View Full Version : Fly Dubai Second Officer Programme

16th Aug 2022, 20:14
Does anyone know what is tested on the aptitude test for the 737 initial TR for Flydubai?

I understand as far as now that before starting the TR in CAE you must pass an aptitude test, I’ve been looking for answers but nothing is updated because it was recently continued again.

if anyone has some advice for passing this aptitude test it will be much appreciated =)

16th Aug 2022, 21:36
How do you apply? When I hit "apply" on their website it takes me to a CAE page but there's nowhere to apply on it.

16th Aug 2022, 22:01
How do you apply? When I hit "apply" on their website it takes me to a CAE page but there's nowhere to apply on it.

Contact CAE in Dubai directly you just apply for the TR of the 737NG, as I understand if you pass everything 1st attempt you get to interview with flydubai. Best of luck

17th Aug 2022, 00:05
Contact CAE in Dubai directly you just apply for the TR of the 737NG, as I understand if you pass everything 1st attempt you get to interview with flydubai. Best of luck
So where does the bond come into play if you must do thr 737 TR on your own and then interview later? I read on the flydubai website they pay for the training and there is a 36,000 USD bond

17th Aug 2022, 06:19
That might be for a first officer, as a second officer you pay for your training which is around 20,000 USD you must have your CPL,IR, ATPL frozen or in the u.s. ATP-CTP plush 250 he tt

17th Aug 2022, 17:50
11. The candidate should do UAE Frozen ATPL Theory of 250 hrs (Ground School) prior to joining Flydubai

18th Aug 2022, 06:23
Hey guys, from what I know so far for the initial assessment we will have an advance compass test, psychometric test, panel interview and FFS session on the 737NG (SID, Radial intercept, Steep turns, then vectors for ILS and one visual pattern. Will be going for the assessment at the start of sept, will be glad to update with more information then if y'all would like that. Hope it helps, Cheers!

Do you what's in the psychometric test, I found it on latest pilots and it has ATP questions from easa.
I've heard FOs don't do that test, so I just wanted to know exactly what they test on the psychometric or compass test.

15th Oct 2022, 16:12
Hey guys, I have a question and I hope I get an answer ASAP, I have done my EASA frozen ATPL ( Integrated ATPL ) in Spain and I want to join the Flydubai's program. According to the requirement ( I should have a UAE frozen ATPL theory ). I want to know Should I do the exams ONLY? or Should I have to do 250hrs of Ground school and the exams together?
( this question is for anyone who did the program or to anyone who's going to do it and he/she is in the same situation ? )

I have tried to ask CAE about this and they are not sure exactly how it goes in Flydubai

Thank you guys!!

16th Oct 2022, 07:56
Hey guys, I have a question and I hope I get an answer ASAP, I have done my EASA frozen ATPL ( Integrated ATPL ) in Spain and I want to join the Flydubai's program. According to the requirement ( I should have a UAE frozen ATPL theory ). I want to know Should I do the exams ONLY? or Should I have to do 250hrs of Ground school and the exams together?
( this question is for anyone who did the program or to anyone who's going to do it and he/she is in the same situation ? )

I have tried to ask CAE about this and they are not sure exactly how it goes in Flydubai

Thank you guys!!

I believe you will only have to do the GCAA exams as EASA and GCAA is pretty much a copy paste, speak to fujairah aviation academy and let them know you have a easa frozen how ever they might have the info, I absolutely do not recommend taking the exams with them, alpha aviation does the exams only in Sharjah for a much better price.
​​​​​​i hope this helps :)

28th Nov 2022, 17:19
HI Sushiwaster, what is the update on the assesment, I just received an Email and i would like to ask your help for assessment

27th Feb 2023, 07:05
Hello Everyone!

I did the second officer program assessment in 2021 and passed. I decided to delay the start of the Type rating as Fly Dubai recently increased the Max age limit from 29 to 35 years old.

Here are the details:

Currently when you open the Flydubai Pilot, second officer page and click on apply now, it will direct you to CAE's website but no clear indication of how to get started. I recommend you email the following person:To: Nigina Surkova nigina.surkova @ cae.comAND

CC: Deborah Alberetulage

deborah.alberetulage @ cae.com

and in the email subject type: Fly Dubai Second Officer Program.

In the email, mention your name and that you would like to apply for the program and request the requirements so you can submit your application.

____________________________________________________________ __________________________

Here is how this program works:

1)This program requires that you have:

CPL ME/IR from any ICAO state with 220 total hours(recently updated, previously was 250 hours).
1st Class Medical
MCC Course ( JOC not required because it's part of the type rating)(recently removed from the page, maybe a typo, but definitely still required)
ATPL theory( this can also be done after the type rating for those without this requirement)- Those with EASA.UK CAA or other ATPL credit will still be required to redo it with Fujairah Aviation Academy9 2-3 Months and $5000)

So you will require the MCC to apply! Preferably on a 737 for your own benefit in the assessment but not required.

2) After submitting your application, you will be invited for the assessment. The assessment is done in Dubai, and is a 2 day assessment. They will charge you $1000 for the assessment costs after you confirm the dates you can attend.

Day 1: Assessment consists of a simulator assessment on the B737NG Full motion Level D simulator ( See comments below for sim assessment description) - In CAE simulator facility, Dubai Silicon Oasis.
Day 2: Compass test and Psychometric test(all done on a computer) in Emirates Airlines headquarters. CAE is owned by Emirates and they conduct the assessment, so do not go for the Fly Dubai assessment package. As per the following website, which is used for the preparation of this day ( latest pilot job- Emirates assessment, sorry had to remove the URL to post, new member :) )

Results of the assessment are revealed within a week or 2 weeks.

3) When the assessment is successful, you can schedule your 737 Type Rating with CAE. They want you to begin the Type rating within 1 year.

Type rating is about 2 months long(56 days) and costs $33,000. 50% has to be paid for seat confirmation when you agree on a date and the other 50% 10 working days before beginning the type rating.

At the end of the type rating, during the exam, two examiners will be present. One examiner representing CAE for the Type Rating endorsement, and a second examiner representing Fly Dubai for the second officer assessment.

At the end of the simulator session, they will inform you if both are a pass!

4) This step I don't know a lot about, but this is what I know so far: After successfully passing the Type rating, Fly Dubai will invite you for another formal interview, and at this point they might have a few additional requirements before you start with them as a co-pilot(second officer).

For example: They might require you to do Base training on a 737 depending on license requirements for type rating endorsement. For example EASA license holders will have to complete this in Europe on their expense.

5) When you begin with FlyDubai, you will have to complete 30 sectors before you are released in the line. During this time the salary might only be 12,000dhs a month total, but this phase should not take long. you can complete 4 sectors in 1 day flying in the Gulf region.

When fully released, the salary becomes 20,000dhs a month TOTAL, until you complete 1500 hours on the 737, thats when your ATPL will be unfozen and pay will increase to 40,000 dhs a month(including housing and flying pay). It takes 2 to 2.5 years to complete these hours.

Sim description:

2-day CAE Assessment
Day 1: CAE Dubai Silicon Oasis Branch (Simulator Assessment B737NG Level D):

 Simulator Assessment Brief (PowerPoint), as sent prior by email. This gives
chance for questions on the Simulator assessment to be answered.
 Draw is made to divide everyone into groups of 2, if you are not in the first
group then you’ll have to wait in the pilot lounge and about 1 hour and 45
mins after first group started you can head to the Sim location and wait.
 Simulator profile:
o Takeoff Off from OOMS Rwy 08L, winds 353/13 knots, 500ft OVC
1000M visibility.
 No FD but Auto Throttles/Thrust allowed(Discretion of the
 Flaps 15 Takeoff
 FMC and over head panel set by the Instructor
o Intercept Radial 090 outbound from MCT VOR.
 If told to intercept radial inbound, then set the reciprocal!
o Climb at 250 KIAS and 1000ft/m.
o Descend at 250 KIAS and 1000ft/m
o Steep Turns, 180 degrees left and then level and 180 degrees right
at 45 AOB.
o AutoPilot engaged for ILS brief.
 ILS 08L manually flown with FD available: FOLLOW the FD.
o Visual Circuit with CAVOK weather
 1600 feet Flap 5 Takeoff and keeping same flaps till gear
goes down.
 Instructor can allow right circuit if desired.

 Memorize all callouts
 Always trim the aircraft, careful not to run the pitch trim too long!
 Small Power lever movements
 Make all your briefs as thorough as possible.
 You will make mistakes, that’s okay, as long as you show improvement in the simulator and

Cost Planning : $1k for the assessment + $33k for the Type rating (Does not include housing, food) + $5k for GCAA ATPL theory + Base training(6 Touch and Gos) if your license requires it for license validation into a UAE GCAA license.

Note: The notes above were sent as an email to a friend that inquired on the program, hope it's useful for everyone, and excuse any mistakes.

27th Feb 2023, 21:54
What are the odds of pilots getting job with FlyDubai after completion of TR?
Because paying out around 40000 USD its not an easy thing if you finish without a job at the end...

28th Feb 2023, 13:10
Hey guys, I have a question and I hope I get an answer ASAP, I have done my EASA frozen ATPL ( Integrated ATPL ) in Spain and I want to join the Flydubai's program. According to the requirement ( I should have a UAE frozen ATPL theory ). I want to know Should I do the exams ONLY? or Should I have to do 250hrs of Ground school and the exams together?
( this question is for anyone who did the program or to anyone who's going to do it and he/she is in the same situation ? )

I have tried to ask CAE about this and they are not sure exactly how it goes in Flydubai

Thank you guys!!

Salam Mohammed,

According to those that did the assessment with myself and are now flying with Flydubai, as I stayed in touch with them. They had to do the GCAA ATPL with Fujeirah Aviation Academy, reduced groundschool hours of 220 distance learning and 30 in a classroom, total 250hours. Cost is 18,000Dhs. Also they were in similar shoes as you and they had already done their EASA ATPL. This requirement was done by them after successfully completing the Type Rating.

Hope that helps.

2nd Mar 2023, 10:17
I posted a reply same day you asked your question but it seems that it didn't go through.

I was told by the Training Director who gave us the assessment simulator brief that Majority make it, not sure if someone actually gave me this figure or just what I understood, but likely to be 85-90%+ make it through to Fly Dubai, Also he said those that didn't make it had weak CRM/MCC skills and/or very weak performance/Knowledge. Otherwise I agree that it would be an expensive Type Rating without the Job. The course also includes a lot of hours, over 50 Full Flight Simulator hours, to help everyone succeed. It's also understandable that Fly Dubai wants Good pilots, who will eventually become Captains and not just career first officers.

One of the guys who passed the assessment and finished the Type rating and got the job, had been out of flying for 9+ years, he did his flight review and made it through the Type Rating and will soon be in the right seat.

Hope that helps.

3rd Mar 2023, 20:41
I understand, thank you for response tho...

My biggest problem here is because I have a validation of my licence in UAE but they still want me to do 250hr ground school ATPL and 14 exams which doesnt make sense since my licence is recognized by UAE GCAA..
If there was not that thing I would surely go for it with some bank loan or something... I suppose total cost without that conversion would be like 1k+33k+5k(2 days + 56 days stay in UAE + 2 return airplane tickets)= 39k...

5th Mar 2023, 07:10
I understand, thank you for response tho...

My biggest problem here is because I have a validation of my licence in UAE but they still want me to do 250hr ground school ATPL and 14 exams which doesnt make sense since my licence is recognized by UAE GCAA..
If there was not that thing I would surely go for it with some bank loan or something... I suppose total cost without that conversion would be like 1k+33k+5k(2 days + 56 days stay in UAE + 2 return airplane tickets)= 39k...

The main requirement is to have good knowledge of the ATPL subjects, which is proven by doing the ATPL theory exams. In the past, a few years before Covid-19, those that had done the ATPL theory in their country were accepted as equivalent. Obviously those with a FAA license or from countries that don’t follow the “ATPL theory” system, had to do the GCAA ATPL exams anyways. But for some reason, now everyone has to do(or redo) it. It also brought more business to Flydubais partner Fujeirah Aviation Academy.

Also, because of my instructing experience, and meeting an exception the GCAA made, I can get a UAE GCAA license by only doing two written exams, the license is valid but still doesn’t meet Fly Dubais requirement.

I still think Flydubai is a good deal, and they probably have the best pay of a “low cost” airline.

You can consider WIZZ air AbuDhabi, they still require ATPL theory(EASA or UAE GCAA), and their pay is not that great. Maybe the only advantage is that the initial investment is lower compared to Fly Dubai.

also Air Arabia’s T3 academy has a program for getting the type rating and 750 hours on the A320 for about 155k AED. Also still requires ATPL theory from any country.

btw what was the process like for you to get the license validation? And from which license did you do that?

all the best!

5th Mar 2023, 17:47
Its my friends ICAO license, but we have the same thing so I suppose they would accept it the same way..
Unfortunately aviation these days came to the point where airliners can scam you easily to earn money and you cant do anything about it...
They require more and more training like AUPRT MCC JOC TR and other stuff so they don't have to pay for it...
I understand that for example you should pass AirLaw but all 14 is a joke and its made only for making ATO some money...

We cant get job anywhere today unfortunately without having additional 40k to invest... and to pray they are not just gonna reject us at the interview...

9th Mar 2023, 11:25
Hello Everyone!

I did the second officer program assessment in 2021 and passed. I decided to delay the start of the Type rating as Fly Dubai recently increased the Max age limit from 29 to 35 years old.

Here are the details:

Currently when you open the Flydubai Pilot, second officer page and click on apply now, it will direct you to CAE's website but no clear indication of how to get started. I recommend you email the following person:To: Nigina Surkovanigina.surkova @ cae.comAND

CC: Deborah Alberetulage

deborah.alberetulage @ cae.com

and in the email subject type: Fly Dubai Second Officer Program.

In the email, mention your name and that you would like to apply for the program and request the requirements so you can submit your application.

____________________________________________________________ __________________________

Here is how this program works:

1)This program requires that you have:

CPL ME/IR from any ICAO state with 220 total hours(recently updated, previously was 250 hours).
1st Class Medical
MCC Course ( JOC not required because it's part of the type rating)(recently removed from the page, maybe a typo, but definitely still required)
ATPL theory( this can also be done after the type rating for those without this requirement)- Those with EASA.UK CAA or other ATPL credit will still be required to redo it with Fujairah Aviation Academy9 2-3 Months and $5000)

So you will require the MCC to apply! Preferably on a 737 for your own benefit in the assessment but not required.

2) After submitting your application, you will be invited for the assessment. The assessment is done in Dubai, and is a 2 day assessment. They will charge you $1000 for the assessment costs after you confirm the dates you can attend.

Day 1: Assessment consists of a simulator assessment on the B737NG Full motion Level D simulator ( See comments below for sim assessment description) - In CAE simulator facility, Dubai Silicon Oasis.
Day 2: Compass test and Psychometric test(all done on a computer) in Emirates Airlines headquarters. CAE is owned by Emirates and they conduct the assessment, so do not go for the Fly Dubai assessment package. As per the following website, which is used for the preparation of this day ( latest pilot job- Emirates assessment, sorry had to remove the URL to post, new member :) )

Results of the assessment are revealed within a week or 2 weeks.

3) When the assessment is successful, you can schedule your 737 Type Rating with CAE. They want you to begin the Type rating within 1 year.

Type rating is about 2 months long(56 days) and costs $33,000. 50% has to be paid for seat confirmation when you agree on a date and the other 50% 10 working days before beginning the type rating.

At the end of the type rating, during the exam, two examiners will be present. One examiner representing CAE for the Type Rating endorsement, and a second examiner representing Fly Dubai for the second officer assessment.

At the end of the simulator session, they will inform you if both are a pass!

4) This step I don't know a lot about, but this is what I know so far: After successfully passing the Type rating, Fly Dubai will invite you for another formal interview, and at this point they might have a few additional requirements before you start with them as a co-pilot(second officer).

For example: They might require you to do Base training on a 737 depending on license requirements for type rating endorsement. For example EASA license holders will have to complete this in Europe on their expense.

5) When you begin with FlyDubai, you will have to complete 30 sectors before you are released in the line. During this time the salary might only be 12,000dhs a month total, but this phase should not take long. you can complete 4 sectors in 1 day flying in the Gulf region.

When fully released, the salary becomes 20,000dhs a month TOTAL, until you complete 1500 hours on the 737, thats when your ATPL will be unfozen and pay will increase to 40,000 dhs a month(including housing and flying pay). It takes 2 to 2.5 years to complete these hours.

Sim description:

2-day CAE Assessment
Day 1: CAE Dubai Silicon Oasis Branch (Simulator Assessment B737NG Level D):

 Simulator Assessment Brief (PowerPoint), as sent prior by email. This gives
chance for questions on the Simulator assessment to be answered.
 Draw is made to divide everyone into groups of 2, if you are not in the first
group then you’ll have to wait in the pilot lounge and about 1 hour and 45
mins after first group started you can head to the Sim location and wait.
 Simulator profile:
o Takeoff Off from OOMS Rwy 08L, winds 353/13 knots, 500ft OVC
1000M visibility.
 No FD but Auto Throttles/Thrust allowed(Discretion of the
 Flaps 15 Takeoff
 FMC and over head panel set by the Instructor
o Intercept Radial 090 outbound from MCT VOR.
 If told to intercept radial inbound, then set the reciprocal!
o Climb at 250 KIAS and 1000ft/m.
o Descend at 250 KIAS and 1000ft/m
o Steep Turns, 180 degrees left and then level and 180 degrees right
at 45 AOB.
o AutoPilot engaged for ILS brief.
 ILS 08L manually flown with FD available: FOLLOW the FD.
o Visual Circuit with CAVOK weather
 1600 feet Flap 5 Takeoff and keeping same flaps till gear
goes down.
 Instructor can allow right circuit if desired.

 Memorize all callouts
 Always trim the aircraft, careful not to run the pitch trim too long!
 Small Power lever movements
 Make all your briefs as thorough as possible.
 You will make mistakes, that’s okay, as long as you show improvement in the simulator and

Cost Planning : $1k for the assessment + $33k for the Type rating (Does not include housing, food) + $5k for GCAA ATPL theory + Base training(6 Touch and Gos) if your license requires it for license validation into a UAE GCAA license.

Note: The notes above were sent as an email to a friend that inquired on the program, hope it's useful for everyone, and excuse any mistakes.
Hello, Souabnim.
Thanks a lot for your info. It was what I was looking exactly.
I have some more question about the assessments.
Could you tell me either your email or whats app please?

10th Mar 2023, 08:47
Guys are being offered start date as early as 1 month after completing the type rating.

14th Mar 2023, 16:44
If you guys know ;
When they say 35years old maximum, does it include 35years until the day you have 36. Or when you're 35years old it's over?
Is it just at the time you submitted your application, you will be invited for the assessment ?
I am very interested, by joining, i used to live in UAE and i'd love to go back.

15th Mar 2023, 05:59
If you guys know ;
When they say 35years old maximum, does it include 35years until the day you have 36. Or when you're 35years old it's over?
Is it just at the time you submitted your application, you will be invited for the assessment ?
I am very interested, by joining, i used to live in UAE and i'd love to go back.

I believe that you have to do the assessment before you turn 36, and if successful, they want you to start the type rating within 1 year, you could be 36 then and that’s not a problem.

ofcourse confirm with CAE first.

16th Mar 2023, 08:48
That's what i thought too, but i wasn't sure ! Thank you

16th Mar 2023, 14:45
Does anyone know if there is a test on ATPL theoretical knowledge for the second officer assessment?

Yes there is a 30 questions ATPL test part of the Psychometric test.

18th Mar 2023, 12:10
Even 58 year old FO no problem , just pay dollar and you are good

18th Mar 2023, 16:05
Even 58 year old FO no problem , just pay dollar and you are good

Negative! They won't take above 35 if you are external and 40 if you are internal.

30th Apr 2023, 10:43
Hello everyone,
Can someone fill me up with the below
01. How is the overall TR experience?
02. FZ says no remedial, how likely is to get a remedial for an average joe?
03. Are there any specific quality FZ is looking for in the candidates?
04. What happens after the Type?
05. How was the HR interview after Type. Does it include technical and other ATP questions. Any recommendation to prepare for that?
06. When and how do they conduct the medical at FZ before joining?
*Thank You so much already*

blue sky 1
21st May 2023, 14:54

does anyone have advice what is the resource to prep for Aptitude Testing (Advance Compass) and Psychometric Testing


8th Jun 2023, 23:22
The main requirement is to have good knowledge of the ATPL subjects, which is proven by doing the ATPL theory exams. In the past, a few years before Covid-19, those that had done the ATPL theory in their country were accepted as equivalent. Obviously those with a FAA license or from countries that don’t follow the “ATPL theory” system, had to do the GCAA ATPL exams anyways. But for some reason, now everyone has to do(or redo) it. It also brought more business to Flydubais partner Fujeirah Aviation Academy.

Also, because of my instructing experience, and meeting an exception the GCAA made, I can get a UAE GCAA license by only doing two written exams, the license is valid but still doesn’t meet Fly Dubais requirement.

I still think Flydubai is a good deal, and they probably have the best pay of a “low cost” airline.

You can consider WIZZ air AbuDhabi, they still require ATPL theory(EASA or UAE GCAA), and their pay is not that great. Maybe the only advantage is that the initial investment is lower compared to Fly Dubai.

also Air Arabia’s T3 academy has a program for getting the type rating and 750 hours on the A320 for about 155k AED. Also still requires ATPL theory from any country.

btw what was the process like for you to get the license validation? And from which license did you do that?

all the best!
is it a new program? who participated in this new program in this forum??

18th Jun 2023, 07:30
Hello guys,

Anyone currently in the process or passed the assessment recently? Is the program still valid? I'm very interested to try it out, any assessment or process changed in this post?Can I still contact [email protected] ?Thanks a lot!

23rd Jun 2023, 20:48
Guys Anyone been trough the assesment recently? I am wondering whats the best way to prepear especially for the compass and what sort of exercises to expect (maths, Atpl, how is the seville part?) If anyone could help I would really appriciate.

4th Jul 2023, 21:03
Hi guys please could anyone tell me what is the best platform to use to prepare for the assessment day for this program thank you 😊

22nd Sep 2023, 16:31
Good day everyone!

Fly Dubai introduced a new training facility called Fly Dubai Training Center. So perhaps the application is now done directly through them rather than CAE. Although I am unsure of this, if someone contacts them, please update everyone else here.

As for the preparation assessment: (Copied from my long post above)
Day 2: Compass test and Psychometric test(all done on a computer) in Emirates Airlines headquarters. CAE is owned by Emirates and they conduct the assessment, so do not go for the Fly Dubai assessment package. As per the following website, which is used for the preparation of this day ( latest pilot job- Emirates assessment
Note: with the now new FlyDubai Training Center, this might have changed.

Also, checkout the Wizz Air AbuDhabi thread on PPRUNE, I posted today a document which has good info on WIZZ Air Abu Dhabi pilot job benefits and pay scale. I think they are a better option, especially if you have over 300 IFR time and good total time.

24th Sep 2023, 16:56
Hello everybody.
There is anybody here who did ATPL exams in the UAE? If yes, how it was? Which question bank is better to practice? Database same as EASA of different? I was trying to search this info everywhere, but nothing was found.

26th Sep 2023, 03:06
Good day,

The “only” UAE GCAA ATPL provider that is accessible to all and that Fly Dubai wants you to complete the ATPL theory with is Fujeirah Aviation Academy.

they charge about $5k for the Distance learning.

they use the Bristol GS CBT and question bank.

The earliest you can apply to attend the refresher groundschool is 3 months after you have finished all the lessons.

refresher ground school run Monday to Friday on the 1st week and Monday of the second week. 6 days total. I think they run this every 3-4 months.

after completing the refresher GS, you can schedule the UAE GCAA ATPL exams which are also done at Fujeirah Aviation Academy.

note the academy is in the city of Fujeirah, about up to 1.5 hours away from Dubai.

all the best!

26th Sep 2023, 22:24
I sent an email requiring information about the program to FlyDubai training academy, but unfortunately I didn’t receive any reply. Maybe they still want people to go through CAE.

28th Sep 2023, 10:56
I sent an email requiring information about the program to FlyDubai training academy, but unfortunately I didn’t receive any reply. Maybe they still want people to go through CAE.

how long ago did you contact them?

I contacted them as well before about the ELP assessment and they got back to me after over a month I think…

28th Sep 2023, 22:07
Thank you for your reply that I appreciate.
I had emailed them the day I saw your reel that you posted about them opening the training center.

23rd Oct 2023, 15:23
Hi, guys! I am thinking of applying for this program, but I have a couple of questions. Hopefully, someone who already got into this program, or just someone who knows about it, could provide me with answers.
1. I have one failed checkride. Multi engine. Is this going to affect my chances of getting accepted to FlyDubai? Are there people who got accepted with a failed checkride?
2. My license is FAA. Is it difficult to pass those UAE ATPL theory exams? Is the 250-hr ground school enough to prepare for those exams? Or do I have to study more on my own? If so, can you share some sources that could help me study and pass those exams? I passed FAA ATP exam, but I believe those exams are more difficult. Any idea how many questions are there in those exams?
P.S. If you have any other advice or concerns or etc. for an FAA license holder willing to apply for this program, please, don't hesitate to share.
Thank you!

24th Oct 2023, 03:28
Hi, guys! I am thinking of applying for this program, but I have a couple of questions. Hopefully, someone who already got into this program, or just someone who knows about it, could provide me with answers.
1. I have one failed checkride. Multi engine. Is this going to affect my chances of getting accepted to FlyDubai? Are there people who got accepted with a failed checkride?
2. My license is FAA. Is it difficult to pass those UAE ATPL theory exams? Is the 250-hr ground school enough to prepare for those exams? Or do I have to study more on my own? If so, can you share some sources that could help me study and pass those exams? I passed FAA ATP exam, but I believe those exams are more difficult. Any idea how many questions are there in those exams?
P.S. If you have any other advice or concerns or etc. for an FAA license holder willing to apply for this program, please, don't hesitate to share.
Thank you!

1. Nope they don't check if you passed your check rides at the first attempt. As long as you have a valid licenses and certificates its suffice. If at any point they ask if you failed any exams or checkrides just be honest.

2. The UAE ATPL exams are similar to the EASA exams maybe little differences especially the air law and procedures exams but dont worry the flight school can help with that. Yes it is intense if you need to complete it in a very short time. You need to dedicate full time for it.

If you decide to enroll in this program my advise is dedicate your full concentration into it and be patience. It can be slow or fast depending on their training slots, its costly but worth it especially when you are released to the line as First officer. The salary and benefits are very good. Flying is crazy lots of night flights and short multiple sectors.

Another advise is visit dubai and see if it is a place you can adapt to, the downside to Dubai is the weather and cost of living but otherwise it's one of the safest place on earth and friendly people. Good luck.

24th Oct 2023, 18:28
1. Nope they don't check if you passed your check rides at the first attempt. As long as you have a valid licenses and certificates its suffice. If at any point they ask if you failed any exams or checkrides just be honest.

2. The UAE ATPL exams are similar to the EASA exams maybe little differences especially the air law and procedures exams but dont worry the flight school can help with that. Yes it is intense if you need to complete it in a very short time. You need to dedicate full time for it.

If you decide to enroll in this program my advise is dedicate your full concentration into it and be patience. It can be slow or fast depending on their training slots, its costly but worth it especially when you are released to the line as First officer. The salary and benefits are very good. Flying is crazy lots of night flights and short multiple sectors.

Another advise is visit dubai and see if it is a place you can adapt to, the downside to Dubai is the weather and cost of living but otherwise it's one of the safest place on earth and friendly people. Good luck.

Thank you for the reply. I appreciate it.
Did u go through this program? Can I ask message you on some other platform, please?
I've been told by CAE representative that so far there's no a deadline for applications. However, there were a lot of questions that I didn't get a direct answer to. Like, what is the timeline, are there set dates for the program start, what is the success rate of applicants, that made it to FlyDubai after this program (this one is especiallyimportant to know for me, because I'm not into gambling), what are the reasons for rejections, etc.
I would appreciate if someone could share their experience here or in DMs.

25th Oct 2023, 04:55
Thank you for the reply. I appreciate it.
Did u go through this program? Can I ask message you on some other platform, please?
I've been told by CAE representative that so far there's no a deadline for applications. However, there were a lot of questions that I didn't get a direct answer to. Like, what is the timeline, are there set dates for the program start, what is the success rate of applicants, that made it to FlyDubai after this program (this one is especiallyimportant to know for me, because I'm not into gambling), what are the reasons for rejections, etc.
I would appreciate if someone could share their experience here or in DMs.

Yes inbox me.

For the benfit of othrs the Success rate is very high, as long as you don't screw up the type rating then you are guaranteed a job assuming you pass the medical test and meet visa requirements.

This is why I recommend do a through medical test, check your visa eligibility, background checks and be confident that you can give 100% of your time and energy in passing the type rating before investing a huge sum of money. They are not looking for astronauts just a decent proficient pilot with good attitude.

25th Oct 2023, 17:48
Yes inbox me.

For the benfit of othrs the Success rate is very high, as long as you don't screw up the type rating then you are guaranteed a job assuming you pass the medical test and meet visa requirements.

This is why I recommend do a through medical test, check your visa eligibility, background checks and be confident that you can give 100% of your time and energy in passing the type rating before investing a huge sum of money. They are not looking for astronauts just a decent proficient pilot with good attitude.

Alright, thanks! I will drop you a message.

26th Oct 2023, 14:32
Does anyone know the entry requirements for the age maximum 35 years what it means?

I will turn 35 in February and Im looking to apply next year

Kind Regards,

27th Oct 2023, 11:44
Hi there,

Does anyone know what it means by 35 years age to apply?

This means you can apply after your 35th birthday?

28th Oct 2023, 03:51
Does anyone know the entry requirements for the age maximum 35 years what it means?

I will turn 35 in February and Im looking to apply next year

Kind Regards,

I got an email from them, which says "The maximum age to apply will be 34 years and 11 months." So, I believe your best bet would be to apply before February.

Nishanth Udaykumar
28th Oct 2023, 05:11
Could anyone please assist me on whom to contact to apply for the program?

10th Dec 2023, 21:23
Hello Everyone!

I did the second officer program assessment in 2021 and passed. I decided to delay the start of the Type rating as Fly Dubai recently increased the Max age limit from 29 to 35 years old.

Here are the details:

Currently when you open the Flydubai Pilot, second officer page and click on apply now, it will direct you to CAE's website but no clear indication of how to get started. I recommend you email the following person:To: Nigina Surkovanigina.surkova @ cae.comAND

CC: Deborah Alberetulage

deborah.alberetulage @ cae.com

and in the email subject type: Fly Dubai Second Officer Program.

In the email, mention your name and that you would like to apply for the program and request the requirements so you can submit your application.

____________________________________________________________ __________________________

Here is how this program works:

1)This program requires that you have:

CPL ME/IR from any ICAO state with 220 total hours(recently updated, previously was 250 hours).
1st Class Medical
MCC Course ( JOC not required because it's part of the type rating)(recently removed from the page, maybe a typo, but definitely still required)
ATPL theory( this can also be done after the type rating for those without this requirement)- Those with EASA.UK CAA or other ATPL credit will still be required to redo it with Fujairah Aviation Academy9 2-3 Months and $5000)

So you will require the MCC to apply! Preferably on a 737 for your own benefit in the assessment but not required.

2) After submitting your application, you will be invited for the assessment. The assessment is done in Dubai, and is a 2 day assessment. They will charge you $1000 for the assessment costs after you confirm the dates you can attend.

Day 1: Assessment consists of a simulator assessment on the B737NG Full motion Level D simulator ( See comments below for sim assessment description) - In CAE simulator facility, Dubai Silicon Oasis.
Day 2: Compass test and Psychometric test(all done on a computer) in Emirates Airlines headquarters. CAE is owned by Emirates and they conduct the assessment, so do not go for the Fly Dubai assessment package. As per the following website, which is used for the preparation of this day ( latest pilot job- Emirates assessment, sorry had to remove the URL to post, new member :) )

Results of the assessment are revealed within a week or 2 weeks.

3) When the assessment is successful, you can schedule your 737 Type Rating with CAE. They want you to begin the Type rating within 1 year.

Type rating is about 2 months long(56 days) and costs $33,000. 50% has to be paid for seat confirmation when you agree on a date and the other 50% 10 working days before beginning the type rating.

At the end of the type rating, during the exam, two examiners will be present. One examiner representing CAE for the Type Rating endorsement, and a second examiner representing Fly Dubai for the second officer assessment.

At the end of the simulator session, they will inform you if both are a pass!

4) This step I don't know a lot about, but this is what I know so far: After successfully passing the Type rating, Fly Dubai will invite you for another formal interview, and at this point they might have a few additional requirements before you start with them as a co-pilot(second officer).

For example: They might require you to do Base training on a 737 depending on license requirements for type rating endorsement. For example EASA license holders will have to complete this in Europe on their expense.

5) When you begin with FlyDubai, you will have to complete 30 sectors before you are released in the line. During this time the salary might only be 12,000dhs a month total, but this phase should not take long. you can complete 4 sectors in 1 day flying in the Gulf region.

When fully released, the salary becomes 20,000dhs a month TOTAL, until you complete 1500 hours on the 737, thats when your ATPL will be unfozen and pay will increase to 40,000 dhs a month(including housing and flying pay). It takes 2 to 2.5 years to complete these hours.

Sim description:

2-day CAE Assessment
Day 1: CAE Dubai Silicon Oasis Branch (Simulator Assessment B737NG Level D):

 Simulator Assessment Brief (PowerPoint), as sent prior by email. This gives
chance for questions on the Simulator assessment to be answered.
 Draw is made to divide everyone into groups of 2, if you are not in the first
group then you’ll have to wait in the pilot lounge and about 1 hour and 45
mins after first group started you can head to the Sim location and wait.
 Simulator profile:
o Takeoff Off from OOMS Rwy 08L, winds 353/13 knots, 500ft OVC
1000M visibility.
 No FD but Auto Throttles/Thrust allowed(Discretion of the
 Flaps 15 Takeoff
 FMC and over head panel set by the Instructor
o Intercept Radial 090 outbound from MCT VOR.
 If told to intercept radial inbound, then set the reciprocal!
o Climb at 250 KIAS and 1000ft/m.
o Descend at 250 KIAS and 1000ft/m
o Steep Turns, 180 degrees left and then level and 180 degrees right
at 45 AOB.
o AutoPilot engaged for ILS brief.
 ILS 08L manually flown with FD available: FOLLOW the FD.
o Visual Circuit with CAVOK weather
 1600 feet Flap 5 Takeoff and keeping same flaps till gear
goes down.
 Instructor can allow right circuit if desired.

 Memorize all callouts
 Always trim the aircraft, careful not to run the pitch trim too long!
 Small Power lever movements
 Make all your briefs as thorough as possible.
 You will make mistakes, that’s okay, as long as you show improvement in the simulator and

Cost Planning : $1k for the assessment + $33k for the Type rating (Does not include housing, food) + $5k for GCAA ATPL theory + Base training(6 Touch and Gos) if your license requires it for license validation into a UAE GCAA license.

Note: The notes above were sent as an email to a friend that inquired on the program, hope it's useful for everyone, and excuse any mistakes.
it's possible to give me more information about day 1 and day2

12th Dec 2023, 22:48
Hello, Souabnim.
Thanks a lot for your info. It was what I was looking exactly.
I have some more question about the assessments.
Could you tell me either your email or whats app please?
I have some questions about the assessment plz need more details thank you

13th Dec 2023, 20:10
it's possible to give me more information about day 1 and day2
Anybody here for January? Assessment?

28th Dec 2023, 11:08
Has anyone written to them and heard back? I wrote in but haven't heard back yet. The link to their application page leads to the CAE website and there's no application form. Can anyone share how to apply for the program?

12th Jan 2024, 12:44
Hello Everyone!

I did the second officer program assessment in 2021 and passed. I decided to delay the start of the Type rating as Fly Dubai recently increased the Max age limit from 29 to 35 years old.

Here are the details:

Currently when you open the Flydubai Pilot, second officer page and click on apply now, it will direct you to CAE's website but no clear indication of how to get started. I recommend you email the following person:To: Nigina Surkovanigina.surkova @ cae.comAND

CC: Deborah Alberetulage

deborah.alberetulage @ cae.com

and in the email subject type: Fly Dubai Second Officer Program.

In the email, mention your name and that you would like to apply for the program and request the requirements so you can submit your application.

____________________________________________________________ __________________________

Here is how this program works:

1)This program requires that you have:

CPL ME/IR from any ICAO state with 220 total hours(recently updated, previously was 250 hours).
1st Class Medical
MCC Course ( JOC not required because it's part of the type rating)(recently removed from the page, maybe a typo, but definitely still required)
ATPL theory( this can also be done after the type rating for those without this requirement)- Those with EASA.UK CAA or other ATPL credit will still be required to redo it with Fujairah Aviation Academy9 2-3 Months and $5000)

So you will require the MCC to apply! Preferably on a 737 for your own benefit in the assessment but not required.

2) After submitting your application, you will be invited for the assessment. The assessment is done in Dubai, and is a 2 day assessment. They will charge you $1000 for the assessment costs after you confirm the dates you can attend.

Day 1: Assessment consists of a simulator assessment on the B737NG Full motion Level D simulator ( See comments below for sim assessment description) - In CAE simulator facility, Dubai Silicon Oasis.
Day 2: Compass test and Psychometric test(all done on a computer) in Emirates Airlines headquarters. CAE is owned by Emirates and they conduct the assessment, so do not go for the Fly Dubai assessment package. As per the following website, which is used for the preparation of this day ( latest pilot job- Emirates assessment, sorry had to remove the URL to post, new member :) )

Results of the assessment are revealed within a week or 2 weeks.

3) When the assessment is successful, you can schedule your 737 Type Rating with CAE. They want you to begin the Type rating within 1 year.

Type rating is about 2 months long(56 days) and costs $33,000. 50% has to be paid for seat confirmation when you agree on a date and the other 50% 10 working days before beginning the type rating.

At the end of the type rating, during the exam, two examiners will be present. One examiner representing CAE for the Type Rating endorsement, and a second examiner representing Fly Dubai for the second officer assessment.

At the end of the simulator session, they will inform you if both are a pass!

4) This step I don't know a lot about, but this is what I know so far: After successfully passing the Type rating, Fly Dubai will invite you for another formal interview, and at this point they might have a few additional requirements before you start with them as a co-pilot(second officer).

For example: They might require you to do Base training on a 737 depending on license requirements for type rating endorsement. For example EASA license holders will have to complete this in Europe on their expense.

5) When you begin with FlyDubai, you will have to complete 30 sectors before you are released in the line. During this time the salary might only be 12,000dhs a month total, but this phase should not take long. you can complete 4 sectors in 1 day flying in the Gulf region.

When fully released, the salary becomes 20,000dhs a month TOTAL, until you complete 1500 hours on the 737, thats when your ATPL will be unfozen and pay will increase to 40,000 dhs a month(including housing and flying pay). It takes 2 to 2.5 years to complete these hours.

Sim description:

2-day CAE Assessment
Day 1: CAE Dubai Silicon Oasis Branch (Simulator Assessment B737NG Level D):

 Simulator Assessment Brief (PowerPoint), as sent prior by email. This gives
chance for questions on the Simulator assessment to be answered.
 Draw is made to divide everyone into groups of 2, if you are not in the first
group then you’ll have to wait in the pilot lounge and about 1 hour and 45
mins after first group started you can head to the Sim location and wait.
 Simulator profile:
o Takeoff Off from OOMS Rwy 08L, winds 353/13 knots, 500ft OVC
1000M visibility.
 No FD but Auto Throttles/Thrust allowed(Discretion of the
 Flaps 15 Takeoff
 FMC and over head panel set by the Instructor
o Intercept Radial 090 outbound from MCT VOR.
 If told to intercept radial inbound, then set the reciprocal!
o Climb at 250 KIAS and 1000ft/m.
o Descend at 250 KIAS and 1000ft/m
o Steep Turns, 180 degrees left and then level and 180 degrees right
at 45 AOB.
o AutoPilot engaged for ILS brief.
 ILS 08L manually flown with FD available: FOLLOW the FD.
o Visual Circuit with CAVOK weather
 1600 feet Flap 5 Takeoff and keeping same flaps till gear
goes down.
 Instructor can allow right circuit if desired.

 Memorize all callouts
 Always trim the aircraft, careful not to run the pitch trim too long!
 Small Power lever movements
 Make all your briefs as thorough as possible.
 You will make mistakes, that’s okay, as long as you show improvement in the simulator and

Cost Planning : $1k for the assessment + $33k for the Type rating (Does not include housing, food) + $5k for GCAA ATPL theory + Base training(6 Touch and Gos) if your license requires it for license validation into a UAE GCAA license.

Note: The notes above were sent as an email to a friend that inquired on the program, hope it's useful for everyone, and excuse any mistakes.

do we need to be 737 type rated already before applying? Because you said aptitude test would be on 737 level D sim.

13th Jan 2024, 12:07
I have some questions about the assessment plz need more details thank you

do we need to be 737 type rated already before applying? Because you said aptitude test would be on 737 level D sim.

13th Jan 2024, 12:21
sorry still confused, I am doing my atpl papers currently and planning to apply for the program but I don’t have an 737 type rating.

13th Jan 2024, 16:37
Good Day,
I wanted to know if anyone of you have a specific subscribions that was used to prep fopr assesment. As my understanding is that its for flydubai done bt CAE Emirates and there are bunch of confusing prep courses online that i cant seem todecide from. This will be great help if anyone who has done the assesment can help a bit.

Thankyou in advance :)

13th Jan 2024, 16:39
You will be doing a level D sim but they do not expect you to know everything. The sim will be judged on your comms and multi crew efficiency more than the systems /knowlege. You will be paired with a type rated first officer or caption who would be doing their assessment . YOU DO NOT REQUIRE A 737 TYPE Rating as it is a type rating course

13th Jan 2024, 17:47
sorry still confused, I am doing my atpl papers currently and planning to apply for the program but I don’t have an 737 type rating.

You don't need a 737 rating, infact this program is to get a 737 plus a guaranteed interview with flydubai.

The sim session will be on the 737 but you are not expected to know the aircraft it's just for basic flying and airmanship.

24th Jan 2024, 04:19
Hey souabnim

I wanna ask you something regarding after passing the assessment, you mentioned that they want to start the Type Rating within a year.

I did the assessment in January 2023 and I passed, and I still didn't start the type yet because of the ATPL and also trying to collect some money as well. I might start in April or May this year. So I was wondering will it be a problem of not getting a chance for an interview because I didn't start the type with 1 year as mentioned? Or how is it exactly?

If any one else knows, please let me know I will appreciated for your help

hope to hear from you soon!

24th Jan 2024, 11:05
Hello could you tell about the test how was it because I have the same this week
And I will ask for you about this thank you.

24th Jan 2024, 12:35

Sure, Its a 2-days assessement. It was pretty chill as long you are prepared well you will be fine.

Regarding Compass and Psychometric test, not hard at all just prepare for it from Latest PilotJobs website, Purchase the Emirates assessment package Do all the tests there couple times and you will be ready.

Regarding the Simulator check: same as this, you don't need to be an expert in B737, if you did MCC, just do like what you did there like Callouts and monitoring, etc.. so prepare well and be ready

Simulator Assessment Brief (PowerPoint), as sent prior by email. This gives
chance for questions on the Simulator assessment to be answered.
 Draw is made to divide everyone into groups of 2, if you are not in the first
group then you’ll have to wait in the pilot lounge and about 1 hour and 45
mins after first group started you can head to the Sim location and wait.
 Simulator profile:
o Takeoff Off from OOMS Rwy 08L, winds 353/13 knots, 500ft OVC
1000M visibility.
 No FD but Auto Throttles/Thrust allowed(Discretion of the
 Flaps 15 Takeoff
 FMC and over head panel set by the Instructor
o Intercept Radial 090 outbound from MCT VOR.
 If told to intercept radial inbound, then set the reciprocal!
o Climb at 250 KIAS and 1000ft/m.
o Descend at 250 KIAS and 1000ft/m
o Steep Turns, 180 degrees left and then level and 180 degrees right
at 45 AOB.
o AutoPilot engaged for ILS brief.
 ILS 08L manually flown with FD available: FOLLOW the FD.
o Visual Circuit with CAVOK weather
 1600 feet Flap 5 Takeoff and keeping same flaps till gear
goes down.
 Instructor can allow right circuit if desired.

 Memorize all callouts
 Always trim the aircraft, careful not to run the pitch trim too long!
 Small Power lever movements
 Make all your briefs as thorough as possible.
 You will make mistakes, that’s okay, as long as you show improvement in the simulator and

24th Jan 2024, 12:38
Can you send me your email?


25th Jan 2024, 03:08

Sure, Its a 2-days assessement. It was pretty chill as long you are prepared well you will be fine.

Regarding Compass and Psychometric test, not hard at all just prepare for it from Latest PilotJobs website, Purchase the Emirates assessment package Do all the tests there couple times and you will be ready.

Regarding the Simulator check: same as this, you don't need to be an expert in B737, if you did MCC, just do like what you did there like Callouts and monitoring, etc.. so prepare well and be ready

Simulator Assessment Brief (PowerPoint), as sent prior by email. This gives
chance for questions on the Simulator assessment to be answered.
 Draw is made to divide everyone into groups of 2, if you are not in the first
group then you’ll have to wait in the pilot lounge and about 1 hour and 45
mins after first group started you can head to the Sim location and wait.
 Simulator profile:
o Takeoff Off from OOMS Rwy 08L, winds 353/13 knots, 500ft OVC
1000M visibility.
 No FD but Auto Throttles/Thrust allowed(Discretion of the
 Flaps 15 Takeoff
 FMC and over head panel set by the Instructor
o Intercept Radial 090 outbound from MCT VOR.
 If told to intercept radial inbound, then set the reciprocal!
o Climb at 250 KIAS and 1000ft/m.
o Descend at 250 KIAS and 1000ft/m
o Steep Turns, 180 degrees left and then level and 180 degrees right
at 45 AOB.
o AutoPilot engaged for ILS brief.
 ILS 08L manually flown with FD available: FOLLOW the FD.
o Visual Circuit with CAVOK weather
 1600 feet Flap 5 Takeoff and keeping same flaps till gear
goes down.
 Instructor can allow right circuit if desired.

 Memorize all callouts
 Always trim the aircraft, careful not to run the pitch trim too long!
 Small Power lever movements
 Make all your briefs as thorough as possible.
 You will make mistakes, that’s okay, as long as you show improvement in the simulator and

I can confirm this is 95% exactly what I got when I did my assessment. One advise is don't over controll the aircraft make only small changes. They are very lenient and guide you a lot but if you make lots of basic mistakes then you might fail, yes there are many guys failed the assessment. For example if you are high on glideslope, say you are correcting and do the corrections also if struggling to land on short final you can go around which is a good decision.

Most importantly accept your mistakes dont argue or be defensive with the examiner. They are very nice people and want you to pass so show good attitude and show them you came prepared and want to pass.

4th Feb 2024, 21:06
has anyone been successful with this programme or know of friends who have completed this programme?

5th Feb 2024, 01:57
has anyone been successful with this programme or know of friends who have completed this programme?

Yes many

15th Feb 2024, 12:19
Hello , may someone who applied or did the course please confirm the ATPL theory requirements for the program. I have EASA ATPL theory and from what i understood the GCAA exams are required to join. May the GCAA exams be done after passing the type rating course, or should I already pass them before even applying to CAE/Flydubai ? Thanks

19th Feb 2024, 10:45
Hello everyone!

Has anyone managed to get in contact directly with Flydubai HR management about the conditions at Second Officer position? CAE stuff explained everything about TR itself, but I am still interested about the sallary of Second Officer at FZ (are SO's getting paid for productivity or basic salary only) and how long it takes for SO to become FO. They are mentioning something about 1500 hours, but is it 1500 TT or 1500h in the company?
If anyone can provide me with Flydubai HR e-mail, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

19th Feb 2024, 11:27
Hello, is this program still going? Can an individual holding a passport from a Southeast Asian country apply for this program? Thanks

20th Feb 2024, 13:13
Hello, are there any specific eligibility requirements for joining the program? Can an individual holding a passport from a Southeast Asian country apply for this program? I posses FAA CPL ME/IR and DGCA CPL SE/IR without MCC. What would be the recommended location in the Middle East to acquire MCC? Additionally, I have not completed ATPL theory as I do not hold an EASA license. Could you suggest where I can study for the ATPL theory and where to access question banks? Thanks.
I’m having the same issues+my license is expired. But I’m holding ICAO.

21st Feb 2024, 08:11
I’m having the same issues+my license is expired. But I’m holding ICAO.

You need a valid license plus written ATPL subject from your home license. Even if you write the 14 GCAA exams, the 737 rating will be on your home license.

21st Feb 2024, 11:02
You need a valid license plus written ATPL subject from your home license. Even if you write the 14 GCAA exams, the 737 rating will be on your home license.
I can get a revalidation and the ATPL credit easily, but the MCC is a struggle. does it have to be on a 737?
however CAE are not replying to my Emails and the website leads me to nowhere. is the programme still active?

23rd Feb 2024, 17:02
Hi everybody, anyone completed the program I have few questions I would like to ask.

1-After you complete ur assessment how quick u can start ur type rating

2- after completed the examination with fly Dubai examiner how long you have to wait for the interview with fly Dubai and to start ur line training

3-I’ve read if you have certain experience (hours)you will be exempted from the GCA ATPL exams

I will appreciate your help if anyone can guide me thro.

24th Feb 2024, 04:32
Hi everybody, anyone completed the program I have few questions I would like to ask.

1-After you complete ur assessment how quick u can start ur type rating

2- after completed the examination with fly Dubai examiner how long you have to wait for the interview with fly Dubai and to start ur line training

3-I’ve read if you have certain experience (hours)you will be exempted from the GCA ATPL exams

I will appreciate your help if anyone can guide me thro.

Hi Khaled, I have heard the selected cadets wait upto 6 months to start LT... not sure if its true as I am not in the program nor have applied to...

Here is a screenshot from the Fujairah Academy website regarding the ATPL exams & exemptions....

https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/786x478/screenshot_2024_02_24_at_09_22_35_lc_atpl_cpl_ppl_a_exams_on ly_pdf_b6fe6545317eb4a45d7de1e55565a16195a3dfff.png

8th Mar 2024, 15:14
Hello, anyone with an FAA license I have a few questions,

1.I currently hold an FAA CPL license with a Multi-Engine Instrument Rating; therefore, I should only be working on a 250-hour Ground School for GCAA ATPL tests in 14 theory subjects, correct? Since FAA ATP needs 1500hrs there is no way I can get it.

2.Can I work on the GCAA ATPL ground school + examinations after the assessment and Type Rating, or do I have to complete them first?

3.I have a valid pilot license with IR and do not have an MCC; should I still finish the MCC course before the assessment? If so, which institution does Fly Dubai prefer me to do this through? Can I do this online? (The emails says: Valid Pilot License copy with IR rating / MCC certificate and ATP(L) written exam results (for all licenses))

4.Are there any other special requirements for FAA CPL holders?

5.Also the email says something about base training that is not included in the course which is do be done at candidates own expense: is base training mandatory for everyone and how expensive is it?

Any information regarding this will be very helpful for me, thank you so much!

9th Mar 2024, 03:14
Hello, anyone with an FAA license I have a few questions,

1.I currently hold an FAA CPL license with a Multi-Engine Instrument Rating; therefore, I should only be working on a 250-hour Ground School for GCAA ATPL tests in 14 theory subjects, correct? Since FAA ATP needs 1500hrs there is no way I can get it.

2.Can I work on the GCAA ATPL ground school + examinations after the assessment and Type Rating, or do I have to complete them first?

3.I have a valid pilot license with IR and do not have an MCC; should I still finish the MCC course before the assessment? If so, which institution does Fly Dubai prefer me to do this through? Can I do this online? (The emails says: Valid Pilot License copy with IR rating / MCC certificate and ATP(L) written exam results (for all licenses))

4.Are there any other special requirements for FAA CPL holders?

5.Also the email says something about base training that is not included in the course which is do be done at candidates own expense: is base training mandatory for everyone and how expensive is it?

Any information regarding this will be very helpful for me, thank you so much!

1. Yes all CPL holders need to do the theory 14 exams.

2. I think the new requirement is to do the exams before the type rating but i am not 100% sure. There were people who did it after the type rating but it should be done before joining flydubai.

3. Yes you need MCC unless you are an ATPL holder. Guys who joined with a full ATPL under this program did not have any of these requirments but for CPL you need the MCC and the 14 exams. You cannot do mcc online you need to do it in a sim and some classroom.

4. Nope, you need to meet their requirement.

5. Base training is only needed if your home country license requires it. For exams FAA licesne doesnt require base training for your type rating but if you are doing it for example on EASA license then you might have to do base training somewhere else for the rating to go in your license.

9th Mar 2024, 04:34
1. Yes all CPL holders need to do the theory 14 exams.

2. I think the new requirement is to do the exams before the type rating but i am not 100% sure. There were people who did it after the type rating but it should be done before joining flydubai.

3. Yes you need MCC unless you are an ATPL holder. Guys who joined with a full ATPL under this program did not have any of these requirments but for CPL you need the MCC and the 14 exams. You cannot do mcc online you need to do it in a sim and some classroom.

4. Nope, you need to meet their requirement.

5. Base training is only needed if your home country license requires it. For exams FAA licesne doesnt require base training for your type rating but if you are doing it for example on EASA license then you might have to do base training somewhere else for the rating to go in your license.

Thank you so much! 🫶

9th Mar 2024, 10:52
Hello, anyone with an FAA license I have a few questions,

1.I currently hold an FAA CPL license with a Multi-Engine Instrument Rating; therefore, I should only be working on a 250-hour Ground School for GCAA ATPL tests in 14 theory subjects, correct? Since FAA ATP needs 1500hrs there is no way I can get it.

2.Can I work on the GCAA ATPL ground school + examinations after the assessment and Type Rating, or do I have to complete them first?

3.I have a valid pilot license with IR and do not have an MCC; should I still finish the MCC course before the assessment? If so, which institution does Fly Dubai prefer me to do this through? Can I do this online? (The emails says: Valid Pilot License copy with IR rating / MCC certificate and ATP(L) written exam results (for all licenses))

4.Are there any other special requirements for FAA CPL holders?

5.Also the email says something about base training that is not included in the course which is do be done at candidates own expense: is base training mandatory for everyone and how expensive is it?

Any information regarding this will be very helpful for me, thank you so much!

​​​Hi, which email address did you use to get a reply? I used the message form on the website but didn't receive any response. Thanks.

9th Mar 2024, 11:02
Hello, anyone with an FAA license I have a few questions,

1.I currently hold an FAA CPL license with a Multi-Engine Instrument Rating; therefore, I should only be working on a 250-hour Ground School for GCAA ATPL tests in 14 theory subjects, correct? Since FAA ATP needs 1500hrs there is no way I can get it.

2.Can I work on the GCAA ATPL ground school + examinations after the assessment and Type Rating, or do I have to complete them first?

3.I have a valid pilot license with IR and do not have an MCC; should I still finish the MCC course before the assessment? If so, which institution does Fly Dubai prefer me to do this through? Can I do this online? (The emails says: Valid Pilot License copy with IR rating / MCC certificate and ATP(L) written exam results (for all licenses))

4.Are there any other special requirements for FAA CPL holders?

5.Also the email says something about base training that is not included in the course which is do be done at candidates own expense: is base training mandatory for everyone and how expensive is it?

Any information regarding this will be very helpful for me, thank you so much!

Hi, which email address did you use to get a reply? I used the message form on the website but didn't receive any response. Thanks.

12th Mar 2024, 06:57
​​​Hi, which email address did you use to get a reply? I used the message form on the website but didn't receive any response. Thanks.
[email protected]

12th Mar 2024, 07:54
Dear Cruisepower,

In the last conversation I was told I also need to have a FAA ATP/CTP course/Exam as well. All I have is FAA CPL MEIR and I do not live in USA anymore to finish that course. Travelling to USA just for ATP will cost me a lot. All they require me to have is an ATPL no matter which country and they say I can convert my FAA license to GCAA if that helps. Which do you think is going to be of better value to my career? Getting my endorsements on FAA ATP license or GCAA license should be good enough?

Anyone with information/opinion about this, please help!

13th Mar 2024, 16:19
Dear Cruisepower,

In the last conversation I was told I also need to have a FAA ATP/CTP course/Exam as well. All I have is FAA CPL MEIR and I do not live in USA anymore to finish that course. Travelling to USA just for ATP will cost me a lot. All they require me to have is an ATPL no matter which country and they say I can convert my FAA license to GCAA if that helps. Which do you think is going to be of better value to my career? Getting my endorsements on FAA ATP license or GCAA license should be good enough?

Anyone with information/opinion about this, please help!

Lots of people have this misunderstanding, First of all you cannot convert your FAA to GCAA license without a job offer or a sponsor unless you are a UAE citizen. There is no way around it. period.

In this program you will do the 737 rating based on yours FAA license that is when you complete your 737 rating it will be entered into your FAA license and it has nothing to do with the GCAA. Once you are offered the job with flydubai they will ask you to complete the 14 GCAA exam if you are CPL or 2 exams if you are a ATPL holder. Some are saying even before the rating they ask this but I can't confirm since I went with a full ATPL.

If they saying you need the ATP CTP theory then you need it. EASA guys will already have the 14 exams same goes with other country license, you need the theory exam as it's a requirement.

13th Mar 2024, 20:52
Hey cruisepower,

I have some questions:

Can those who have never completed ATPL theory enroll in Fujairah Aviation Academy/ Alpha Aviation for the full course and exam?
If a person holds two licenses (FAA CPL Multi engine and DGCA CPL Single engine) but has only completed DGCA ATPL theory, are they eligible to take the 14 GCAA ATPL exam?


14th Mar 2024, 10:42
Hey cruisepower,

I have some questions:

Can those who have never completed ATPL theory enroll in Fujairah Aviation Academy/ Alpha Aviation for the full course and exam?
If a person holds two licenses (FAA CPL Multi engine and DGCA CPL Single engine) but has only completed DGCA ATPL theory, are they eligible to take the 14 GCAA ATPL exam?


As ive said befoee If you hold a CPL or frozen ATPL regardless of your current license except GCAA then you need to do the 14 exams.

If you hold a full ATPL then it's 2 exams.

To answer your question you can enroll in these flight school for the exams but it will be meaninless if you dont have a job offer or a sponsor. And to answer your next question see what I wrote first doesn't matter if you have 2 or 5 licenses you still need to do the 14 exams with GCAA if you get a job through this program

14th Mar 2024, 12:01
I understand now after getting type rating and if offered the job, then you can take the GCAA ATPL exams.

It's been a while since I last took my ATPL theory exams, do you know if the academies provide study materials before the GCAA ATPL theory exams?

Don't know about study materials, but a subscription with ATPLQ should be enough to pass the exams.

Fly highhigh
22nd Mar 2024, 11:53
Lots of people have this misunderstanding, First of all you cannot convert your FAA to GCAA license without a job offer or a sponsor unless you are a UAE citizen. There is no way around it. period.

In this program you will do the 737 rating based on yours FAA license that is when you complete your 737 rating it will be entered into your FAA license and it has nothing to do with the GCAA. Once you are offered the job with flydubai they will ask you to complete the 14 GCAA exam if you are CPL or 2 exams if you are a ATPL holder. Some are saying even before the rating they ask this but I can't confirm since I went with a full ATPL.

If they saying you need the ATP CTP theory then you need it. EASA guys will already have the 14 exams same goes with other country license, you need the theory exam as it's a requirement.

Hello Cruise power!

I have a question.

You mentioned that the rating process involves adding a 737 rating to one's own license.

I'm curious about how this is possible, since normally the aviation authority of the country where the license was issued doesn't come to conduct the assessment.

My country needs rating check with our CAA checker and did written exam.

So, this case CAE can handle it? We will soon depart to dubai for the test and they said we're qualified.

I'm little worried about it. If it can't attach our foreign liecense(Not GCAA)....

Then CAE get permission from CAA or get checker from our country?

Thank you. And sorry for bothering you...

23rd Mar 2024, 15:39
Hello Cruise power!

I have a question.

You mentioned that the rating process involves adding a 737 rating to one's own license.

I'm curious about how this is possible, since normally the aviation authority of the country where the license was issued doesn't come to conduct the assessment.

My country needs rating check with our CAA checker and did written exam.

So, this case CAE can handle it? We will soon depart to dubai for the test and they said we're qualified.

I'm little worried about it. If it can't attach our foreign liecense(Not GCAA)....

Then CAE get permission from CAA or get checker from our country?

Thank you. And sorry for bothering you...

That you need to check with your CAA. CAE has got inhouse FAA EASA, and GCAA examiners so it's not an issue for people who have these licenses.

You need to check with your CAA if the dubai CAE ce ter falls under their approved sim center. some countries will accept the type rating if an organization is EASA or FAA compliant. CaE being one of the biggest in the world they will usually tick all the boxes but again like I said it's best you check with your country license authority or your CAA.

Fly highhigh
23rd Mar 2024, 15:54
That you need to check with your CAA. CAE has got inhouse FAA EASA, and GCAA examiners so it's not an issue for people who have these licenses.

You need to check with your CAA if the dubai CAE ce ter falls under their approved sim center. some countries will accept the type rating if an organization is EASA or FAA compliant. CaE being one of the biggest in the world they will usually tick all the boxes but again like I said it's best you check with your country license authority or your CAA.

Thank you for your assistance!!

Me and my friend soon go to the dubai for type rating selection test.

Because CAE told us to come for the test, we thought they would accept our aviation authority's endorsement to add the type rating to our license, but I was a bit concerned.

If our foreign pilot license doesn't get the 737 rating, does that mean we can't join flydubai?

According to our country's aviation regulations, to undergo a check abroad, one must pass the rating written exam domestically, and our aviation authority's examiner must conduct the final check. This is somewhat concerning.

However, since we also have a CAE center in our country, I'll need to find out if they support this process.

Well..since we are from a country under ICAO but not FAA or EASA, the situation is even more complicated.

I wonder if CAE considered these aspects when they invited us; it's really giving me a headache.

I would like to ask CAE, but the people we've been in contact with are from the accounting team, so it seems we might not get accurate information until we actually go there for the test.

There don't seem to be many options.

Your sharing of good information has been very helpful, thank you so much.

24th Mar 2024, 15:11
Thank you for your assistance!!

Me and my friend soon go to the dubai for type rating selection test.

Because CAE told us to come for the test, we thought they would accept our aviation authority's endorsement to add the type rating to our license, but I was a bit concerned.

If our foreign pilot license doesn't get the 737 rating, does that mean we can't join flydubai?

According to our country's aviation regulations, to undergo a check abroad, one must pass the rating written exam domestically, and our aviation authority's examiner must conduct the final check. This is somewhat concerning.

However, since we also have a CAE center in our country, I'll need to find out if they support this process.

Well..since we are from a country under ICAO but not FAA or EASA, the situation is even more complicated.

I wonder if CAE considered these aspects when they invited us; it's really giving me a headache.

I would like to ask CAE, but the people we've been in contact with are from the accounting team, so it seems we might not get accurate information until we actually go there for the test.

There don't seem to be many options.

Your sharing of good information has been very helpful, thank you so much.

Hi yes be very sure before you invest huge money into this. I highly recommend you getting as much as details from CAE and your CAA as well. Good luck.

29th Mar 2024, 00:42
Hi, Fly high! It's curious to hear from you. What happened to the situation? I'm expecting a reply because I'm also undergoing training with CAA, so it's a similar concern for me. Please help

Fly highhigh
30th Mar 2024, 14:36
Hi, Fly high! It's curious to hear from you. What happened to the situation? I'm expecting a reply because I'm also undergoing training with CAA, so it's a similar concern for me. Please help

Well. In my country CAA said they must check the Final chekride by their checker + written test.

So, we will talk to CAE how they deal with the problems..when we do the test..

But we hope they have the way...

Now... I didn't have answer...

Where is your country? other than FAA EASA.. Almost same problem

31st Mar 2024, 13:58
Hi guys, anyone from South Africa went thro this program?

11th Apr 2024, 01:08
Does anyone know if they are currently accepting people into this program? As it doesn’t seem they are at the moment from what I saw.

23rd Apr 2024, 13:31
Any idea how long does T3 Academy takes to reply the application for this programme?

23rd Apr 2024, 15:22
Hi yes be very sure before you invest huge money into this. I highly recommend you getting as much as details from CAE and your CAA as well. Good luck.

hey I would appreciate if you could help me with my questions
i have faa single engine cpl and I understand I need to do the 14atpl subjects. but , could you please tell me how can I get my mcc and can I still apply for the program without having mcc

Fly highhigh
24th Apr 2024, 12:26
hey I would appreciate if you could help me with my questions
i have faa single engine cpl and I understand I need to do the 14atpl subjects. but , could you please tell me how can I get my mcc and can I still apply for the program without having mcc

You can not apply without MCC.

And FAA single CPL... You need at least FAA ATP-CTP.. (737 is not single engine..)

27th Apr 2024, 09:39
What if we don't have MCC?

27th Apr 2024, 13:52
What if we don't have MCC?
It is a requirement anywhere, not just for this program. You cannot apply for your first multi-pilot airplane type rating without the completion of the MCC course.

27th Apr 2024, 16:20
What if we don't have MCC?

You can't join, its a hard requirement.

30th May 2024, 08:03
Does fly dubai pay for license conversion and at what stage license conversion take ?

2nd Jun 2024, 06:54
Any1 going for this program please get in touch with me, I am going for this program aswell. [email protected]
+966593084332 whatsapp

8th Jun 2024, 09:50
Can MCC be done from any country any sim?

Pilot x1
26th Jun 2024, 16:40
Where is the best place for an MCC?

27th Jun 2024, 00:08
Hi everybody ! I got my assessment dates in September 27 th and 29 th.

Can you confirm for the assessment is better to take the package of emirates on the latest pilot job instead of the fly dubai one ?

If anyone wants to get in touch

+ 39 3917581995

27th Jun 2024, 07:46
Can MCC be done from any country any sim?

yes MCC can be done from anywhere

27th Jun 2024, 09:33
Hi is the second officer still open i cant seem to find where to apply.

27th Jun 2024, 17:44
Hi guys,

I would really appreciate it if anyone had the answers to the following questions and could respond to me, that would be amazing.

Does anyone know what question bank to use for the UAE ATPL exams?
And do most people who pass the initial assessment actually end up flying for fly dubai or do quite a lot of people fail?
Also wanted to know after you finish the type rating course is their any additional assessments (group exercise, theoretical questions...) that we have to do for fly dubai?

28th Jun 2024, 05:34
Hi is the second officer still open i cant seem to find where to apply.

Contact CAE Dubai, they should help you out.