View Full Version : L3 Harris Cranfield

22nd Jul 2022, 09:46
For anyone thinking about spending their hard earned cash on flight training with this UK ATO, tread carefully…https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/62c55bab8fa8f54e8fb7dba1/DA_40_NG_G-CTSB_08-22.pdf

Whilst the actions of the instructor involved in the accident were questionable to say the least, the culture of any business is driven from the top… The AAIB are hardly complimentary about that…

"Aspects of the approved training organisation’s operational management appear to have influenced behaviour in the organisation, contributing to the circumstances of the accident."

The AAIB report is a dreadful reflection on the way this ATO is being run. You’ve been warned!

22nd Jul 2022, 11:56
Well… now that they have moved their operation to Florida, they have a whole new culture to deal with. Although, why would anyone close their EU base that provides an EASA training and move to U.S is beyond me!!!!

22nd Jul 2022, 13:11
The AIB report is accurate. The culture at L3 was one of unbelievable incompetence matched by venality and greet. Toxic to the core. Good riddance from U.K. airspace. No disrespect to the hapless and thankfully survived instructor. Another victim of poor oversight from useless managers.

22nd Jul 2022, 18:21
L3 still has a small training outpost at Cranfield with a few aircraft and some instructors left over from Bournemouth. Majority of flying training is now done in Florida. Anyone wanting a UK licence and IR will complete the last few hours of training at either Cranfield or (more likely) one of L3’s sub-contractors at Oxford, Gloucester or Cork.

Cranfield is likely to close if CAA ever give approval for UK IR skill tests to be flown in USA…

23rd Jul 2022, 11:05
Pilot crashed at Cranfield after container blocked control stick


Apparently theres no such thing as bad publicity… L3 Harris might disagree!

25th Jul 2022, 00:45
I read the AIIB report and the main thing that had me gobsmacked was;
As operations staff were not required to read the operations manual, they might not have known of the prohibition on carrying cargo or dangerous goods.

When I told an old pilot friend of mine this he almost shouted “WHAT!”

25th Jul 2022, 05:52
Exactly - there should be a phrase in it that says all operating staff should be aware of its contents.