View Full Version : Pilots Hub, Redhill

10th Oct 2022, 18:52
The Pilot’s Hub at Redhill, one of the best airfield café’s in the country, is being forced to close along with the associated hangar!

This is the explanation given:


11th Oct 2022, 18:57
A petition has been started by a local non-flying resident to persuade the airfield owners to reconsider:


(Hope that's OK mods?)

11th Oct 2022, 22:13
This delicious café with honest prices, quality ingredients and friendly caring staff served me well during a rough period of family illness when I visited Oxted several times a month. What a pity to see it go - it was not only a purveyor of great local grub, but also a community centre for several generations at a time. Thank you to all whom I met there.

31st Oct 2022, 12:49
I live within a couple of miles of the Hub. It will be a great loss to us, the local community and GA.

It seems that, losing Arena Aviation and having repeatedly failed to get planning permission for a hard runway and/or housing, the owners are looking towards expanding their office facilities. The NHS has been steadily increasing its admin operations there and there is increasing pressure on space at the nearby East Surrey hospital.

The owner’s statement is just weasel words. I have never seen problems with parking space and any security concerns are laughable.