what? Seemingly just principle.

4 plaintiffs of which only 2 are still in the AOA. The reward for a successful claim is unknown as are the number of beneficiaries from this case and that number gets smaller with every extension beyond a 55 retirement age. If the AOA lose, they pay CXs costs too….it all adds up and another example of how the old guard are happy to fritter the reserves of the AOA to protect their mates and do nothing of benefit for the junior ranks.

What is this delusional chairman’s next step. Time to get rid of the AOA whilst there is something left to distribute.

deja vu
8th Jan 2023, 05:22
A chairman takes control of the finances and sends $5m to the lawyers of the BPP case without second authority. That is as dodgy as it gets.

But what do we know about this case except so far, it’s cost $6m and the chairman is asking for more. $8m in total but for what? Seemingly just principle.

4 plaintiffs of which only 2 are still in the AOA. The reward for a successful claim is unknown as are the number of beneficiaries from this case and that number gets smaller with every extension beyond a 55 retirement age. If the AOA lose, they pay CXs costs too….it all adds up and another example of how the old guard are happy to fritter the reserves of the AOA to protect their mates and do nothing of benefit for the junior ranks.

What is this delusional chairman’s next step. Time to get rid of the AOA whilst there is something left to distribute.Oh poor you!

11th Jan 2023, 06:49
God bless the AOA and what they fight for, but what can they possibly still do for us? We are pretty much living in ChInArRr ffs. As King Theoden from The Lord of the Rings said: "You have no power here!".