View Full Version : What a bunch of ratbags

21st Nov 2022, 16:02
Find it difficult to believe the lies and threats made by these GC (and ex GC) members against HKAOA staff members. These are totally unacceptable and show the pitiful moral standards these individuals have. Can these people be sued for these threats and abuse?

RAT Management
21st Nov 2022, 23:49
Sounds to me it's the beginning of the end. The cancer is entrenched and will only spread with devastating consequences, let alone the dissolution of what the members are actually paying for.

22nd Nov 2022, 01:57
Yes they can sue. Clown show precedent was set when that group of GC members sued an AOA member a few years ago.

Only heard one side of the story and there were 6-7 GC members that went to the office. Must be something fishy going on.

I’m sure the IT worker was absolutely trembling with fear for their life too!!

Hugo Peroni the IV
22nd Nov 2022, 03:38
6-7 went to the office but were acting on the majority decision of the GC as I understand it.

There are games being played that I’m sure only a few know. $60m of assets and a 63 year old
man wants to see out his career like this? Strange.

I’m all for wrapping this circus up and sharing the 40k per person amongst the members for Christmas.

22nd Nov 2022, 09:07
Hold out for a week Hugo, it will be 80k next week the way the membership is leaving. Maybe that's it, a last men standing play.

22nd Nov 2022, 12:37
Have a watch of the YouTube video the AOA put out. The IT guy isn’t being threatened or kidnapped like they are trying to make out. Sounds like he doesn’t quite understand he’s an employee getting paid from our money.

So now our subs money will be put towards some bull**** court case over this.

22nd Nov 2022, 17:12
Seems clear he was not being allowed to leave the office and was trying to do his job as he had been told to. Also odd that after a recent election for president by the membership that some losers wanted to carry out a coup. Just because CX behaves like that to you is not an invitation to do it to others.

Sam Ting Wong
23rd Nov 2022, 02:57
AOA... Is that the organisation who voted down a payrise and 10 years ARAPA protection?

Piet Lood
23rd Nov 2022, 04:31
Ah, that old chestnut again.
STW, I can GUARANTEE you that ARAPA would have been in the exact same state that it is in now.
You never DID take the trouble to read the exact wording of that particular proposal did you?

But by all means keep trusting the word of your overlords you cotton plucker. Despite all the evidence to the contrary that you can’t.

Once you have an opinion you never let go.
Nobody will convince you that you might have been wrong!

”If you have never changed your mind, you didn’t learn much”.

Progress Wanchai
23rd Nov 2022, 06:13
AOA... Is that the organisation who voted down a payrise and 10 years ARAPA protection?

Some of the individuals who feature in the YouTube clip are the same individuals who have been undermining their own committee for years. They preach to Bo about GC majorities but will actively white ant the majority if they are outvoted on an issue. They are extremely good at tearing things down and rabble rousing but are incapable of synergism, cooperation and building things up.

Why do they work so hard to rule over dysfunction? For the only time in their lives they have a feeling of power and relevancy. Without it they are nothing.

23rd Nov 2022, 10:14
Can someone tell me how to find the YouTube video.
And please don't say that it is on YouTube.

23rd Nov 2022, 22:57
There is a transcript, and link to the video, on the HKAOA website.
I am long since retired, but can still access the information, so whether you are retired or current member, you should be able to access.

25th Nov 2022, 08:47
Seriously, whomever supports the current clown as the chairman should have their intelligence checked. Undermining the general membership to benefit the few by asking for an extension of transition agreement instead of asking for an improvement for COS18 overall was a selfish and idiotic move. Can't believe I didnt quit sooner.

Hugo Peroni the IV
25th Nov 2022, 13:29
Couldn’t agree more Cyril. There’s an awful amount of money in subscriptions being paid for 3 out of touch individuals to do their own thing and achieve nothing.

25th Nov 2022, 13:52
Seriously, whomever supports the current clown as the chairman should have their intelligence checked. Undermining the general membership to benefit the few by asking for an extension of transition agreement instead of asking for an improvement for COS18 overall was a selfish and idiotic move. Can't believe I didnt quit sooner.

Looking in from the outside… what does the AOA do? Conditions have only continued to get worse. Cathay

a company in the 1980,s I dreamed of working for ( and failed the interview) is now a train wreck. What exactly does the AOA do?

25th Nov 2022, 22:20
2000 usd a month loss of license insurance is pretty well it of late. Plus a free clown show.

26th Nov 2022, 08:45

That makes it OK to threaten and intimidate staff does it?

Also seems clear that the coup attemptors had already blown 1.2 million HKD out of spite.:D:ugh:

26th Nov 2022, 11:41
A disgrace to what once was. Divide and conquer has prevailed, and despite the current presidents best intention and attempts to salvage what's left, it's completely beyond repair.

Just get out and watch it burn.

27th Nov 2022, 20:03

That makes it OK to threaten and intimidate staff does it?

Also seems clear that the coup attemptors had already blown 1.2 million HKD out of spite.:D:ugh:

So it makes it ok to disregard union rules and collude with the chairman? The IT staff was not following union rules, ofcourse he need to be shown the door. If you call that intimidation then you really are clueless…🤦🏻‍♂️

27th Nov 2022, 22:42
He’s Not a union member but an employee following his contract. As for the president he was elected by a majority of members so doing a Trump and denying the election results is really not acceptable in a democratic organisation. I notice you don’t have much to say about blowing 1.2million dollars of member’s money.

Hugo Peroni the V
28th Nov 2022, 15:08
Blowing $1.2M or saving $1.8m (in the first year alone) by finally breaking up the old boys club and their gensec?

28th Nov 2022, 18:44
Don't understand your point. If you spend 1.2 mill to save 1.8 mill you've only saved 600,000.

Regardless, the membership voted for whom they wanted, its not up to 6 individuals who won't use the rulebook

Hugo Peroni the IV
6th Dec 2022, 02:13
A $3m package per year minus $1.2m is $1.8m in the first year alone. I guess you were ignorant of how much the old boys club was giving to their mate.

6 individuals? Only 4 recently voted against suspending him. That is telling.