View Full Version : Confair

28th Aug 2022, 16:02
Anyone who worked, or is working, with Confair that can share some inputs about the experience with them regarding tax for contracts in Europe?

28th Aug 2022, 18:43

As I understand it, you are on your own. You are a contractor and will have to deal with taxes, social security etc. by yourself.

30th Aug 2022, 08:58
Thanks for the reply. I was considering a job advertised by them but I might turn it down. Not happy with something I heard regarding Confair.

9th Sep 2022, 15:42
Confair is an EU Company and so, all financial movements will be shared with your country's tax services. Don't try to hide it as they will catch you anyhow...

And for the price they pay for B744 Captain, be a truck driver. You'll get more....