View Full Version : What have you seen in an unusual place??

26th Nov 2022, 19:03
On from "What have you seen on your computer" may I offer a thread of aircraft seen in an unusual place
My offering is in a back garden just to the north of Waterbeech station as seen from a train Cambridge to Kings Lynn today.
Further research suggests it's a Rallye G-AZKC but I'm sure Treadigraph can correct if needed
No picture as we whizzed past but the MK1 eyeball didn't let me down...

26th Nov 2022, 20:37
On from "What have you seen on your computer" may I offer a thread of aircraft seen in an unusual place
My offering is in a back garden just to the north of Waterbeech station as seen from a train Cambridge to Kings Lynn today.
Further research suggests it's a Rallye G-AZKC but I'm sure Treadigraph can correct if needed
No picture as we whizzed past but the MK1 eyeball didn't let me down...

Funnily enough, Kilty, I mentioned that very airframe in early October - I didn't quite get the reg, but I was on a train from Norwich to Cambridge via Thetford - definitely a Rallye and ZKC would fit the bill!

In a similar vein, there used to be a Pressurised Navajo fuselage on a farm visible from a lane near Biggin Hill - I used to stop there for a breather when cycling home the long way from work. It was gone shortly after this street view image (https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.3086289,-0.0060066,3a,15y,101.84h,83.97t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s3CtKYVtVF1imMEkmJ0kvEQ!2e0!5s20080801T00 0000!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en) was taken in 2008.

26th Nov 2022, 20:57
Around the time of the Nigerian civil war a Constellation arrived at Gatwick. Nothing unusual in that but it had two different registrations on the fuselage. It was using a third registration on the radio. I've always assumed it was an arms runner but I never managed to prove anything.
Then there is a 747 on top of a swimming pool which is used as the "launch point" for waterslide tubes. It's next to the Evergreen Museum in Oregon that houses the Spruce Goose. Wings and waves (https://www.google.com/maps/place/Evergreen+Aviation+%26+Space+Museum/@45.2042234,-123.1499294,106m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xcf98b5bc38f4befc!8m2!3d45.2043 04!4d-123.14543)

27th Nov 2022, 06:42
Hartington, that would likely be one of Hank Wharton's Connies, if memory serves they were "Mauritanian registered" and at least one carried a lashed up Nigerian registration I think. He was quite a character and had a colourful career post Biafra.

27th Nov 2022, 10:15
Well documented location is the top of the Vanguard Storage warehouse next to the A40 in West London.
The exhibits change every so often and include a Spitfire, Hunter, Scout, Santa in his sleigh (!) etc.....
https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/593x413/vanguard_storage_1b28f78bb23c95b225647f4e29eb8461018d3593.pn g

27th Nov 2022, 18:39
Where are the rotating exhibits kept when not on the roof of Vanguard Self-Storage ??

27th Nov 2022, 21:01

27th Nov 2022, 22:15
Waterpark in McMinnville, Oregon.

https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1200x800/747_where_4_slides_launch_3136ce86864e23ca6826026628099e582b beaab6.jpg

28th Nov 2022, 08:28
There used to be a Hunter in Woking town centre, removed fairly recently for safety reasons! Being restored by the Hawker Association at Dunsfold.

Some in the NE UK a school has a Shorts 330 fuselage they use a classroom!

28th Nov 2022, 09:24
A scrap metal company has a F-104 on top of some containers visible from the E17 between Ghent and Antwerp.


28th Nov 2022, 10:49
Oh yeah, there used to be a graffiti covered Lightning in a scrapyard next to the A1 near Newark.

28th Nov 2022, 11:38
There's a Jaguar at a Delta Force paint ball immediately east of the M6 in the Birmingham/Coventry area. Less visible than it was but still there.

28th Nov 2022, 11:57
Where are the rotating exhibits kept when not on the roof of Vanguard Self-Storage ??

A very good question! Being a storage facility, perhaps on-site?
No clue on their website.
What Have We Had on Our Roof Over the Years? - Vanguard Self Storage (vanguardstorage.co.uk) (https://www.vanguardstorage.co.uk/news/what-have-we-had-on-our-roof-over-the-years/)

28th Nov 2022, 13:48
I've driven past the Lightning north of Grantham several times; what a sad sight.
Used to be a Gannet in Cirencester visible in the back garden of a house backing onto the bypass.(1991)

28th Nov 2022, 14:50
There a DC 3 outside a McDonalds in Lake Taupo, New Zealand. Quite a rare one too I believe

28th Nov 2022, 15:36
Dunno if this counts:

28th Nov 2022, 18:09
There is an HS-125 nose section in a garden in Winchburgh, West Lothian.

28th Nov 2022, 20:34
There used to be a Hunter in Woking town centre, removed fairly recently for safety reasons! Being restored by the Hawker Association at Dunsfold.

Some in the NE UK a school has a Shorts 330 fuselage they use a classroom!

There was also a Buccaneer on the bar in the Planets pub in Woking quite a few years ago now.
Sadly, when I visited to take a picture, they had already chopped it up ;-(

28th Nov 2022, 20:36
As an aside who remembers the Me110 joystick acting as the door handle to the Battle of Britain pub in Kent?
When the pub was demolished, it presumably went into a skip.

29th Nov 2022, 00:31
Some in the NE UK a school has a Shorts 330 fuselage they use a classroom!
A school in Nottingham has a Shorts 360 in use as a classroom. Is that the one you're thinking of?

29th Nov 2022, 05:00
Jensdad, I should think that is indeed the one. Distantly remembered from a Pilot news item quite a few years ago!

India Four Two
29th Nov 2022, 07:55
Where are the rotating exhibits kept when not on the roof of Vanguard Self-Storage ??

Talking of rotating exhibits, here's the wind vane at Whitehorse YT:


29th Nov 2022, 08:59
Oh yeah, there used to be a graffiti covered Lightning in a scrapyard next to the A1 near Newark.

Someone saved the cockpit section from that one: https://www.thunder-and-lightnings.co.uk/lightning/survivor.php?id=65

29th Nov 2022, 14:05
Like many here, I've seen many 'off-airfield' aircraft here and there over the years, but tbh I can't remember too many of them in detail. Taking a photo, or sharing the experience with regular friends helps bed the memory in somehow! Many of mine were pre-smartphone days and usually in an unexpected/spontaneous way.

I do recall various aircraft, or sections thereof located in AirCadet or Scout properties around the UK, usually spotted from a train window, or top deck of a bus.

29th Nov 2022, 17:48
Hartington, that would likely be one of Hank Wharton's Connies, if memory serves they were "Mauritanian registered" and at least one carried a lashed up Nigerian registration I think. He was quite a character and had a colourful career post Biafra.
Originally a TAP aircraft, sold off to Wharton in 1968, it was pursued at various points around Europe when it came, generally due to unpaid bills, but ended up back in Portugal at Faro, where it was finally either seized or had a major breakdown. Converted around 1980 to a bar outside the terminal there, quite nicely restored, many must have seen it there, as I did in 1982, when alas it was not open until later that evening. I did finger the props however !. Returning around 1999 it had gone, but on the road to Albufeira resort there was a scrapyard with what was undoubtedly a Connie tail on top of the piles of scrap.

His other ex-TAP Connie I also saw, that ended up in Malta, where it was restored to a bar as well, off airport (how did it get there ?), ending up scrapped on a similar timescale.

29th Nov 2022, 18:03
Think the Connie at Faro was torched by local youths or something. Sad... Two Canadian Connies used in Biafra still exist at the airport on Sao Tome - if you look carefully at Googlemaps you can just see them!

Earlier on I spotted my copy of "Shadows" lurking on a bookshelf where I keep other topics - it's coming down for a re-read...

29th Nov 2022, 18:58
Many decades ago, I found a large oleo and a piece of aircraft skin in a bog, in the glens of Antrim. Turned out it was from a FW Condor that was shot down by a Sunderland. That must have been one hell of a fight!


29th Nov 2022, 20:53
Think the Connie at Faro was torched by local youths or something. Sad... ..
I think it was the Malta one that was set on fire by imbeciles.

Various of the Connies used in Biafra seem to have transited Faro, closest mainland Europe airport to West Africa. My guess is there were some ex-TAP Connie engineers there, from the Portuguese airline being one of the last to use their fleet in mainstream service. I think they used to come in at night and repaint the reg before dawn.

Another unusual place ? In the Expo 86 showgrounds at Vancouver in 1986, a pioneer Trans-Canada Lockheed 10A Electra from the 1930s. Not only must it have been got there on a barge, it was the centrepiece inside the Air Canada pavilion at the Expo, and in their theatrical show every half hour the props were spun up (be electric motors I think), with P&W radial engine sound effects added.

30th Nov 2022, 13:09
I do recall various aircraft, or sections thereof located in AirCadet or Scout properties around the UK, usually spotted from a train window, or top deck of a bus.
When the RAF withdrew Slingsby T38 Grasshopper gliders from use in about 1970, my OC at 2204 (Chesham) Sqdn ATC asked for one (they were stored in a hangar at Halton) and we were given one. It was later 'passed on' to another squadron possibly Watford.

Dr Jekyll
1st Dec 2022, 18:18
What looked like a Jet Provost T5 in someone's garden just NW of Thame beside the Bicester road.

1st Dec 2022, 18:31
It's long since gone, but there used to be a T6 Trainer on the roof of a rental store about 6 miles south of here on WA Hiway 99. Interestingly it was painted up in a WWII Japanese scheme (which caused many people to think it was a Zero fighter).
Always made me smile when I drove by it :)

27th Nov 2023, 18:26
Here's one for the sleuths on PPRuNe...
Today on a back road in the new Forest I came across a Motor Cycle Museum. I quick glance as I passed appeared to be a, not a Chipmunk, in Red and White..
Back home it is the in the car park if the Sammy Miller Motor Cycle Museum ( closed Monday 😔 )

Any suggestions please ??

Thanks K

https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/576x1280/screenshot_20231127_192030_8f9e1bd3616885257f2985ef706e932ec d4aabd8.png

27th Nov 2023, 19:23
Looks like a Rallye...

Yup, 1966 Rallye Commodore G-EISO. Looks in quite good nick but if I recall they can suffer from corrosion.

Edit: just looked up at the top of the thread - you have a way of seeking out Rallyes in unlikely settings, Kilty!

27th Nov 2023, 23:38
A few years ago there was a Harrier in the car park at U Tapoa airport. Since relocated to a roundabout.

28th Nov 2023, 11:33
I used to visit a customer in the Coleshill Industrial Estate. Just up the road was a Jet Provost sitting on the roof of a factory. I was told that the owner was intending to fly it one day.

29th Nov 2023, 09:20
Many thanks Treaders, somehow I know you would know / find out

29th Nov 2023, 14:36
There is an ex-Air Atlantique Convair 440 in a garden Centre in Carluke, Scotland. It is used as a beauty salon.

29th Nov 2023, 19:08
I recall seeing a Jet Provost in a garden/yard from the starboard window just prior to landing on runway 27 at Bristol - Lulsgate. Must have been 15 years or so ago.

Null Orifice
30th Nov 2023, 11:08
JP was still there in July 2021 located in a field at Park Farm according to Google Earth.

1st Dec 2023, 00:59
Former RNZAF B727 Home Conversion (https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/homed/houses/133300448/this-leeston-couple-is-moving-into-a-converted-boeing-727)

2nd Dec 2023, 12:10
A flying car. No not a breakthrough in aviation but a flying car at the Young V&A museum in London

https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x2000/img_20231202_130538_201_3658a98015e5765a8e7c192b5e687efb73f2 878e.jpg

2nd Dec 2023, 14:32
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1024x683/cordoba_city_17_10_18_ec_ggc_dc7c_78bea15ab5abef994a3417c56d ff2411152b4fc5.jpg
DC-7 In Cordoba Spain, used to live at the airport with another. Now in a city park. There are planes all over in Spain.

Geezers of Nazareth
2nd Dec 2023, 14:33
What looked like a Jet Provost T5 in someone's garden just NW of Thame beside the Bicester road.
That one is XW432 (in anyone's logbook?) in 1FTS marks, but it also has the code 'MX' on the tail which I think is a Halton code.

Geezers of Nazareth
2nd Dec 2023, 14:36
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1024x683/cordoba_city_17_10_18_ec_ggc_dc7c_78bea15ab5abef994a3417c56d ff2411152b4fc5.jpg
DC-7 In Cordoba Spain, used to live at the airport with another. Now in a city park. There are planes all over in Spain.
That's so that the rain can fall on them ... as we all know "the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plane".

MAC 40612
4th Dec 2023, 00:39
There is the Interflug Il-62 which is preserved in a field on a hill-top next to a glider strip at Stolln-Rhinow which is still there [I saw it there in the 1990s]


You might be thinking that's not very unusual, lots of aircraft get preserved away from airports. What is unusual about this one, is that they landed it on the grass glider strip on top on the hill to get it there back in 1989 :cool:

Some rather grainy Youtube footage on this page: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/this-crazy-il-62-airliners-grass-landing-has-a-great-story-behind-it

MAC 40612
4th Dec 2023, 00:47
Where are the rotating exhibits kept when not on the roof of Vanguard Self-Storage ??

They've got a warehouse locally just off the North Circular road where they keep the exhibits. I think the Hunter is permanently there now, if you put the address in google maps and look at the images, you'll see what I mean.

717 North Circular Road

4th Dec 2023, 15:06
Used to be a Gannet in the back garden of a house in Cirencester; it backed on to the ring road.

20th Dec 2023, 10:32
There is a Hawker Hunter in an industrial estate in Chinham, Basingstoke

MAC 40612
31st Dec 2023, 13:24
There is a Hawker Hunter in an industrial estate in Chineham, Basingstoke

This is quite an interesting Hunter for a number of reasons. It was built as a Hunter Mk.51 for the Royal Danish Air Force where it served between 1956-1974. Bought back by Hawker Siddeley Aviation in 1976 [along with a number of other ex Danish Hunters] they failed to find buyers and were eventually sold off to various places for static display. This particular aircraft being painted in false RAF marks and being displayed at Brawdy as XF979 before being moved to RAF Cranwell for display and then RAF Sealand where it was repainted as WT720. After that base closure it was displayed at North Scarle until being acquired by the present owner and being restored and painted in Royal Iraqi Air Force colours with serial '349' to represent a Hunter FGA.79 and placed outside the Company he owns in Chineham. The aircraft is a memorial to his late father who flew Hunters with 6Sqn RIAF.

Nice image here: https://www.airhistory.net/photo/635404/E-408/349

31st Dec 2023, 14:08
A school in Nottingham has a Shorts 360 in use as a classroom. Is that the one you're thinking of?

This one?


31st Dec 2023, 19:22
Surely it's a bike Shed ? :O:O

3rd Jan 2024, 14:06
In Bolton there is a burger bar converted from a 737
https://scontent-man2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/209864324_189215689880095_126671745173048840_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1 10&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=300f58&_nc_ohc=VCRtahCjny4AX9G2IiM&_nc_ht=scontent-man2-1.xx&oh=00_AfD-S1kw3RV4D32fPVum0i7a1Qm-VFACi4xl5FgV09kBXA&oe=65BCD7F3

3rd Jan 2024, 15:14
Can you get a Big Max there?

20th Jan 2024, 10:55
Where are the wings on it?

21st Jan 2024, 06:55
That's only a medium rare find.

Null Orifice
21st Jan 2024, 14:55
I just love the propulsion system.

22nd Jan 2024, 11:46
These two are both just south of the old RAF Riccall in East Yorkshire, off the A163. The airframe (no idea what it is) at the top is visible from the road, the fuselage at the bottom isn't.

22nd Jan 2024, 12:46
One at the top of the pic looks like a Prescott Pusher, fuselage is perhaps a 125?

Edit: The Pusher is OE-KDW and the 125 is a 700, VP-CFI - 257054....

30th Jan 2024, 20:37
There's a Vampire next to a polo field between Henley-on-Thames and Lower Shiplake. I spotted it first when going past in a boat on the River Thames, but the vegetation has grown and now hides it. It appears to have Swiss markings - I believe a Swiss billionaire is a local landowner.


Geezers of Nazareth
3rd Feb 2024, 16:26
There's a Vampire next to a polo field between Henley-on-Thames and Lower Shiplake. I spotted it first when going past in a boat on the River Thames, but the vegetation has grown and now hides it. It appears to have Swiss markings - I believe a Swiss billionaire is a local landowner.

It has been there since about 2009/2010. It was mentioned here on PPRUNE and I went and took some pictures ... my pics are dated June 2010.

3rd Feb 2024, 17:56
A former boss of mine bought an ex Swiss AF Venom, sight unseen, so he could learn to fly it and take others for a trip. He had seen them in the RAF and didn't know there were single seat versions.
He sold it on quite quickly.

4th Feb 2024, 11:41
There's a Vampire next to a polo field between Henley-on-Thames and Lower Shiplake. I spotted it first when going past in a boat on the River Thames, but the vegetation has grown and now hides it. It appears to have Swiss markings - I believe a Swiss billionaire is a local landowner.

Name I think was Schwarzenbach or something similar. Had a Gulfstream 4 based at Farnborough (VPBUS) and flew in/out of Shiplake in an S76 GBURS

4th Feb 2024, 16:00
There's a Vampire next to a polo field between Henley-on-Thames and Lower Shiplake. I spotted it first when going past in a boat on the River Thames, but the vegetation has grown and now hides it. It appears to have Swiss markings - I believe a Swiss billionaire is a local landowner.

Wasn't there also a Harrier there at one point?

23rd Feb 2024, 06:31
great thread

5th Mar 2024, 15:05
Two from Scotland. There is a Seaking fuselage alongside the A809 north of Queens View, I think the intention was to turn it into a glamping pod. There is also a replica Spitfire in Moffat.

5th Mar 2024, 19:40
I had a look at this aircraft last year but it is well wrapped up and parked hard against a hedge on somones private property.
Wrecks and relics 27th edition spculates that it may be Sea King HAS.5 XV648 which used to be at Acharacle. I was not able to see any sign of serial number or unit markings.
l think it might be possible to get an answer from Auchengillen Outdoor Centre who are based on the adjacent land.

5th Mar 2024, 19:46
The Spitfire full scale model is BAPC.318 Mrked with serial number PT462 SW-A. It is in a private garden belonging to Dr Hamish Macleod who will allow photos for a donation to RAFBF.

longer ron
5th Mar 2024, 21:01
I did a Hawk Manufacturers course (Q Course) at Dunsfold in 1977 and we stayed in a B and B in Godalming,one evening I was chatting to a fairly well oiled irishman and he told me there was a Canberra Bomber nearby.
I was a little sceptical but took a wander round and sho' nuff there was a B2 parked next to RFD (she had been used for lifting bag trials).
Fortunately Alan Allen took a pic at RFD - I saw her again at Brenzett some years later


5th Mar 2024, 22:06
I was at school not all that far away from Godalming and a visit to the RFD Canberra was an early bicycle trip. Later on I used to visit the nearby late lamented Ram for different reasons...

18th May 2024, 15:59
Driven past a Mi.26 helicopter this afternoon, just aside the westbound carriageway of the E34 motorway at Kemzeke, west of Antwerp. Russian registered but had my eyes on the road and aside the "RA" couldn't get the whole registration.

I drove the same stretch in last autumn and don't remember seeing it then.

18th May 2024, 16:05
I was at school not all that far away from Godalming and a visit to the RFD Canberra was an early bicycle trip. Later on I used to visit the nearby late lamented Ram for different reasons...

Wasn't that the cider house?

18th May 2024, 16:56
There's a Vampire next to a polo field between Henley-on-Thames and Lower Shiplake. I spotted it first when going past in a boat on the River Thames, but the vegetation has grown and now hides it. It appears to have Swiss markings - I believe a Swiss billionaire is a local landowner.


Despite running along the towpath past there hundreds of times I've never noticed it somehow. There is a house with a lovely 7 1/4 gauge railway in the garden the other side of the Thames Path from that field. Jealousy doesn't even begin to cover it.

18th May 2024, 16:57
Driven past a Mi.26 helicopter this afternoon, just aside the westbound carriageway of the E34 motorway at Kemzeke, west of Antwerp. Russian registered but had my eyes on the road and aside the "RA" couldn't get the whole registration.

I drove the same stretch in last autumn and don't remember seeing it then.

Presumably this Mi-26T at the Verbeke Foundation: https://www.airliners.net/photo/Verbeke-Foundation/Mil-Mi-26T/6944603

Google maps shows it obscured by trees, but perhaps it's been recently moved and so now visible from the road.

It was reportedly impounded in 2008 while enroute by road to Rosvertol.

18th May 2024, 17:32
Wasn't that the cider house?

That's the one...
Despite running along the towpath past there hundreds of times I've never noticed it somehow. There is a house with a lovely 7 1/4 gauge railway in the garden the other side of the Thames Path from that field. Jealousy doesn't even begin to cover it.

I came across a house with a similar sounding garden railway when walking the Thames path somewhere in that area, sure it was the north side...

18th May 2024, 21:18
That's the one...

I came across a house with a similar sounding garden railway when walking the Thames path somewhere in that area, sure it was the north side...

Perhaps there is more than one. If I were a billionaire this is exactly the sort of childish fantasy I'd spend my money on.

21st May 2024, 11:53
I used to work for Ansett Australia towards the end of their days.
About a year after their demise, I happened to be visiting ATC Lasham and was gobsmacked when I saw one of their 737’s parked up

21st May 2024, 13:25
Wandering around Verona a few years ago, I saw a P38 centre nacelle inside one of the shops. Sadly, the place was closed so no chance of a picture.
Does anyone have any details of it please?

22nd May 2024, 09:44
Not aware of any P-38s in Italy...

23rd May 2024, 08:23
I've driven past a starfighter in a field on the way to the beach in Vlissingen a few times, not far from Oosterland in Zeeland. will be going again as soon as the weather picks up so will check if its still there.

23rd May 2024, 08:54
I've driven past a starfighter in a field on the way to the beach in Vlissingen a few times, not far from Oosterland in Zeeland. will be going again as soon as the weather picks up so will check if its still there.
Horizontal, or lawn-dart?

23rd May 2024, 10:05
Horizontal, or lawn-dart?
:ok: 5

24th May 2024, 05:25
fortunately for all involved its horizontal, a brief googling seems to indicate that it is a ex Belgian machine now painted as RNAF D8030 and is outside a junkyard but easily visible from the motorway

24th May 2024, 10:58
2 B52s out of Fairford early this morning. They've been to Sweden and now approaching the Norfolk coast.

24th May 2024, 18:55
You prob meant to park this in the other thread Dixi, but then again... Four currently at Fairford I believe, be nice if they put in the odd appearance over London like one of the recent deployments did... Got lovely views of two of them, one right over the top!

Geezers of Nazareth
25th May 2024, 13:35
Despite running along the towpath past there hundreds of times I've never noticed it somehow. There is a house with a lovely 7 1/4 gauge railway in the garden the other side of the Thames Path from that field. Jealousy doesn't even begin to cover it.

This was mentioned on here many years ago, and I made a trip to go find it. At the time it was displayed in an open field adjacent to a polo pitch. I took a few pics of it ...

When I check the meta-data, the pic was taken in June 2010 - was that really 14 years ago!

27th May 2024, 07:53
In Bolton there is a burger bar converted from a 737
https://scontent-man2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/209864324_189215689880095_126671745173048840_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1 10&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=300f58&_nc_ohc=VCRtahCjny4AX9G2IiM&_nc_ht=scontent-man2-1.xx&oh=00_AfD-S1kw3RV4D32fPVum0i7a1Qm-VFACi4xl5FgV09kBXA&oe=65BCD7F3
please tell me it’s called “The Bolton Boeing Burger Bar”
if not, there is no justice in this world

27th May 2024, 14:55
Double alliteration...might cause a ripple out into space, safer to keep it shorter ;-)

27th May 2024, 16:59
please tell me it’s called “The Bolton Boeing Burger Bar” if not, there is no justice in this world

It's called The Steak Out (Steaks on a Plane)


27th May 2024, 17:01
Two from Scotland. There is a Seaking fuselage alongside the A809 north of Queens View, I think the intention was to turn it into a glamping pod. There is also a replica Spitfire in Moffat.

There's a Convair at Reynards Garden Centre near Carluke