View Full Version : GPS Location Device

27th Sep 2022, 12:41
Good Afternoon All

Can I ask the experts for their advice on what I should buy in order to fulfil the following requirements, if that is possible!

When abroad, I would like to use a device (not a 'phone) which is portable, and can help me navigate around cities, but does not use a 'phone sim card. I am thinking along the lines of a GPS receiver, if they exist. I also would need to be able to have maps, or be able to download maps of the various cities/countries I am in. Maybe I am looking for the impossible, or maybe such a device is prohibitively expensive? I guess I am trying to get away from using expensive mobile data from my 'phone provider, or buying a local sim card and fiddle around putting that into my 'phone. Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Thanks, as always

27th Sep 2022, 12:48
Download the map to your phone at home beforehand, or on Wi-Fi in hotel - think it is possible for most if not all locations?

27th Sep 2022, 16:05
Use a GPS for your car or check the Garmin site or the Ordnance Survey

27th Sep 2022, 17:31
Have a look at WeGo Here (https://wego.here.com). Both a free app on your mobile and a web version are available. On the app, you can preload the maps for the areas you're going to and leave the app in offline mode. Has worked like a charm for me for many years. It used to be the 'house' navigation app on Nokia phones but it got turned into a stand alone version once Nokia Symbian phones fell out of fashion.

27th Sep 2022, 21:13
Just use a smart phone with Google maps, you can download any area you like for offline use.

Rai Ghan
28th Sep 2022, 02:28
I have used "OsmAnd offline maps and navigation" on my Samsung android phones and Samsung Tablet, I quite like it when I go to a new area that I am not familiar with here in Oz.

I am not sure if you have to pay for any extras such as map plugins as the app is free, I can't post links yet sogoole the bold text above that will take you to their website.


28th Sep 2022, 11:31
Thank you to all who have come back with such helpful information. I appreciate your taking the time to share your ideas, and I am now much better armed for those foreign trips!


29th Sep 2022, 05:08
I have used the Google Maps app on Android with Offline-maps a little.

Works fine. I have chosen a region to download and it wouldn't do it because it was "too big". In the particular case I chose a smaller region and all was good. No idea what limits are.

Also beware of maps timing out and getting automatically deleted. Timeout date is marked if you look for it. They simply die without notice. The phone doesn't understand "but I don't care that it might be a little out of date" shouted very, very loudly. No maps !!!!!

Just to add to earlier comments, I know someone who uses off-line UK OS maps on his phone for walking. It's well integrated with GPS. Shows position, tracks route if required. Might need external battery for extensive use.

29th Sep 2022, 06:23
Such an easy solution. It's a shame the OP made it quite clear they didn't want to use a phone...

29th Sep 2022, 07:49
Such an easy solution. It's a shame the OP made it quite clear they didn't want to use a phone...
They said ……

“I guess I am trying to get away from using expensive mobile data from my 'phone provider, or buying a local sim card and fiddle around putting that into my 'phone. Your thoughts would be appreciated.”

It was the data cost rather than the phone that were the issue, which several replies have addressed

Less Hair
29th Sep 2022, 07:52
Such an easy solution. It's a shame the OP made it quite clear they didn't want to use a phone...
A GPS phone (all modern ones) with pre stored local offline maps for navigation works without an active SIM connection at no extra cost. I use the above-mentioned "here" as well on an iphone. The SIM use was what he had wanted to avoid.

29th Sep 2022, 08:48
Indeed, I use a golf GPS app on an old iPhone with no SIM attached. I can still update it by connecting said phone to Wi-Fi too.

29th Sep 2022, 15:17
https://www.garmin.com/en-GB/p/699779 Satellite version



There are smart watches with it built in, see





30th Sep 2022, 21:45
Thanks again for the most recent postings. All have been helpful, and I am in the process of trying out the options suggested.

As always, I appreciate all advice offered.


1st Oct 2022, 09:18
I use the Mapy.cz app, download maps for offline use and covers many countries, just download the ones you want.