View Full Version : BAW SHT via BCN not DTY

17th Nov 2022, 12:25
Somebody more expert out there is bound to know whether there's any truth in the allegation that BA shuttles from Manchester to London used to route via Brecon because (as I was rather suspiciously told yesterday) "they couldn't get into Daventry's airspace." A bit far fetched if you ask me and certainly not something I've ever come across in over 30 years in the game... can anyone confirm or deny? Most grateful.

17th Nov 2022, 13:31
As a young ATCA in early 80's at LATCC I certainly saw what the US call a ground stop for DTY traffic North or South bound traffic, did this result in a BA SHT doing that I don't know but if DTY South bound was mega busy it was probably due to early morning heavy North Atlantic westbound flow which would mean BRS/STU being quiet and in them days rerouting traffic could be done by throwing a strip to adjacent sector so who knows?? DTY sector also had a major airspace change during this time to stop over loads as well?

17th Nov 2022, 19:08
Now a-days they'll climb to FL190 and route via Scottish's airspace before being transferred directly to the London TMA - Midlands sector. They don't go into DTY's airspace. Not sure what year you're asking about in the original question, but not something that happens today.

18th Nov 2022, 08:52
Thanks for the replies. I have to say I took what the 'expert' (!) told me with a pinch of salt. I know it's not how it works these days and I certainly don't recall anything like it from my time in the game, both at LATCC and otherwise. I rather thought the guy was telling porkies when he mentioned it; I just wanted to be crystal by inviting other knowledge. Thanks again.

Roger That
18th Nov 2022, 19:42
Avoiding DTS into a different stack at LHR was not common but done back in the 90’s …. Different solutions now as others have said.