View Full Version : Instailing SW -disabling AV and firewall

Ignore the HUD
22nd Jul 2022, 10:46
In trying to activate an Adobe PDF reader software , the installation works fine but the activition key is not accepted.
I have deleted previous versions , then rebooted and re-installed prior but still the same issues with the activation key.
The SW provider wants me to disable any anti virus , firewall etc and re-install ( I'm running Win 10 64 bit) . I'm reluctant to do this as Ive never had to do it for any other SW installation.
Any feedback most welcome

22nd Jul 2022, 16:33
Any help?




Always wary about re-doing the operating system as you can lose lots of stuff.

The other thing I can think of is do it as the administrator, both the install and setup

22nd Jul 2022, 16:58
In trying to activate an Adobe PDF reader software , the installation works fine but the activition key is not accepted.
I have deleted previous versions , then rebooted and re-installed prior but still the same issues with the activation key.
The SW provider wants me to disable any anti virus , firewall etc and re-install ( I'm running Win 10 64 bit) . I'm reluctant to do this as Ive never had to do it for any other SW installation.
Any feedback most welcome

Did you "Delete" or Uninstall ?
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Deleting might indicate that you didn't fully remove all the files correctly.
Are you using more than one AntiVirus product ?
Turning off real-time scanning shouldn't be a problem for a few minute.
Which AV product(s) are you using ?

Ignore the HUD
23rd Jul 2022, 15:09
Thank for the replies, sorry i failed to mentioned that this SW package is not from Adobe but another company. I am using BitDefender as AV software.
I removed the previous versions of the program with an uninstall option supplied by the same company before a reboot and re-install. Everything seems to go fine until I try to enter the activation key which is when the error message occurs that the activation is not possible. No reason is given.
The company have replied that that some antivirus applications have been blocking the download and activation of the application. This is considered a false positive, meaning it’s falsely reporting that th application may be harmful. Now as far as i can tell the download and installation are successful. I get no warnings or error message from windows or my AV software to recognize a threat so this part has puzzled me.

24th Jul 2022, 12:32
Silly thought, but if you need a PDF reader, why not use Adobe Reader for free? https://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/
I would be weary of installing something 'from another company' that is proving to be this troublesome. If their activation process is triggering false positives in antivirus software, isn't this perhaps an indication of something being off....
On the other hand, the standard Windows 10 defenses are quite thorough these days, so you could temporarily switch from BitDefender to Windows' own Defender and see if that helps.