View Full Version : SkyTest is worth it?

1st Aug 2022, 16:34
Hello everyone,
As everything is starting again with the interviews and the cadets, I'm looking for the opportunity to be considered and to do the interview process however I've seen peaople talking about the first stages wich normaly is some reasoning, spatil orientation ... I've been looking on the internet and I see a lot of peoplo talking about skytest to practice it, so my question is, Is is really worth it? The price is 90€ but it doesnt expire, Would you recommend me to buy it?

Thanks a lot

1st Aug 2022, 17:22
Use pilotest it's free and has everything

Dragon Baron
2nd Aug 2022, 06:50
Save your money and do use a spellchecker when you apply!

17th Aug 2022, 14:43
For me it was worth it as I passed the selection thanks to it. This was in 2019 though and then I bought it for 40eur if I remember correctly

8th Sep 2022, 17:49
For me it was worth it as I passed the selection thanks to it. This was in 2019 though and then I bought it for 40eur if I remember correctly

I've tried to send you a question in a private message, but I can't beacuase your e-mail box is full, are there any way to contact you?

9th Sep 2022, 03:02
I've tried to send you a question in a private message, but I can't beacuase your e-mail box is full, are there any way to contact you?

Hi, I've emptied my inbox, so you can send me a PM now if you want to :)