View Full Version : B200 job advert

Alice Kiwican
12th Aug 2022, 04:31
Hi all,
Random question, there is a B200 pilot job advertised on AFAP today which states as part of the requirements 200 hours B200 or similar.
My question is what aircraft type would be considered similar to a B200?

12th Aug 2022, 06:33
Probably another single pilot twin turbine.
conquest, metro, other variants of king airs

Alice Kiwican
12th Aug 2022, 06:51
Probably another single pilot twin turbine.
conquest, metro, other variants of king airs

Thought as much, there aren’t too many types in this country that would fit the bill. Maybe the Reims F406 as well.
I wonder if they would consider single turbine aircraft such as PC12,TBM700 as similar….

As I said random question which brought out random thoughts!

12th Aug 2022, 10:18
Beech 90 or 350 ?

Jenna Talia
12th Aug 2022, 10:43

12th Aug 2022, 12:59
DC3, of course

12th Aug 2022, 21:26
DC3, of course

You of course mean the Basler BT-67 conversion.

13th Aug 2022, 12:37
My question is what aircraft type would be considered similar to a B200?

C -12/RC-12/MC-12/UC-12

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew
13th Aug 2022, 15:07
I got away with Turbine Islander. It was within EASA, but there should be a definition somewhere in your regs of the appropriate weight etc. percentage difference allowed.

compressor stall
13th Aug 2022, 21:43
According to the CASA regs a similar type would be one of “a group of essentially similar aircraft, aircraft engines or propellers which, although possibly existing in different models, stem from a common basic design.” 🤔

SET wouldn’t fit that bill.

But it’s a job ad, not a court of law. Ask.

14th Aug 2022, 09:54
I'm sure if you rocked up with a thousand hours multi command of which 200 hrs are turbine you would still be in the running. Like someone else said you need to ask. I've flown with guys with no turbine experience that were sharp enough and provided I trained them, at least the line training anyway, I would employ them. Then I've met guys with all the experience with turbine time that I wouldn't employ. It doesn't take long to know which of those you are. So know your stuff, be willing to learn and ask ask ask.