View Full Version : Alpha Aviation - Air Arabia cadet pilot programme

2nd Sep 2021, 08:27
Hello everyone,

I wanted to ask if any current or alumni of alpha aviation Sharjah can please offer their advice on whether alpha is a good program? I hear there are no guarantees after line training to get employment with Air Arabia due to the high number of cadets available and only the lucky ones from each batch get contracts.

Is this a good time to start with alpha?
As the investment is so huge, what can one do with just 1500 hours with no employment?

Please offer your advice on this program. Thank you

3rd Sep 2021, 07:48
Can you please specify why you don't encourage? Don't the top cadets get contracts with the airline?

3rd Sep 2021, 18:29
Asking someone who has only the experience of one training school isn’t going to be able to give an objective opinion on it being good. What do they compare it to? Wanting employment from it shouldn’t be your aim.
be extremely cautious about how much you give to any school. Using your money as their cash flow before they go bust has happened before. Due diligence is needed. Good luck.

3rd Sep 2021, 18:33
I don't want employment from them but I want some sort of employment once I invest so much and gain the minimum 1500 hours. So I want to know the overall airline industry whether they value someone with all those hours and training that alpha imparts.

Also the issue if employment comes up because they advertise that once you graduate you will have the option to obtain contract from air Arabia for employment. But as time has passed the pool of cadets is a lot so they cannot give everyone employment as the program has now become popular.

4th Sep 2021, 13:25
You were in Alpha? Seriously no contracts were offered to your batch? What do these cadets do then when they're let go at 1500 hours or before? Any reason given like performance issues etc?

If you had a second chance would you do it again. I'm seriously interested but current cadets who have reached line training aren't happy about it. What do they pay in line training I've heard it's 5k dhirams a month?

7th Sep 2021, 09:16
After 1500 hours and ATPL they sit at home because there are no jobs out there and won’t be for a long time . They will rip you off at every stage and could fail you in training .

5000 during training after you pay them

9th Sep 2021, 17:47
hi with atpl did you mean uae gcaa atpl exams? iam planning to sit them soon so i was looking for some feedbacks regarding the best question bank used to pass these gcaa atpl exams in uae.

14th Sep 2021, 18:37

As far as I know , one can give four attempts for a paper in uae gcaa...Also, some people say that AAG gives a question bank and almost all the questions in gcaa exams are from those question banks...although if anyone seconds this , it would be better and clear the picture..


The contract was stopped due to Covid and no cadet was fired...Also it used to happen earlier that they keep on asking additional money for different costs...as earlier cost was 4 lakh 40 aed and it didn't include cost of gcaa exams and various other things so students had to pay separately for all those...but now they mention total combined cost is 6 lakh ead so no additional costs etc they ask in between

15th Sep 2021, 05:35
really appreciate the feedback, i know that they used a question bank provided by AAG to pass these exams, thats why i was trying to know which one they used since there is alot of atpl question bank providers nowadays.

24th Sep 2021, 17:04
In the current situation it is definitely not worth it to spend such a huge amount with no guarantee that you will be given permanent contract after 1500hrs. Every first officer is not being given the permanent contract now post 1500 except maybe a few with wasta.

There are soo many laid off pilots with a lot more experience who are finding it impossible to find a job. So definitely will be a long time until 1500 hrs becomes the basic requirement for a FO to get a job elsewhere. The airline laying people off in the name of covid makes absolutely no sense as the airline is doing fairly well, they have managed to even open a new base in the last one year in Abu dhabi and are flying.

The country UAE is mostly open with no major restrictions/ lockdowns, so it has definitely not impacted the airline to such a extent for them to let go of FO's in the name of covid. It's absolutely disgusting.

6th Dec 2021, 13:16

I am an Alpha guy as well, I have the same views as you, I tried to PM you not able to. Is there another way I can contact you.

4th Jan 2022, 12:24

1) Agree no cadets were fired but there were people who were offered ABY contracts and fired with in weeks after getting contracts so yeah just to correct myself .

2) The Alpha contract has only gotten worse with time.
Yes they do ask for additional payment for your ATPL check which is apparently not a part of the contract (charging 9000AED for a 10 min check that could be done with your OPC without virtually any cost !!) this is daylight robbery because they used to not charge for it until now.

No matter what they are charging right now they will always find a reason to make you pay more as they know you have no other options.

why were they fired? I think the program used to be good like many of them went on to other airlines after their 1500hrs. But now it’s different and the delays are so bad. Also heard the recent cadets work as cabin crews after their training.

17th Feb 2022, 09:23
Any updates on whether one should pursue this? I hear many unemployed pilots in middle east.


23rd Feb 2022, 13:57
Not worth joining alpha aviation now. Supply is more than demand so they're delaying their cadets in almost all phases of course for atleast 10 months per phase. So you'll probably start your 1500hours line training when your grandkid will enroll in alpha aviation for atpl ground classes

10th May 2022, 12:01
How's the situation with unemployed pilots in UAE? Are the pilots who were let go due to covid being re-hired by their ex airlines?

I ask this because I'm confused whether or not to start the Alpha Aviation Cadet program.

Any thoughts on this at the current time? Viable or a loss? 2-3 yrs down the road what do pilot jobs in UAE look like with a GCAA ATPL and 1500 hrs?


aviatation mentor
13th May 2022, 10:10
I am an arabia cadet. Tell the truth, it would take around 8years to complete from the beginning which is from the ATPL GS till 1500hrs completion. even before covid, it tooks more than 5years. since covid they keep hiring new cadets. the cadets who joined this program in 2018 still waiting for joining airline training. it's been 4years since they joined this program. and they are expecting to join airline to start to build up 1500hrs end of this year. so it's been around 4~5years to join the airline. also for 1500hrs, it usually takes 2years. so even people joined in 2018 they would have spent 6~7years to become first officer who get normal salary as we expect if we get contract. since covid, they accepted more people to join their program. they will make you finish within 3~4years but it doesn't mean that you're going to airline right after you complete the mpl course. after you finish your mpl, we think it takes around 1year delay to join airline because a lot of cadets in between line training and sim traninig phase.

aviatation mentor
13th May 2022, 10:32
expecting to make money as a usual first officer in 7~8 years once you join the Ground school of this program. even before covid it tooks 5~6years until completing 1500hrs

16th Jul 2022, 05:28
hello everyone,

What are your current views on the alpha cadet programme for Air Arabia. Can some senior pilots please comment on this as now aviation demand is picking up?

16th Jul 2022, 12:37
I read about them, they seems to be expensive, After training is the job guaranteed?
I have friends who advised me to go to do the training in Europe or America and not to go through them.

17th Jul 2022, 21:28
Rip off , don’t do it

Fairey Seal
5th Aug 2022, 11:47
Massive recruitment ramp up happening in EK at the moment. Air Arabia is a fantastic opportunity to get real world experience and excellent training. With FlyDubai pilots restricted joining EK at present, Air Arabia cadets have a real opportunity to join EK airbus fleet.

25th Aug 2022, 23:32
Massive recruitment ramp up happening in EK at the moment. Air Arabia is a fantastic opportunity to get real world experience and excellent training. With FlyDubai pilots restricted joining EK at present, Air Arabia cadets have a real opportunity to join EK airbus fleet.

Not really...

Alpha contract only gives you 1500hours, emirates requirement is 2000, lets say airarabia gives you a permanent contract 5050 chance, you'll be bonded with 150K AED.

20th Nov 2022, 06:19
Hello guys how is the situation now in T3 Aviation Academy ( Alpha) is it worth to apply or it will take more than 4 years to finish line training ?

1st Dec 2022, 06:11
Also a T3 Cadet here,
It will definitely take 4 years or more to finish line training. I have been delayed for 13 months and counting, and it looks like there will be even more serious delays. Some cadets are more than 18 months of delays. I was sold a course that will take 22 months, but it simply is not the case. It has always been more than that, and it always will take more than that. Even before covid, it was taking over 4 years. T3 wants to maximize profit at any cost, as it is their main goal before anything else. This means they always take more cadets than their system can handle, leading to delays. Cadets will always come second to profit. In T3 and Air Arabia, maximizing profit will always come first, and always be at the expense/detriment of pilots/cadets.

Waiting isn't even so bad, I could go and do something else in this time, but either there is no information, or the answer is "soon". Always the answer is "soon". So weeks turn to months, months turn to years of waiting every week for an email that never comes. Bank balances keep dropping, and not so much as any recognition or even a sorry from T3. It is just ignored that people's lives are being wasted away. Or they try and tell you that it is because they want the best for you, and this is why there are delays... Yes I know that doesn't make sense.

When I joined, I believed that for the price of the course, it was going to be incredible, but in reality, it's a very budget course that costs a lot of money. During training, we used old outdated maps that another cadet had copied for T3, and manuals are not purchased but photocopied instead, and hard to read. One instructor was so confusing that no one could understand him, which increased the workload too much, to go and teach yourself what nobody could understand in the class.

Yes, you will eventually fly a320. But if I could go back, I would do CPL, ATPL etc from Europe or USA. It would be cheaper, quicker, and you have an EASA or FAA license at the end. GCAA cannot be converted to EASA or FAA, you have to do all the ATPL exams again. But EASA can be directly converted to GCAA. Even though it is the same syllabus and exams.
And summer in UAE is so terrible. It is so hot for more than half the year that you cannot do anything.

And with MPL, you cannot fly a private or solo plane, and you cannot fly multi-crew piston. So if you want to find another job other than an airline first officer, it's not possible.
With CPL you get to enjoy building hours and having fun experiences in different types of planes. MPL does not give that.

Also, it is not mentioned when you inquire about joining that if you get an air arabia contract, you go onto probation (6 months more of low salary) after you already finished flying 1500hrs for them, and then you have a 150k AED bond if you leave within 5 years. Plus you have to pay for your own medical, insurance, travel, food, uniform, accommodation, etc during the course.
There are no cheap tickets for friends or family or other benefits.

All the other MPL courses in the world are around 100k USD. This one is 170k USD plus the expenses listed above.

If you take into consideration the bond if you leave air arabia in the first 5 years and expenses during training, this course will realistically cost a minimum of $275,000 USD (1 million dirhams).

I would of liked if someone had given me this information so I could of made a better decision when I joined.

If your parents live in UAE and are very wealthy, this is a great course. If not, then consider all options.

Good luck

2nd Dec 2022, 05:52
Also a T3 Cadet here,
It will definitely take 4 years or more to finish line training. I have been delayed for 13 months and counting, and it looks like there will be even more serious delays. Some cadets are more than 18 months of delays. I was sold a course that will take 22 months, but it simply is not the case. It has always been more than that, and it always will take more than that. Even before covid, it was taking over 4 years. T3 wants to maximize profit at any cost, as it is their main goal before anything else. This means they always take more cadets than their system can handle, leading to delays. Cadets will always come second to profit. In T3 and Air Arabia, maximizing profit will always come first, and always be at the expense/detriment of pilots/cadets.

Waiting isn't even so bad, I could go and do something else in this time, but either there is no information, or the answer is "soon". Always the answer is "soon". So weeks turn to months, months turn to years of waiting every week for an email that never comes. Bank balances keep dropping, and not so much as any recognition or even a sorry from T3. It is just ignored that people's lives are being wasted away. Or they try and tell you that it is because they want the best for you, and this is why there are delays... Yes I know that doesn't make sense.

When I joined, I believed that for the price of the course, it was going to be incredible, but in reality, it's a very budget course that costs a lot of money. During training, we used old outdated maps that another cadet had copied for T3, and manuals are not purchased but photocopied instead, and hard to read. One instructor was so confusing that no one could understand him, which increased the workload too much, to go and teach yourself what nobody could understand in the class.

Yes, you will eventually fly a320. But if I could go back, I would do CPL, ATPL etc from Europe or USA. It would be cheaper, quicker, and you have an EASA or FAA license at the end. GCAA cannot be converted to EASA or FAA, you have to do all the ATPL exams again. But EASA can be directly converted to GCAA. Even though it is the same syllabus and exams.
And summer in UAE is so terrible. It is so hot for more than half the year that you cannot do anything.

And with MPL, you cannot fly a private or solo plane, and you cannot fly multi-crew piston. So if you want to find another job other than an airline first officer, it's not possible.
With CPL you get to enjoy building hours and having fun experiences in different types of planes. MPL does not give that.

Also, it is not mentioned when you inquire about joining that if you get an air arabia contract, you go onto probation (6 months more of low salary) after you already finished flying 1500hrs for them, and then you have a 150k AED bond if you leave within 5 years. Plus you have to pay for your own medical, insurance, travel, food, uniform, accommodation, etc during the course.
There are no cheap tickets for friends or family or other benefits.

All the other MPL courses in the world are around 100k USD. This one is 170k USD plus the expenses listed above.

If you take into consideration the bond if you leave air arabia in the first 5 years and expenses during training, this course will realistically cost a minimum of $275,000 USD (1 million dirhams).

I would of liked if someone had given me this information so I could of made a better decision when I joined.

If your parents live in UAE and are very wealthy, this is a great course. If not, then consider all options.

Good luck

Their newest baby based in Pakistan is following a similar frequency. However, they are getting bashed real bad due to the local competition. :D

10th Dec 2022, 04:16
Hello guys, anyone who did their entry assessments recently lurking here? Decided to bite the bullet & apply. How was the panel interview & aptitude tests like? Any help would be appreciated...

22nd Dec 2022, 08:17
hi ,
my friend is going to take assessment on jan 10, 2023; whens ur assessment scheduled?

5th Jan 2023, 14:57
Are you doing assessment for air arabia cadet pilot program?

6th Jan 2023, 06:26
Your inbox is full. I would like to know if you are planning for T3 CPL program.

7th Jan 2023, 14:49
hi abclums,

my friend has 1 scheduled though.
initially i was planning to; however, reveiws were not gud. like making cadets work as Cabin crew, inducting many cadets etc.
if i get 1st hand +ve info, i might change my stance though.


8th Jan 2023, 17:14

Any body have been through the assessment of T3 aviation academy for the CPL program

9th Jan 2023, 07:02
hi ,
my friend is going to take assessment on jan 10, 2023; whens ur assessment scheduled?

Have not got a date yet as I am still to complete my application... I'm still looking for a gig that will pay me to work like the FlyDubai SO program. Is your friend going for the cadet or CPL program?

Your inbox is full. I would like to know if you are planning for T3 CPL program.



Any body have been through the assessment of T3 aviation academy for the CPL program

Looks like nobody here has done it...

11th Jan 2023, 09:43
Have not got a date yet as I am still to complete my application... I'm still looking for a gig that will pay me to work like the FlyDubai SO program. Is your friend going for the cadet or CPL program?


Looks like nobody here has done it...

Anybody who has done the CPL assessment and share the feedback?

11th Jan 2023, 09:44
same if anyone has attended the assessment.

11th Jan 2023, 09:45
any feedback from your friend?

1st Mar 2023, 19:39
Anybody who has done the CPL assessment and share the feedback?
i have done the assessment and got accepted but now I'm going to do the 14 GCAA ATPL exam's
about the assessment first stage you’re going to need a reference lice the site (adapt personal questions) as there will be multiple choice questions in the assessment in different subjects like :aviation knowledge,conflicts,fast,personal questions,math and physics memory check and multi skills..
in the second stage of the assessment it will be an interview like any airline pilot job interview you’ll be asked personal and technical questions and you will have to to a verbally project in one of your choices of subject they will give you the options

1st Mar 2023, 19:41

I am an Alpha guy as well, I have the same views as you, I tried to PM you not able to. Is there another way I can contact you.
have you done the GCAA ATPL A EXAMS

1st Mar 2023, 19:42
I am an arabia cadet. Tell the truth, it would take around 8years to complete from the beginning which is from the ATPL GS till 1500hrs completion. even before covid, it tooks more than 5years. since covid they keep hiring new cadets. the cadets who joined this program in 2018 still waiting for joining airline training. it's been 4years since they joined this program. and they are expecting to join airline to start to build up 1500hrs end of this year. so it's been around 4~5years to join the airline. also for 1500hrs, it usually takes 2years. so even people joined in 2018 they would have spent 6~7years to become first officer who get normal salary as we expect if we get contract. since covid, they accepted more people to join their program. they will make you finish within 3~4years but it doesn't mean that you're going to airline right after you complete the mpl course. after you finish your mpl, we think it takes around 1year delay to join airline because a lot of cadets in between line training and sim traninig phase.Did you take the GCAA ATPL A exams if yes can you tell me if there’s a question bank please
thank u

1st Mar 2023, 19:47

As far as I know , one can give four attempts for a paper in uae gcaa...Also, some people say that AAG gives a question bank and almost all the questions in gcaa exams are from those question banks...although if anyone seconds this , it would be better and clear the picture..


The contract was stopped due to Covid and no cadet was fired...Also it used to happen earlier that they keep on asking additional money for different costs...as earlier cost was 4 lakh 40 aed and it didn't include cost of gcaa exams and various other things so students had to pay separately for all those...but now they mention total combined cost is 6 lakh ead so no additional costs etc they ask in between
can you give me the name of this question bank please

5th Mar 2023, 07:43
i have done the assessment and got accepted but now I'm going to do the 14 GCAA ATPL exam's
about the assessment first stage you’re going to need a reference lice the site (adapt personal questions) as there will be multiple choice questions in the assessment in different subjects like :aviation knowledge,conflicts,fast,personal questions,math and physics memory check and multi skills..
in the second stage of the assessment it will be an interview like any airline pilot job interview you’ll be asked personal and technical questions and you will have to to a verbally project in one of your choices of subject they will give you the options
Can you please check your inbox?

5th Mar 2023, 07:51
i have done the assessment and got accepted but now I'm going to do the 14 GCAA ATPL exam's
about the assessment first stage you’re going to need a reference lice the site (adapt personal questions) as there will be multiple choice questions in the assessment in different subjects like :aviation knowledge,conflicts,fast,personal questions,math and physics memory check and multi skills..
in the second stage of the assessment it will be an interview like any airline pilot job interview you’ll be asked personal and technical questions and you will have to to a verbally project in one of your choices of subject they will give you the options
your inbox is full, can you please clear your inbox or dm me?

5th Mar 2023, 07:52
Have not got a date yet as I am still to complete my application... I'm still looking for a gig that will pay me to work like the FlyDubai SO program. Is your friend going for the cadet or CPL program?


Looks like nobody here has done it...
any update from you?

5th Mar 2023, 07:53
hi ,
my friend is going to take assessment on jan 10, 2023; whens ur assessment scheduled?
any update from your side?

6th Mar 2023, 07:18
any update from you?
Hi I did my assessment in JAN, no news from them yet. I know someone who did his back in DEC & they had send him an email last month saying they would begin interviews the following week but nothing after that! About my initial assessment, it had a CPL level questionnaire, FAST and personality test.
Any Alpha cadets here? Do they really take so long to do your assessments? 2-3 months without any updates is quite strange IMHO.

6th Mar 2023, 18:37
1. fo salary first salary is 5k - last salary after 4000hrs(7years) is 36k this is all inclusive.

2. bond of 150k - any “problem” with you , company will do everything they can to recover this money.

3. any extra training is chargeble

4. Discuss with any pilots who work here(Not the indigo/i lost my job 2 years ago pilots) and they would tell you the reality of this profession.

there are some hard realities of this profession that isn't shared on news or media,

from how your nationality matters,

how attitudes are vastly different from normal people,

what it takes to keep yours eyes open at 5am over the indian ocean,

wishing you could wake up fresh at least once in a month

shifting schedules, one day night, one day morning, one day 4 am departure, it gets really bad, as every company wants fly to limits.

my opinion- why become a pilot when you could do a much easier job and earn twice or more salary?

7th Mar 2023, 04:26
Hi I did my assessment in JAN, no news from them yet. I know someone who did his back in DEC & they had send him an email last month saying they would begin interviews the following week but nothing after that! About my initial assessment, it had a CPL level questionnaire, FAST and personality test.
Any Alpha cadets here? Do they really take so long to do your assessments? 2-3 months without any updates is quite strange IMHO.
so you didn't get any email after your test?

7th Mar 2023, 07:23
I did the assessment for the T3 CPL Airline assessment back in december too and am waiting to hear from them about the interview…. Anyone here with an update?

7th Mar 2023, 07:46
The same for me.. i did my assessment for the cpl airline programme in december and am waiting to hear from them

7th Mar 2023, 08:03
Any update??

8th Mar 2023, 05:39
so you didn't get any email after your test?
Nope, what about you?

8th Mar 2023, 08:03
I did the assessment for the T3 CPL Airline assessment back in december too and am waiting to hear from them about the interview…. Anyone here with an update?
Same here... I had mine in December as well and I got an email from them last month about the interview being scheduled in a week. No updates after that. Maybe I haven't got through the initial assessment?

11th Mar 2023, 07:25
I did the assessment for the T3 CPL Airline assessment back in december too and am waiting to hear from them about the interview…. Anyone here with an update?
your inbox is full buddy

11th Mar 2023, 07:27
your inbox is full buddy
ok now it’s clear

15th Mar 2023, 19:10
Hello guys, anyone who did their entry assessments recently lurking here? Decided to bite the bullet & apply. How was the panel interview & aptitude tests like? Any help would be appreciated...
i did it dm

26th Jun 2023, 11:56
Been a while since I am waiting to hear from them

26th Jun 2023, 12:31
Been a while since I am waiting to hear from them
same as you when did you finished 2nd assessment?

11th Jul 2023, 20:27
can you give me the name of this question bank please

Could you guide me also on this please which question bank to use?

12th Jul 2023, 12:58
How many have been kicked out ? And what costs have they incurred ?

19th Jul 2023, 08:22
anyone who is still waiting for the results?

24th Jul 2023, 03:12
I am an arabia cadet. Tell the truth, it would take around 8years to complete from the beginning which is from the ATPL GS till 1500hrs completion. even before covid, it tooks more than 5years. since covid they keep hiring new cadets. the cadets who joined this program in 2018 still waiting for joining airline training. it's been 4years since they joined this program. and they are expecting to join airline to start to build up 1500hrs end of this year. so it's been around 4~5years to join the airline. also for 1500hrs, it usually takes 2years. so even people joined in 2018 they would have spent 6~7years to become first officer who get normal salary as we expect if we get contract. since covid, they accepted more people to join their program. they will make you finish within 3~4years but it doesn't mean that you're going to airline right after you complete the mpl course. after you finish your mpl, we think it takes around 1year delay to join airline because a lot of cadets in between line training and sim traninig phase.
Heyy there, I just saw a lot of messages and i would really like to know if it is worth spending this kind of money now ( It is roughly 7 Lac Dirhams now) for the mpl cadet course. I am planning to give my assesment exams in the second week of august.! It would be really helpful to get an insight. thanks.!

24th Jul 2023, 22:01
8 years to earn 36 thousand dirham, use your brain , parent and children both foolish

2nd Aug 2023, 05:56
Heyy there, I just saw a lot of messages and i would really like to know if it is worth spending this kind of money now ( It is roughly 7 Lac Dirhams now) for the mpl cadet course. I am planning to give my assesment exams in the second week of august.! It would be really helpful to get an insight. thanks.!

The location on your profile says India, why would you spend 700k when you could join cadet programs with Indigo or others for less money and much better terms? Especially now that the hiring scene there is pretty good.

9th Aug 2023, 08:39
Hi I did my assessment in JAN, no news from them yet. I know someone who did his back in DEC & they had send him an email last month saying they would begin interviews the following week but nothing after that! About my initial assessment, it had a CPL level questionnaire, FAST and personality test.
Any Alpha cadets here? Do they really take so long to do your assessments? 2-3 months without any updates is quite strange IMHO.

Hey please check inbox

9th Aug 2023, 08:40
Been a while since I am waiting to hear from them

hey please check inbox

10th Aug 2023, 16:21
Pls tell Moi, how many student fail the base training in Al khaimah? What is the cost to re do visual circuit pattern ?

6th Sep 2023, 20:46
Hello everyone,

I want to know what's the current situation at T3 Aviation Academy like. I'm seriously considering enrolling in their MPL program sometime this year and want to gain insight from some of their current students/alumni who have graduated recently. Also, how long does it realistically take to complete the whole program? What are the job scenes like after the completion of 1500 hours?

9th Nov 2023, 16:42
Hi everyone,
Currently, I am a Canadian Commercial Pilot holding a Category 1 Instrument rating along with an IATRA (intermediate airline transport rating), backed by 290 hours of flying experience. My ambition is to transition my career to the UAE and acquire an A320 type rating through T3, with the goal of securing a position with Air Arabia.

I'm considering taking the T3 CPL assessment in the next two weeks. I'd love to hear from anyone who has experienced a similar career transition or has knowledge about the assessment process (Question Bank), the viability of this career shift, and any guidance regarding the timeline for completing the A320 type rating with T3.

Thank you in advance for sharing your expertise and experiences.

9th Nov 2023, 18:23
Your inbox is full. I would like to know if you are planning for T3 CPL program.
Hi just wondering if you did the assessment, and started your CPL program, I have the assessment in two weeks

2nd Jan 2024, 05:18
Hello everyone, I heard that assessments for the CPL program have been done. Any who have been called to begin TR here? How is their contract... is there a possibility to gain employment with AA after completion? Do they provide similar remuneration as the MPL cadets or transportation & accommodation for the training duration? Thanks

16th Jan 2024, 17:25
i have done the assessment and got accepted but now I'm going to do the 14 GCAA ATPL exam's
about the assessment first stage you’re going to need a reference lice the site (adapt personal questions) as there will be multiple choice questions in the assessment in different subjects like :aviation knowledge,conflicts,fast,personal questions,math and physics memory check and multi skills..
in the second stage of the assessment it will be an interview like any airline pilot job interview you’ll be asked personal and technical questions and you will have to to a verbally project in one of your choices of subject they will give you the options
how many people they accepted for the CPL program?

16th Jan 2024, 17:36
The same for me.. i did my assessment for the cpl airline programme in december and am waiting to hear from them
you have finally been accepted?

24th Feb 2024, 04:33
Hello everyone, I heard that assessments for the CPL program have been done. Any who have been called to begin TR here? How is their contract... is there a possibility to gain employment with AA after completion? Do they provide similar remuneration as the MPL cadets or transportation & accommodation for the training duration? Thanks


23rd Apr 2024, 16:48
lesnar7 I wanted to ask after you applied for this CPL programme, after how much time did they contacted you for further details?

24th Apr 2024, 04:43
after how much time did they contacted you for further details?

They might take few weeks.. After that expect around 1 year from when your documents are approved till all steps of assessment are complete... After that, you will have to wait for the availability of a TR batch.
Do note that the CPL program is a cadet pool for T3 in addition to their MPL cadets, so your priority for being allocated a TR batch will be below them.
Also, you will need to have a UAE visa (its on you/no sponsorship), GCAA atpl theory (14 subjects) in case of non uae license, UAE ELP & class 1 medical before beginning TR.

Fly highhigh
3rd May 2024, 07:44

I'm now interested in CPL holder programe of T3.

Can I ask the total cost and duration of the course?

It's too hard to find a information about it.


3rd May 2024, 09:23
You have to email T3 Academy and ask them relating that programme. I applied like 2 weeks back but until now I didn't got any reply. They say they will contact only shortlisted candidates in couple of weeks.

I don't know until when I should wait also.

10th May 2024, 15:28
Hi I did my assessment in JAN, no news from them yet. I know someone who did his back in DEC & they had send him an email last month saying they would begin interviews the following week but nothing after that! About my initial assessment, it had a CPL level questionnaire, FAST and personality test.
Any Alpha cadets here? Do they really take so long to do your assessments? 2-3 months without any updates is quite strange IMHO.
Hey. Can you please share some example questions from the theoretical knowledge part. What was the difficulty level. And what type of questions were there?

11th May 2024, 04:51
Hey. Can you please share some example questions from the theoretical knowledge part. What was the difficulty level. And what type of questions were there?

Hi, it was a general exam on the basics only, not too tough. Say 5/10 in difficulty. As long as you know the basic concepts of the subjects you don't even need to prepare for it to be honest. Hope that helps.

The program is currently closed as far as I know.

24th May 2024, 17:45
Hi, it was a general exam on the basics only, not too tough. Say 5/10 in difficulty. As long as you know the basic concepts of the subjects you don't even need to prepare for it to be honest. Hope that helps.

The program is currently closed as far as I know.
Hey I wanted to ask how's the current situation looking like with the air arabia cadet program? Still as dire as before?