View Full Version : Company SAR Times.

20th Sep 2022, 10:24
Hi all,
Not 100% helicopter specific but will be used for a heli company.

What's software/ app does your company use or you have used for company SAR Time monitoring?

Currently using a 5 year-old iPhone that pilots Text or call that we manually respond and set an alarm on the same phone with the rego as the alarm name. Great for a hand full of aircraft but work for a large heli company with 150+ movements daily and poor ops member stuck with the phone does not have time much else.

Looked into a few lone worker type apps / software but the shortfall is only the end user can set / modify or cancel a SAR time. Some of our ops are very remote where only satphone or satellite coverage where Ops need the ability to set cancel or amend on behalf of the end user (pilot/aircrew)

Any help or a push in the right direction would be appreciated


Senior Pilot
20th Sep 2022, 11:57
Already a thread in Rotorheads: https://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/648970-company-sar-times.html