View Full Version : United Airlines Mahoosive order

13th Dec 2022, 13:20
I see that United has taken the plunge, as was long rumoured, to order 100 787s plus 100 options, plus 56 additional 737MAX.

Deliveries will take place from 2024-32. What the press haven’t so far commented on is that it’s an admission that the (also) long rumoured NMA is, for the foreseeable future, stillborn.

The subtypes of 787 haven’t been decided yet, but will be a mix of -8, -9 and -10. They will largely replace :
35 Boeing 757-200ERs, average age 26 years
20 Boeing 757-300s, average age 20 years
37 Boeing 767-300ERs, average age 27 years
16 Boeing 767-400ERs, average age 21 years
19 Boeing 777-200s, average age 25 years
55 Boeing 777-200ERs, average age 22 years.

So that’s 172 aircraft, just to more or less stand still, before any growth (I know seat counts vary, and newer may be larger seat counts).

An order that needed to be made! The interesting part is where that leaves the 45 aircraft A350 order.....


13th Dec 2022, 13:23
There is a fairly good analysis of the order at this web page

14th Dec 2022, 09:31
Greta and all the eco warriers will be purple with rage. :D

14th Dec 2022, 10:52
Greta and all the eco warriers will be purple with rage. :D

What a pathetic post.

Aero Mad
14th Dec 2022, 11:56
Greta and all the eco warriers will be purple with rage. :D

A shame that this sad, divisive way of thinking has invaded even discussions about new aircraft orders. I wonder what they'd think of United ordering 100 fully electric aircraft last year?


14th Dec 2022, 12:51
What a pathetic post.

Cheers Dave, quality feedback.

Perhaps you are not as bothered as I am about all the Climate Goblins and Just Stop Oil protesters filling social media with how flying will be restricted to the elite in the future.

Even here in Wales the Welsh Government despite owing an airport are anti flying and desperate to lower the minimal carbon footprint of its citizens.which is a joke as all

us Taffies drive over the Severn Bridge to Bristol for our jollies.

Therefore Dave, it delights me the thought of a mahoosive order of aircraft means that the Gretas and her ilk are not really making much oif a dent into restricting air travel.

Hope this helps Dave, if not , then Au Revoir and toodle pip old bean.

Aero Mad
14th Dec 2022, 13:57
Your post history shows a long history of inflammatory remarks, so it's no surprise that you've made a post about a new aircraft order and the outlook for the NMA a particularly divisive rant about 'climate goblins'. Please stop.

14th Dec 2022, 14:49
Cheers Dave, quality feedback.

Perhaps you are not as bothered as I am about all the Climate Goblins and Just Stop Oil protesters filling social media with how flying will be restricted to the elite in the future.

Even here in Wales the Welsh Government despite owing an airport are anti flying and desperate to lower the minimal carbon footprint of its citizens.which is a joke as all

us Taffies drive over the Severn Bridge to Bristol for our jollies.

Therefore Dave, it delights me the thought of a mahoosive order of aircraft means that the Gretas and her ilk are not really making much oif a dent into restricting air travel.

Hope this helps Dave, if not , then Au Revoir and toodle pip old bean.

I really think you may be missing the point so far as the "mahoosive" (what an utterly stupid word!!) order. The aircraft they will at least partially replace are far less fuel efficient, therefore, though I doubt that United would say that in so many words, they are actually playing to Greta's tune, as indeed are many businesses around the world, though granted a lot of "greenwash garbage" is spouted by corporate PR machines.

To deny, first that climate change is happening, and that human actions through ever increasing emissions of CO2 is to deny scientific fact, though there are of course those who would dispute that. Aviation is going to continue, and probably grow, but it will need to do that in a sustainable manner else governments will step in an force them to do so. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I would like my grand children to live out their lives in a world at least no worse, from a climate standpoint than we have today, and if that requires governments that you dismiss to readily to force aviation to cut its emissions I'm four square behind them.

On a positive note, looking at how far commercial aviation has come in reducing emissions, and noise pollution in the last 50 or so years there is cause for optimism that gainful employment in the aviation, travel and tourism sectors aren't going to become extinct any time soon, at least not on the back of drastic efforts to reduce the speed of climate change.