View Full Version : Outport Restrictions

18th Aug 2022, 05:13
I am happy to be corrected here, but according to my neighbours who fly corporate, HK based pilots flying in the corporate world are not subject to outport restrictions when on layovers and are free to do as they wish.

The way it was told, the management pushed back and they powers that be caved.

Meanwhile airline crews are prisoners. It’s Nuts!

G Merch
18th Aug 2022, 05:19
We even get the bonus of people barging into our rooms in outports to check if we're complying with the rules.

18th Aug 2022, 05:31
We even get the bonus of people barging into our rooms in outports to check if we're complying with the rules.
seriously. That’s beyond acceptable. U accept this?

18th Aug 2022, 06:08
We even get the bonus of people barging into our rooms in outports to check if we're complying with the rules.

Literally entering the room without permission?!? That isn’t legal in most outports I’m sure. You should be reporting that.

18th Aug 2022, 07:03
I cannot believe the utter crap that people are putting up with!!!.

18th Aug 2022, 07:12
We even get the bonus of people barging into our rooms in outports to check if we're complying with the rules.

I am going to call BS on this....never happened.

Bekol delay
18th Aug 2022, 08:31
I am going to call BS on this....never happened.
I don't believe it is to check on the rules, more a sign of the questionable 'quality' of hotels that we now utlise.
It appears that one port in particular has been causing issues for a few months now, and yet nothing is being done.

18th Aug 2022, 14:48
Consider this: passengers can of course do whatever they please prior to boarding for Hong Kong, and then test and quarantine for three days on arrival.

The flight crew that flew them in have the exact same testing and three-day quarantine requirements, but were completely restricted in their movements when downroute, confined to their hotel room abroad under penalty of dismissal or worse.