View Full Version : SAS Recruitment

24th Jul 2022, 16:22
CAE announced recruiting for SAS based in CPH experienced first-officers.
After the 15 days strike and now pilots made an agreement, what can be expected ?

24th Jul 2022, 18:04
As per the new CBA between SAS and SPG , all new pilot positions with all the SAS airlines ( SK Scandinavian, SAS Connect, SAS Link ) must be filled by pilots that were let go during Covid19 ( around 450 pilots ) , so I won’t hold my breath unless you’re part of the laid off pilots from SAS.

26th Jul 2022, 20:53
As per the new CBA between SAS and SPG , all new pilot positions with all the SAS airlines ( SK Scandinavian, SAS Connect, SAS Link ) must be filled by pilots that were let go during Covid19 ( around 450 pilots ) , so I won’t hold my breath unless you’re part of the laid off pilots from SAS.

I thought SAS Mainline had to rehire fired employees back to mainline.. Shame

27th Jul 2022, 09:38
As per the new CBA between SAS and SPG , all new pilot positions with all the SAS airlines ( SK Scandinavian, SAS Connect, SAS Link ) must be filled by pilots that were let go during Covid19 ( around 450 pilots ) , so I won’t hold my breath unless you’re part of the laid off pilots from SAS.

This isn’t entirely accurate. CAE can still hire pilots in the LHR base.

1st Aug 2022, 12:32
Well until the terms of the new deal are known and its potential impact on the LHR base and SAS Connect, any talk of LHR recruitment is premature to say the least. From my understanding talking to LHR crews, both they and SASC crews in general have not been notified as of yet.

1st Aug 2022, 17:43
Well until the terms of the new deal are known and its potential impact on the LHR base and SAS Connect, any talk of LHR recruitment is premature to say the least. From my understanding talking to LHR crews, both they and SASC crews in general have not been notified as of yet.

Dont get caught up in your own misunderstanding.

Nobody said there was LHR recruitment, simply that CAE can hire into LHR and do not have to draw from the SPG.

Issues with Brexit are severely testing this Dublin business model

1st Aug 2022, 18:57
I’ll ignore your first sentence.

It’s still premature to talk about what CAE can and can’t do in the current uncertainty. If the seniority lists do get merged and over 400 pilots rehired then I’m afraid all bets are off. CAE’s 5 year contract expires in the coming months as well!

1st Aug 2022, 19:01
I’ll ignore your first sentence.

It’s still premature to talk about what CAE can and can’t do in the current uncertainty. If the seniority lists do get merged and over 400 pilots rehired then I’m afraid all bets are off. CAE’s 5 year contract expires in the coming months as well!

You ignore all you like; I’m stating what is written in the SAS-SPG agreement

5th Aug 2022, 11:00
You ignore all you like; I’m stating what is written in the SAS-SPG agreement

Speaking of which, is this available to read anywhere? Would be interesting to see the exact details.

8th Aug 2022, 11:20

Well I can’t pretend to have sight of any agreement. Maybe you have contacts in management or training. However I have two friends there and neither have seen the agreement yet. I’ve also heard that any potential LHR upgrades are dependent on agreement between SPG and SAS which on the face of it looks like a tall order.

8th Aug 2022, 13:15

Well I can’t pretend to have sight of any agreement. Maybe you have contacts in management or training. However I have two friends there and neither have seen the agreement yet. I’ve also heard that any potential LHR upgrades are dependent on agreement between SPG and SAS which on the face of it looks like a tall order.

You've heard from someone who hasn’t seen the agreement…

The agreement is readily available in a few places

10th Aug 2022, 20:51
I believe the LHR base is limited to 100 FTE (full time equivalents) positions. One pilot leave, one can be hired. I am guessing a little, but don’t believe they will fall under the SPG owned CBA.

11th Apr 2023, 19:23
Hello aviators,

Anyone has been called for an assessment for CPH ?

Thank you


18th Apr 2023, 12:01
Hello aviators,

Anyone has been called for an assessment for CPH ?

Thank you


Yes, so interested in an kind of information what to expect!
Anyone any infos?
Thank you!

Jonathan Jeckel
11th Jun 2023, 10:53
did you or anyone go to the assessment in Stockholm recently and can share the experience ?

14th Jun 2023, 05:01
did you or anyone go to the assessment in Stockholm recently and can share the experience ?

Yes. Went there. Classic interview with „classic questions“ first. (Stuff like your strength, weaknesses, whats a good captain, whats a bad one, difference between CPT and FO…)
Then sim in A320 full flight. Bit of raw data flying and airwork. All straight forward and fair.

23rd Jun 2023, 18:33
Yes. Went there. Classic interview with „classic questions“ first. (Stuff like your strength, weaknesses, whats a good captain, whats a bad one, difference between CPT and FO…)
Then sim in A320 full flight. Bit of raw data flying and airwork. All straight forward and fair.

Thanks for your insights!

Any techincal questions during the interview? And is it correct that there is no computer based quizes?

Also, can you please share a bit more about what you did in the sim and how long it took?

Thanks iin advance!

23rd Jun 2023, 19:15
Thanks for your insights!

Any techincal questions during the interview? And is it correct that there is no computer based quizes?

Also, can you please share a bit more about what you did in the sim and how long it took?

Thanks iin advance!

I was asked more a szenario based question with a tyre burst on takeoff in the interview. And if i remember correctly the initial actions for an emergency descent. But thats just been a very short part.
Sim was about 30 mins. Raw data departure straight ahead 5000ft. That a few instructions like turn left heading xxx, descent 4000ft, further left heading xxx and reduce speed 230kts, climb 1000ft/min up to 5000ft, steep turn left/right with 45deg bank.
Then a raw data procedural VOR-DME Approach, followed by a go around and a raw data ILS to land. Then swap seats and be PM for the same thing.
Pretty fair and straight forward.

24th Jun 2023, 13:28
I was asked more a szenario based question with a tyre burst on takeoff in the interview. And if i remember correctly the initial actions for an emergency descent. But thats just been a very short part.
Sim was about 30 mins. Raw data departure straight ahead 5000ft. That a few instructions like turn left heading xxx, descent 4000ft, further left heading xxx and reduce speed 230kts, climb 1000ft/min up to 5000ft, steep turn left/right with 45deg bank.
Then a raw data procedural VOR-DME Approach, followed by a go around and a raw data ILS to land. Then swap seats and be PM for the same thing.
Pretty fair and straight forward.

Thanks! Were there any single engine items? And was it with or without autothrust?

All this is very valuable! Thanks again!

26th Jun 2023, 16:34
I did the assessment last week.

There is no single engine or any other failure. A/THR on.

Good Luck.

27th Jun 2023, 00:02
Can anyone shed some light on the current terms and conditions at the LHR base?
salary for FO, roster, upgrade opportunities, any important info ?

Thanks in advance

27th Jun 2023, 13:38
I did the assessment last week.

There is no single engine or any other failure. A/THR on.

Good Luck.

Thanks a lot!

Any other tips on how to prepare for the interview+sim?

29th Jun 2023, 19:52
Join the telegram group for sas pilot assessment!
Search "SASPilotAssessment" on Telegram

25th Jul 2023, 10:23
Join the telegram group for sas pilot assessment!
Search "SASPilotAssessment" on Telegram
anyone know if they are calling ntr fo?

16th Sep 2023, 12:45
Hello, I applied for the SAS Sk NTR FO position which they have open on their main group site.

I applied more than 6 weeks ago and haven't heard a thing. I'm experienced FO with 737 rating.

I've heard of people getting the assessment and the job straight from flight school.

Does anyone know of the current situation in regards of hiring at the moment?

The reason I'm asking is, I was expecting to at least get an online assessment or something in that regard by now.

I'm Danish BTW.

15th Mar 2024, 13:37

I was called for a screening in April in Denmark. I have 1900h TT, 1600 with a CS-25 type rating. Can anyone please tell me what is the averagy salary for CPH base for new joining guys with prior experience? I saw it is around 40 000 DKK, is this correct? If so, it is not really great salary, regarding the cost of living in Denmark.. Actually according google it is around average salary in Denmark at best....

22nd Mar 2024, 09:23
Well it is a very average contract to be honest. SAS, what once was a dream for many is today a quite crappy place to be at.

4th Apr 2024, 01:59
Hi all

What do they ask in the techincal interview? Any ATPL questions that should be revised in particular? Do you know how long they're hiring for?
