View Full Version : Aer Lingus UK A330 FO recruitment

10th Dec 2022, 09:39
Has anyone got any info on this?
Roster pattern?
pay ( basic , block pay per diems etc)?

Also why are they recruiting..thought they would have enough FOs from the A320 fleet to CCQ across?
is and extra A330 planned for next summer?

any info is welcome

10th Dec 2022, 18:09
Due to Brexit and licensing issues, not so easy to move people from DUB, plus they are recruiting in DUB as they need more for S23. Also, even though the airline was criticised heavily a year or so ago by some others about the the right to live and work in the UK, as expected to work for Aer Lingus UK you need the right to live and work in the UK and a UK license.

Roster is a random roster but will be a mix of a few TA routes on the A330 so a reasonable mix and not punishing like some can be.

Summer 23 will be a 2 x A330 operation, doing JFK/MCO. In the winter it's a mix of JFK/MCO/BGI.

Plans developing for growth in 2024.

midnight cruiser
10th Dec 2022, 18:26
Irish can work in the UK without restriction or need for visa, and vice versa.

10th Dec 2022, 18:59
I got told about 60k including flight pay, hoping to proved wrong.

12th Dec 2022, 10:33
the basic is around 60k, flight pay and allowances etc are in addition. Plus health care, pension etc

12th Dec 2022, 12:18
the basic is around 60k, flight pay and allowances etc are in addition. Plus health care, pension etc

That’s a bit better to hear. Do you know the total all in?

12th Dec 2022, 14:56
Where is the application link ? I haven’t seen this position advertised anywhere .

12th Dec 2022, 16:49
Cavalliero -

This might be what you are looking for - from Flight - https://jobs.flightglobal.com/employer/10001221/aeroprofessional-ltd/

and their website here. - https://www.aeroprofessional.com/


12th Dec 2022, 20:17
Sir ……:ok:

26th Dec 2022, 15:17
The basic salary of 60K if correct, is pretty low if looking for rated experience.

21st Jan 2023, 08:17
The salary isn’t appealing if they are looking for experienced pilots