View Full Version : Exxon ramping up in PNG with new equipment

Mumbai Merlin
8th Sep 2022, 20:55
On the way to PNG for the next Exxon contract is two Airbus H145 factory new helicopters, painted in Exxon colour and registered P2-GAS and P2-LNG. Unsure who the operator will be.

A fixed wing operator in Port Moresby is advertising for B200 and DHC6 crew for forthcoming contract. Contract age limit of 60 years old applies to any flight crew member. Oddly this impacts the really experienced flight crew. Age limits apply on aircraft airframe as well.

Office Update
9th Sep 2022, 09:20
The helicopters are in Australia undergoing PNG certification.

They will be operated by Hevilift PNG

9th Sep 2022, 11:20
Exxon, cringe, and run for the hills.

Duck Pilot
9th Sep 2022, 19:39
The Oil and Gas work is certainly about to ramp up in PNG, lots of work in the pipeline for those interested.

The age limitations are going to have a big impact particularly if some clients are dropping it to 60. Some operators are now chopping pilots off at 65, gone are the days of flying Dash 8s or jets around until one requires a wheelchair.

The pandemic ended the careers for a few old fellas who were still flying around big aeroplanes in PNG. If there is a push to drive them out at 60, things are only going to get worse.

9th Sep 2022, 23:26
Thought Exxon only used American made gear hence the love for 412s etc

With the elections done and dusted the Government wants to sign more mining deals.

9th Sep 2022, 23:30
Thought Exxon only used American made gear hence the love for 412s etcThey have a fleet of 139's in Oz.

Flying Binghi
10th Sep 2022, 02:52
The Oil and Gas work is certainly about to ramp up in PNG, lots of work in the pipeline for those interested.

Thought all them oil investments were going to be ‘stranded assets’…:hmm:

chimbu warrior
10th Sep 2022, 10:28
The age limitations are going to have a big impact particularly if some clients are dropping it to 60. Some operators are now chopping pilots off at 65, gone are the days of flying Dash 8s or jets around until one requires a wheelchair.

Perhaps they don't realise how important PNG experience is. Time will tell.

Mumbai Merlin
29th Sep 2022, 06:22
The two new EC45's arrived at Mt. Hagen today, Thu 29th Sept. P2-GAS and P2-LNG

Ascend Charlie
30th Sep 2022, 05:44
Remember when the circus came to Hagen? They had to walk the animals up the roads as the big trucks couldn't cope with the roads. Notices were spread along the way to ensure safe passages for the critters. A picture of an elephant had this caption (or words to that effect):

"Dispela name bilong im "Elepant", ol i callim Jumbo.
Jumbo no kai-kai man
Man no kai-kai Jumbo."