View Full Version : Photography

17th Nov 2022, 04:57
Hi everyone,

I'm not sure if or where is the right place to ask this question, but does anyone have any recommendations on Lightroom & Photoshop training please? I am more than happy to pay for an on-line course(s), otherwise any recommendations from YouTube would be appreciated too please.

Thanks in anticipation...


le Pingouin
17th Nov 2022, 09:58
Sorry not a user of those programs but it might help to narrow things down a bit if you outline the intended use.

17th Nov 2022, 14:45
I am a Photoshop user but cannot think of a course or set of videos. I got started with this by reading up on it in a book by Martin Evening. I probably still have the CS2 and CS4 books lying around somewhere. I found these to be pretty good for me, but it may not be the best way to go for you. I see he also has a Lightroom book out: https://amzn.to/3EF2nCO

I have not used Lightroom a lot. I am more a Photoshop fan. Lightroom is easier for larger sets of photos, especially when combined with RAW conversions, as it also includes some photo browsing options and management functions as well as the option to store preset combinations of edits (if I remember it correctly). Photoshop is more a one photo at a time approach and includes a lot of options that are more about editing than tweaking colours and such.

17th Nov 2022, 17:42
Before you start spending money, set some time aside and check out Adobe tutorials.
Depending on the level of editing you are doing I also would recommend buying a graphics tablet. Some editing is difficult with a mouse and a stylus and tablet is more precise.


18th Nov 2022, 04:07
Hi, thankyou for your replies. The Adobe tutorials look the way to go although I'm open to getting the Lightroom book as well. To le Pingouin, the Lightroom & Photoshop training programs are for learning how to edit my photos. I've not long retired & getting into photography.

Thanks again everyone...


le Pingouin
18th Nov 2022, 04:43
I was more thinking of will it be adjusting colour levels and contrast, etc to get the best out of your photos or manipulating the image by removing/modifying/adding the content?

18th Nov 2022, 23:54
le Pingouin, yes, you’ve summed it up perfectly thanks.

Brewster Buffalo
22nd Nov 2022, 11:40
I'd recommend Adobe Photoshop Elements which I've used for many years on my photos...

22nd Nov 2022, 12:59
If it's aviation photography you're interested in, have a look at these guys.

The Ultimate Aviation Photography Platform | COAP Online (https://coaponline.com/)


Mac the Knife
29th Nov 2022, 16:05
Getting fluent at using ANY of these complex programs is difficult and takes time and experience

"adjusting colour levels and contrast, etc to get the best out of your photos or manipulating the image by removing/modifying/adding the content?"

Spare a thought for GIMP, originally written for Linux and then ported to Windows. Free, with regular updates and add-ons.
Interface is no less complex than Photoshop, but once you have learned some Photoshop it is hard to change.
(there IS a port that makes GIMP more Photoshop-like)

If I Could Do It All Over Again I'd really learn GIMP and forget Photoshop thereby saving $$$$ - but YMV


30th Nov 2022, 00:29
I use Adobe Photoshop Elements; it does all I need it to. I did buy and experiment briefly with Adobe Lightroom, but the potential complexity of its many options caused me to take fright and return to PE. The most serious (and successful) photographers in a couple of groups I follow use Lightroom and consistently produce exceptional results.

17th Dec 2022, 17:59
Affinity photo is an alternative, although I primarily use Lightroom for editing RAW files.