View Full Version : Simulator Practice

12th Oct 2022, 16:59
Hi everyone just trying to do a quick poll about simulator practice for a friend. For those that have had a sim check or have got one coming up have you practiced in a sim? If yes what did you think of the sim v costs v the real sim check. I’m working on maybe providing sim prep so wanted to gauge how many people use it. Also does anyone pop to a sim before say an lpc/opc? I have just been to see a new set up near BATH called Jetex. They have a full motion, yep full motion 737-800 and I have to say I was bloody impressed? I have used one at Gloucester but that was fix based and the feel of it wasn’t that realistic.

Any thoughts would be great



13th Oct 2022, 11:20
Before an LPC/OPC I read the training matrix and review likely scenarios, check lists and memory items etc. But I've never heard of anyone renting a SIM to practice. It's something we do every 6 months.

13th Oct 2022, 11:53
Useful info, thanks for that.

13th Oct 2022, 16:36
I would think the target folks might be unemployed pilots or folks looking to get some practice in before a sim check/assessment for employment.
Current working pilots aren't likely to use a sim for practice before their own sim recurrent. A couple of London City approaches is enough practice for any sim recurrent. :)