View Full Version : PhD Research on flightcrew cultural backgrounds

31st Jul 2022, 09:22
Hi all,

I'm a PhD student (based in Australia) and am conducting/co-ordinating a number of research studies related to cultures on the flightdeck. One such study is focussed on ascertaining the cultural backgrounds on Asian flight decks - this initial study leads into the overall project of CRM training in Asia.

Anyway, does anyone have any tips, ideas or advice on the best way to try and ascertain the cultural backgrounds of cabin and flight crews that fly with the airlines in Asia. My initial thought is simply to survey all the Asian based airlines to ask them, but I am also thinking that many will not respond -due to confidentiality or privacy reasons. Can anyone prove me wrong on that thought - or alternatively, is there another way to find this information out? Basically, what i am trying to achieve is the percentage breakdown of cultures in both flight and cabin crew - as an example, Vietnam Airlines flies with 80% Vietnamese cabin crew and 10% Chinese, and 10% Malaysian - and 75% flight deck crew with 25% being US. That is a rough example, but that is similar to what I am looking for.

As already mentioned, this is preliminary research to the overall project whihc is focussed on CRM training in Asian airlines but I am wanting this data beforehand. So any ideas on the best way to try and get it all?


The Thinking Man

31st Jul 2022, 13:06
As someone who has been flying in Asia for many years: assuming a certain behaviour in the cockpit out of a passport is the first no-no in any CRM course. I don't know if this is your starting point, but if this is, your study will be biased from the very beginning.

31st Jul 2022, 22:15
Hi Iggy,

Thanks for your reply - but i am not making any assumptions. I am currently wanting to ascertain the cultural diversity of both flight and cabin crews in Asia. After that, I will be relating that information with the findings from other research (Hofstede) that specifies cultural power distance differences and then cross referencing with other information - including the makeup of CRM courseware. I am basically trying to build up both empirical and statistical information about cultural relationships in the Asian aviation sector.

I am curious though - do you have any empirical evidence that supports your claim that one cannot assume a certain behaviour from a passport? Even though this claim goes against the research plan, I would be most interested to read and analyse this claim further.


1st Aug 2022, 05:40
You might be better off looking at it from an airline culture perspective, rather than the specific crew as airlines and companies tend to hire people they feel have similar values, behaviors and attitudes. I'd agree with iggy in that it's a huge no-no not just for the CRM perspective, but the company may argue due to "commercial sensitivity" or a whole other variety of reasons to protect themselves from any possible repercussions from disclosing such details. However if you look at it from an airline culture perspective may still help you achieve your goal of the CRM training provided in Asian airlines. That being said, I'd be very interested to see the results of your study, and which airline you may get to disclose the details you requested.

I'm sure you've thought of it already, but you could just do a anonymous online survey, though it'll be hard to verify the details provided to the degree that may be needed for your PhD study.

1st Aug 2022, 09:05
Hey there,

The empirical evidence is my own screw ups assuming a certain behaviour out of a passport, which is also consistent with what CRM courses teach. It is true that one can link a passport with a certain body language or a way of approaching issues, but I think I have been proven wrong more times than right. Do I have any CRM material to pass? No, sorry. But in short - and talking by memory - the message is that wrong behaviours in the cockpit are self-fulfilled prophecies, meaning that if you treat another crew member like someone who is not trustworthy, right out of the gate, that crew member will feel like one, and stop taking an interest on what he is doing, performing below his potential and therefore giving the impression of not being trustworthy. Same goes for being on a defensive state of mind, if one perceives the other guy as the arrogant type. It is very easy to antagonize someone that is just showing up to do a job, in the best state of mind possible.

My own experience has shown me that A) everyone knows how to do their job until proven otherwise, and B) everybody else wants the exact same thing as I do: have a good one, go back home, and collect the cash at the end of the month. Once I realized that, I started seeing passport and cultural backgrounds for what they really are, "different non-verbal languages" that most of the time express the same thing. It is on one self to observe to learn those languages.

5th Aug 2022, 22:57
Hi Iggy,

I am curious though - do you have any empirical evidence that supports your claim that one cannot assume a certain behaviour from a passport? Even though this claim goes against the research plan, I would be most interested to read and analyse this claim further.


Anecdotally, a nations "behavior" would seem to be skewed in certain industries. The 'average' person in the flight deck may be somewhat different to the 'average' person in that culture in general. Certainly many of the Hofstede observations do run true though.
I worked in Japan in another industry in my younger days and had no idea how the aviation industry would work here until I came back around 5 years ago as a pilot. The system is very very 'Japanese'. The individuals, however, are very different, in that many {not all, of course) are much much more what would be considered more like 'western' thinkers, albeit somewhat trapped in a system that doesn't allow them to express that fully.

Good luck with the study.

12th Aug 2022, 01:58
Hi all,

I've had a couple of private msgs concerning my response and that is good - but my inbox quota is so small and i am having problem responding to everyone. basically my inbox quota fills up when i have 2 messages either in the inbox or sent folders and i am copying the text out and deleting etc.

i know this isnt on topic of this original post but the outcome relates to this post - but how can i increase my 2 msg limit in my inbox? additionally, if you have sent me a private msg and i havent yet responded then i apologise as i cant at the moment due to this limitation. i willl respond to everyone - somehow,.
