View Full Version : Type rating and first job

6th Aug 2022, 17:13
How likely would it be to be called in for interview, if I have a type rating on either B737 or A320 , but only basic 200 hrs from flight school ?

I see a lot of type rated FO job openings now, but most write a requirement of at least 300 hrs total time or 300 hrs on type.

go-around flap 15
7th Aug 2022, 08:22

If an airline is asking for 300/500 hrs on type, what they are effectively saying is that they do not wish / do not have the capacity to take on the training burden of completing initial type line training.

This is why having a TR but with no hours on type is rarely an advantage. As a previous trainer, if anyone failed to make it through training it was usually because they couldn't complete the line training to standard in a satisfactory time scale. By specifying at least 300/500 hrs on type it shows the airline that you are of a standard to pass the line training of your previous company and therefore reduces the risk that you are not up to standard - (but in experience, this doesn't always follow!)

It is often preferred for an airline to bond you / make you pay for TR internally (such as Ryanair) and have you flying with their SOPs / philisophy from day 1 of the TR.

To summarise: I would strongly recommend against getting a TR for either of those types of your own back. In my career I have come across a good dozen or so colleagues in the RHS that attempted to get their first job by doing just that. I can only think of one person where that worked out for them.

7th Aug 2022, 09:06
How likely would it be to be called in for interview, if I have a type rating on either B737 or A320 , but only basic 200 hrs from flight school ?

I see a lot of type rated FO job openings now, but most write a requirement of at least 300 hrs total time or 300 hrs on type.

Total waste of money. All that’s useful is a rating AND 500 hours/100 sectors. This means you can do ZFT.

Otherwise you’ll be doing the type rating again, and likely also paying again.

You’ll be in the exact same spot as everyone else, just an extra 30K in the hole. A 25m swimming badge would be as useful, if not more.

7th Aug 2022, 10:07
How likely would it be to be called in for interview, if I have a type rating on either B737 or A320 , but only basic 200 hrs from flight school ?

I see a lot of type rated FO job openings now, but most write a requirement of at least 300 hrs total time or 300 hrs on type.

Type rating without hours on it is useless, as you said, most airlines requires 200/300/500 hrs on type.
You basically have 3 options now.
1) Find company that will offer you permanent contract with bonded type. WizzAir, Xfly, etc.
2) Find company that will offer you permanent contract with self sponsored type. Smartwings, Ryanair, etc.
3) Buy type rating with included 200/500 hrs. Eaglejet.

Personally I would stick with first 2 options, but if you are really desperate, you could try third option, it would increase your chances to get a job, but of course no guarantees and you could end wasting 50k-70k still with out a job.