View Full Version : Play Airlines

6th Sep 2022, 22:28
Play is hiring CMD and F/O. Any infos on terms and conditions out there? Facts please, not opinions.

The Flying Stool
6th Sep 2022, 22:38
Google a picture of their pilot uniforms before you apply. They couldnt pay me enough to wear that.

7th Sep 2022, 12:07
Google a picture of their pilot uniforms before you apply. They couldnt pay me enough to wear that.

How constructive… when the poster has literally stated they’re not interested in opinions on the airline

7th Sep 2022, 17:53
How constructive… when the poster has literally stated they’re not interested in opinions on the airline

Thanks kendrick. That‘s why I asked for facts and not opinions. Well…

The Flying Stool
7th Sep 2022, 18:47
Thanks kendrick. That‘s why I asked for facts and not opinions. Well…
The fact is, your peers in literally every other airline will laugh at you due to what your airline make you wear. Have some pride/respect in yourself. Read into that what you will.

7th Sep 2022, 22:27
The clown like uniform has since been improved from what I hear. This after some pilots revolted against it.

sudden twang
8th Sep 2022, 00:36
Technically The Flying Stools first sentence was. advice. His/ her second sentence was a fact albeit based upon an opinion but nevertheless a fact unless it was a lie but technically not an opinion.
Do you seriously expect only facts from a rumour network just because you demand them?

8th Sep 2022, 09:04
The fact is, your peers in literally every other airline will laugh at you due to what your airline make you wear. Have some pride/respect in yourself. Read into that what you will. Apart from that 1 picture of publicity stunt, was it ever the actual tech crew wear? FnO...

9th Sep 2022, 12:14
I have their collective bargaining agreement from when they started. Back then it was 400.000ISK per month for F/O. That comes to 2800 euros/mo at current exchange rates.


12th Sep 2022, 19:36
Does anyone have information on current terms and conditions?

13th Sep 2022, 00:49
Second that.


15th Sep 2022, 11:11
Regardless the T&C-s and weak ISK one should definitely budget in the initial costs of moving to Iceland: have a look at the rental market (triple what you find as most landlords will want 2 months deposit plus first month of rent in advance). Also it won't hurt to budget in a second hand car: places to rent around KEF are scarce, majority of avail accommodation are in the Reykjavik area which is about 45-60 mins drive to KEF. bland.is is a good place to start

Nick 1
16th Sep 2022, 06:58
Apart from that 1 picture of publicity stunt, was it ever the actual tech crew wear? FnO...

No , they change uniform , now is green ! 😀

22nd Sep 2022, 10:04
I got this form my friend that has the latest contract.

Latest terms for PLAY:

Senior CPT - 960.372kr
CPT - 800.310kr
Senior FO - 533.540kr
FO - 426.832kr
Cadet - 320.124kr

Driving allowance

Above 60hrs/80hrs cadet is 1.25% of basic pr. block hour.

Per diems
CPT - 185 USD per 24h
CPT - 150 EUR per 24h
FO - 150 USD per 24h
FO - 100 EUR per 24h

Below are assumed numbers from my friends experience.
Busy summer month above 90hrs would pay a CPT around 900.000kr/6.420 EUR NET and FO around 650.000kr/4.640 EUR NET with per diems included
Easy winter month below 60hrs would pay CPT around 750.000kr/5.350 EUR NET and FO 500.000kr/3.570 EUR NET.

Factor in cost of living in Iceland, renting, car and petrol etc. Iceland has one of the highest cost of living in the world as well as no commuting offered.

22nd Sep 2022, 12:56
Those numbers are definitely at least 15-20% below what WOW was paying (more if no yearly scales - scale 7-8-9 capt was grossing close to 2mil average back in the day). Also not to mention the weak krona atm. This job is for established locals w accomodation and wheels and not for commuting expats.

23rd Sep 2022, 10:48
I got this form my friend that has the latest contract.

Latest terms for PLAY:

Senior CPT - 960.372kr
CPT - 800.310kr
Senior FO - 533.540kr
FO - 426.832kr
Cadet - 320.124kr

Driving allowance

Above 60hrs/80hrs cadet is 1.25% of basic pr. block hour.

Per diems
CPT - 185 USD per 24h
CPT - 150 EUR per 24h
FO - 150 USD per 24h
FO - 100 EUR per 24h

Below are assumed numbers from my friends experience.
Busy summer month above 90hrs would pay a CPT around 900.000kr/6.420 EUR NET and FO around 650.000kr/4.640 EUR NET with per diems included
Easy winter month below 60hrs would pay CPT around 750.000kr/5.350 EUR NET and FO 500.000kr/3.570 EUR NET.

Factor in cost of living in Iceland, renting, car and petrol etc. Iceland has one of the highest cost of living in the world as well as no commuting offered.

Thanks a lot for the detailed info - do you know what the criteria are for each FO role?

Flying Clog
26th Sep 2022, 10:46
A cadaver slightly above ambient temperature should do the trick.

Count of Monte Bisto
26th Sep 2022, 21:20
I can only present to my colleagues this picture, which says it all -


In addition, the pay is terrible. I get that people need a job and you do what you have to do when needs must etc. However, looking every day of your working life like you are on the way to 'pilot night' at the gay bar, does not really do it for most people. If you are desperate beyond words, then Play Airlines is fine. If you have any choice whatsoever, then surely this must be near the bottom of the list.

26th Sep 2022, 23:05
I can only present to my colleagues this picture, which says it all -


In addition, the pay is terrible. I get that people need a job and you do what you have to do when needs must etc. However, looking every day of your working life like you are on the way to 'pilot night' at the gay bar, does not really do it for most people. If you are desperate beyond words, then Play Airlines is fine. If you have any choice whatsoever, then surely this must be near the bottom of the list.

Can you imagine an HGV or train driver putting up with this….? No? Neither can I. This job ( I’m really struggling to call it a career or a profession anymore) has gone down the drain.

In London Deliveroo uniforms are in demand because you can atleast use it to steal people’s watches while you drive a moped on L plates, maybe with this one you can do a dance act in Leicester Square to the kids queuing up outside the Lego store.

30th Apr 2023, 07:00

any news on updated T&Cs? Any hiring? Any feedback appreciated.

1st May 2023, 05:40
Heard they are now offering commuting? Any confirmation ?

1st May 2023, 13:02
Interested too... rosters, pay, commuting... any info. thks

12th Sep 2023, 16:07
Hey, anyone have applied?

13th Sep 2023, 14:04
no news so far, applied on saturday, will post here if I get anything back from them.
TR A320 less then 1000h

9th Oct 2023, 09:39
Has anyone heard anything from them?

9th Oct 2023, 10:12
Nothing so far, deadline was 25th of september. So they are taking their time.
I know for fact there are a lot of local pilots there who applied with no jet hours.

8th Nov 2023, 07:59
Still no action from the players? Did they actually hire anyone?

8th Nov 2023, 18:41
i just got the no thanks reply today

11th Feb 2024, 22:10

A friend is starting there and he is quite happy.
They offer commuting roster now, 20 ON- 10 OFF.
Salary as an FO is between 5000-7000€ depending on flying (expecting average 80H per month)
The overall ambiance in the company is really good.
You also have around 35 days of leave a year.
It seems they almost filled all the position for 2024.
And apparently they are negotiating a new contract this year for pilots… Not sure how it works.

28th Feb 2024, 07:37
Does anyone have a copy of the current terms and conditions for PLAY? I heard they just got a 50% pay raise this winter.