View Full Version : Research help regarding Ejector seat 1954

28th Jul 2022, 12:25
Hopefully you kind folk can help me further.

Martin Baker have confirmed that the seat I'm researching was fitted in Valiants, though unable to disclose any further information. The chute box has been deployed, so potentially used in an emergency; I can only find one such accident where seat was deployed, WP 202 by Flt Lt Colin Preece. I have pics of Seat / manufacturers plate details if of interest.

My first question for the Bluejobs:

Are there records detailing Aircraft serial number combined with Ejector seat serial number? In my mind the answer would be yes, but I wore Khaki and know little re RAF SOP's

Would the AIB report detail the seat details when deployed in anger?

Would the Board of enquiry detail the seat? If so, how could one find said report?

Were there any other Valiant crashes ( total of 10 that I can see) where the M-B seat was activated?

All answers appreciated

28th Jul 2022, 20:27
Have you checked the Aviation Safety Net?


I just had a quick look and there was ejections from WB210.

Valiant, WB210


Valiant, WP202


https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wikisearch.php (https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wiki.php?id=71801)

Gordon Brown
28th Jul 2022, 21:07
Another one for AH&N, surely?

29th Jul 2022, 10:53
Another one for AH&N, surely?

Reply to TEEEJ: Thanks for reply. WB210 was before seat was made. I'm very aware of WP 202 and it could well be this is the seat. But, it is not proven, hence asking on here.

Thanks for the replies .

29th Jul 2022, 13:00
Reply to TEEEJ: Thanks for reply. WB210 was before seat was made. I'm very aware of WP 202 and it could well be this is the seat. But, it is not proven, hence asking on here.

Thanks for the replies .

Ejection seats were not part of the aircraft as such. They were (obviously) installed but were interchangeable should the need arise. I'm guessing that your seat is a Type/Mark 3A ?. I seem to recall from my Halton days that Valiant-Type 3A, Victor-3L/LS and Vulcan-3KS. Perhaps you could clarify what you meant by " chute box has been deployed". I'm thinking you are referring to the drogue container at the top of the seat which, if empty, does not mean an ejection has taken place.

29th Jul 2022, 14:21
Has it signs of scorching on it? the problem is you would need access to the maintenance records of the aircraft or the bay records involved to ascertain which seats were installed, and one should imagine the Form 700 etc has long since gone.

30th Jul 2022, 12:05
Tried uploading pics but site rules state no posting URL's ????? due to be a new member. Losing the will to live :-)

But thank you for the two last replies. And yes, seat is 3A, confirmed by M-B who received pics as Valiant.